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We dig through the threads and threads of Twitter Files to discuss the cozy relationship between the FBI and the social media giant, the populist pressures behind deplatforming @realdonaldtrump, and the impossible project of content moderation at scale.




Catching up on all the episodes I missed, this one was great but for the record while Rugrats and Hey Arnold don't take place in the same universe, Rugrats and the Wild Thornberries DO take place in the same universe because they had a crossover which I remember almost nothing about except that it wasn't great

Richard Kirby

@1:24.. how do you solve the content moderation problem caused by the secret influencing of the IC? Get them out of content moderation. That would be a great of start. Duh.


Preach Liz, preach!


I know he’s been brought up but Byung Chul Hans book Non-Things was really a good read. Quick too


Shellenberger isn’t even a doctor he just conveniently uses his first and middle initial MD right after his name because he’s that much of charlatan.

Michelle Lambing

I thought I saw Brace in a photo in Bowen Yang’s IG stories, and I guess it really was him! Well that sounds like a fun as hell time (except for the movie outing).


This is tranche warfare!

I am become reply guy

Hunter Biden cannot be forgiven for his cavalier treatment of Brace’s favorite sacrament, crack.

our lady of reclaimed teeth

this is goofy but i study anthro and i'd love to read the article in nature that liz was talking about, has anyone been able to find it? thanks!


https://www.nature.com/articles/441383b I think this is it!


https://www.nature.com/articles/s42005-021-00579-3 Unless this is it... (Whenever my research assistant brain actually kicks in, I'll try to scower for free pdfs)

Char Kelly

The fact that there wasn’t a TrueAnon/Las Culturista pod giving a Ghislane update during the Miley Cyrus New Years bonanza bash is a travesty. Woulda been a better use of time instead of seeing Babylon


My most pressing question is what secret does Liz know about the beaches in LA? there is no reason to get close enough to the Pacific ocean in California to touch it, find a nice cliff or something they're way nicer than any of the beaches.

Sander Emerick

Way late to this but Liz were you trying to sing “Avalon” by Foxygen?


I'm pretty sure it was Babylon by David Gray: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI_SBAkdKzc