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After the Cold War, NATO needed to reinvent itself politically for the post-Soviet world. For the final installment of our three-part series, we welcome back Ben Howard to talk through the collapse of the USSR, the rise and fall of the Partnership for Peace, and NATO interventions from Yugoslavia to Afghanistan, and we try to figure out just what Article V really means.

Kamala press conference video 




Sorry had to turn this off half way through, new bladee dropped


gonna dip too just found out it dropped from your comment lol


If you talk long enough you always start to argue about tiers


It's an old Chinese saying" Blood debt will be paid back with blood." 血債血償


brace, it's called north macedonia. calling it macedonia is intentionally colonial rhetoric which makes it seem like north macedonia is a hellinistic region not an autonomous blah blah im sorry the nationalist libs are making me so mad


I love Ben. We all love Ben


Plz do an episode on Zelensky thank you


god bless liz+brace+yung+guest 💜💜💜 great series, great ep ✊️


Hi Brace. was thinking about that stat about the 5% of users accounting for a large chunk of their revenue - is it possible that some of those users are sharks who do it for a living and bet large sums? Not to say that’s a healthy way to live but do you think they fit the profile of gambling addicts? Loved the ep!!

Cary B

Anyone know where to point me to read more on this?

Floyd Hill

Lol me too, but the country over there literally did change its name to "North Macedonia" a few years ago. They somehow also had (and banned) a very occult 16 pointed star symbol known as the Star of Virginia on their flag for a long while until 2018...and also on other official Regalia from the country, although they're not supposed to, I've seen riot cops over there with the that 16 pointed star on their helmets on pictures post ban. I wonder what's so important about that symbol.

Floyd Hill

YES, that asshole is gaslighting SO MANY previously antiwar people, it's batshit. This dude must be in some sect or something, cos he's a jew, he can't be a nazi...a fascist for sure....but he has to be scrutinized because not enough Ukrainians who don't like him (who aren't Poroshenko supporters either) aren't doing that much about him, unlike South Koreans did with their President in late 2016...another strategically placed "country".

Bill Noneya

I think yall are overestimating the abilities of American anti-missile defense systems. They're actually quite shitty. Great Episode though!