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Author Douglas Rushkoff joins us to talk through his enduring tech-poptism, Edge conferences with some of the worlds biggest villains, the failed potentials of the internet, and his new book “Survivial of the Richest: Escape Fantasies of Tech Billionaires.” 




NZer here (who has ironically been to the farm that Theil now owns): why do the billionaires want to build doom bunkers here? Our agriculture is heavily dependent on hydrocarbons, and there’s very little industry here. Like if you can build doom bunkers, why not just build them where they currently live? The only upside to billionaire doom farms here is that you can get a feel for how close to Armageddon by the number of private jets parked at Queenstown airport.


Really good episode, and the production on the YC music was the best I've heard so far

Zoe Hart

im obsessed. definitely made me want to buy the book.


Most Amish men here in Pennsylvania use computers and smart phones, take ubers, etc. Was on a job site recently where an elder confiscated this young guy's phone because he was addicted to looking at instagram models. The women are still prohibited from technology, of course. Anyway, if I get cut off one more time by a buggy running a red light because Abe got sloshed in the Sheetz parking lot and is passed out in the cab I'm gonna lose it.


Brace sounds like he’s talking to his brother or childhood friend in this ep


Google search doesn’t suck now because there’s too much in the algorithm, it’s because the web is bloated with SEO content and exploits the algorithm for exposure. I’m sure today’s algorithm used on the internet from 10 years ago would be amazing. That said, it’s definitely true no one really knows the whole scope of what’s in there anymore.


I loved this ep!! The energy was electric and I feel you were all so gleeful when you got into big ideas :)


Grew up in Lancaster. Will never forget the smell of standing behind an Amish family of 14 at a random Turkey Hill. So many children, all using electronics, yet the concept of a shower was out of the question.


Please unlock this one! For the good of humankind etc etc


God rules


more Doug!!!!

Katherine Moss

God it’s so nice to hear this feeling/observation being confirmed. Like the dumbing down or being infantilized by all these people trying to “save” us. I agree with releasing this for public. Also, a small note, I was listening to some podcast that had a I believe blind person talking about how those QR codes actually allow them to “read” a menu.

Nicole S

truly one of my favourite episodes! gave me some hope and motivation for these trying times :)))


Brace so astute on the point of how internet used to be a source of freedom and now it’s a form of deep mental and societal entrapment…. Yea