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Author Nick Bryant joins us to talk about sexual blackmail, his first death threat, the spookiness of Nebraska, and some of the weird and uncanny characters he’s come across in his decades reporting on some of the darkest, most disturbing deep state intelligence networks. 

The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal by Nick Bryant




Can you guys bring finkelstein back on the pod pls

Nat Cohen

Great ep but the DID part is a little frustrating; Nick's counter is "could all these people really be lying to me?" but as Brace points out, these people are (understandably) grabbling with serious mental health problems and trauma- the question isn't "are they lying?" the question is whether DID/mind control is a coping mechanism. I've known more than one person who genuinely believed they were being gang stalked and that the government was sending them secret messages. They weren't *lying* about that, but that doesn't mean it's true!


You guys should get sponsored by oatly



Polly Walnuts

I get that, for sure. I am inclined to be a little generous though and say that maybe Bryant is hesitant to contribute to the pile-on, since all these kids have been told their whole lives is that they are lying about everything they are saying (which is a problematic thing to do to victims on so many levels). Owen even went to prison where she was held in solitary confinement for years because she refused to recant, Troy Boner and his brother are both dead, Caradori and his young son are both dead, and the list really, really goes on. Probably the only reason Bonnaci is still alive is that he was so loud about it, so publicly, from the beginning. I'm wondering if his hesitance is a fear of throwing the baby out with the bathwater, or maybe just in alienating one of the only people left who are willing to talk about this case despite all the (pretty inarguably the case) murder and harassments victims and advocates have endured trying to get this stuff out there. He was definitely dodgy on questions about Bonnaci which makes him sound a little suspect, but I'm inclined to think one or both of the above are, among other things, the reasoning behind that. I am convinced that Bonnaci is convinced of his DID diagnosis, and I am also convinced that a lot of what he is saying is absolutely true, especially given the number of people who have corroborated him, and the fact that I just can't think of any reason he would KNOW a lot of this stuff (locations he describes in detail, individuals your average non-wonk person--especially with limited education--doesn't even know the names of, etc.) without having experienced it, especially pre-internet and from a jail cell. As to Bryant, I'd also add that some people just kind of suck at being interviewed. https://memes.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/3bcd5338-e559-4cb6-ad88-8c92030a41e8

Nat Cohen

Appreciate this take, I agree that they’re being truthful about the abuse they suffered and that it’s probably more important not to split hairs.


I’ve listened to every episode of this podcast since it debuted and still do not really know wtf the Franklin Scandal is/was? Yes, I know it has been referenced, but when? If there were episodes cited for me to go back to, I’d go back to them — but none are specifically referenced in the episode nor in the shownotes, and the tag used on this post only leads to…. This post. I feel frustrated when there are guests on the show and rather than explain things/concepts/people/timelines it’s just L&B showing who’s more familiar with whatever esoteric subject the guest just touched on. “Oh yeah, ugh! So-and-so is the worst! I have some juicy gossip on so-and-so but I’ll save that for after the show!” I don’t even know who so-and-so is half the time!! Please explain this stuff!! Please give a cohesive timeline/layout/cast of characters 😭

a clash of purple

Yeah, I agree. It's way too difficult to find anything about the Franklin Scandal except Nick Bryant's book and the debünkers claiming the whole thing is a hoax because grand juries said so (without saying anything else about it). So you guys should do some research for us. Chop chop!

Polly Walnuts

A link to a documentary about it has been posted several times in the thread (including by myself up there somewhere). It's under an hour. The whole thing is a maze, so you kind of do need a Discovery Channel style straight-up report to find your way around it, which is what that link is. Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqkgZUwdS50 Oh, and absolutely not safe for work. Not even a little. Extremely upsetting and disturbing things are said, fair warning.


Nick gave a high-level explanation in this episode after Brace asked "What went down in Nebraska?" at 22:56


I have re-listened to the episode three times, specifically starting at that point. Maybe it’s a me issue as I consistently struggle to understand these episodes.


Oops. Hit post too soon. Meant to include that what confuses me a lot though is that “the Franklin scandal” is self-references in explaining the scandal itself wh


I can’t even handle this Patreon commenting interface 😭 I’ll just wait for the next ep


the documentary that "oof madone" (what a name lol) linked is incredible. i hope everyone in this thread watches it. never fly in private aircraft guys.

David Constine

A very different take on The Finders is heard in the episode by QAnonAnonymous, essentially dispelling the idea they engaged in SRA. Who do I believe? Frankly I’m still incredibly skeptical that SRA is a real phenomenon at all. I like this guy but I have no idea of how credible any of this is.


I went down this rabbit once before.. Listening to Nick’s book now and it is not at all good for my psyche.


wait, what's that about larry king?


You don’t believe in the socialist rifle association? Some comrade you are smh


Great episode! I’m even more depressed now, thanks TrueAnon!


Was actually thinking just before listening that I appreciate Gen Xers. They have that preinternet wisdom and good aesthetic sensibility imo

Marko Stričević

great episode! just found about the sex trafficking and abuse allegations against Afrika Bambaataa, but couldnt find anything worthy to read on that. would love to hear an episode on that from you guys

Leah Levine

Please do episodes on Ed Buck and Celeste Guap!!!! Y’all would KILL it.

Jason Troutman

I think it could be something as simple as a semantics game. Realistically Satanism typically is something practiced by edgelords. The Black Mass is a different ballgame tho. But different elements are needed to complete that such as a real ordained priest and consecrated land. Simply take out the Satanic element and plug and place another archetype or deity is where it has to become undeniable this stuff occurs. These media figures create the panic with sensational headlines on real topics just to debunk it playing rhetorical and semantic games.