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Throughout the Cold War, NATO conducted large-scale terror campaigns in several European countries using a network of secret agents and neo-Nazis. We take the examples of Italy & Belgium and tie them into the larger NATO project.



Mary Farrell

for anyone else relistening, i would highly recommend checking out ghost stories for the end of the world! fantastic, well-researched series on the years of lead in belgium


Anyone got further recs on reading? I wrote down Ben's recommendation and I know there's Daniele Ganser's book "NATO's Secret Armies".


apparently it wasnt even julien lahaut who yelled “vive la republique”. but yeah killed by some hitmen hired by the industrialists from union miniere (now rebranded to umicore, and known for their factories’ immense polution and health violations). reading about belgian parapolitics is fucking depressing.

Daniel Goffe

This is cool but I have to @Trueanon over something here. I’m from UK. We had a chance in 2017 to elect Corbyn, the most anti NATO and anti Imperialist Labour Prime Minister ever and Russian oligarchs donated to the Tory party, and were all up in the Tory press and even bought a UK newspaper, the London Evening Standard. They did the same shit in 2019 GE but even harder. So when people from the States say, ‘why are you on the fence, you wet noodles, and you won’t come out for Putin?’ Yeah we don’t support Biden, we don’t support Zelensky, we don’t support NATO, but we sure as fuck don’t like Putin because his people had a choice to stick out of our election but instead they backed the UK Ruling class over the working class in the best chance we might ever have to get a Socialist Prime Minister! Corbyn would have been good for Russia, he wanted the Minsk accords, he knew that Russia had been failed by the west. There was literally no excuse other than greed as to why they wanted the Tories in. So fence sitting isn’t really fence sitting, it’s actually intelligent observation that both regimes are corrupt in Ukraine and the interests of our working class are incompatible with the oligarch class. We were 800k votes away from winning the popular vote in 2017! The ruling class will never make a mistake like that again, and the Russian oligarchs in London helped them to do it(and were big donors, not a small minority). Just had to get that off my chest. I appreciate what you all are doing with the pod, but there’s angles to this also. Thanks.


i mean honestly whatever bro, the other team was doing all the same kind of shit via the baader meinhof gang and various palestinians


What does Belgium really mean to you?


What’s the logic here? I don’t think this episode was about which side was worse. The “team” who’s actions should matter to you is the one that acts in your name.


the raf was quite good (at least in the beginning)! And they weren't in fact connected to the east

natfos 💌

this shouldn't be behind a paywall!!! so good and such crucial information!! I voted for the tucker one to be public, and that might get more streams, but this one's even more important in these times I feel like


What the C.I.A. did in Italy was textbook Jakarta Method...

Daniel Goffe

I’d also add that it’s true that ending the fed as the reserve for global payments would increase the chance of a socialist government in England and across all nations that use dollar reserves. So if Putin was playing the long game for that by getting a government he’d have more leverage over (Johnson, Tories) then there’s an argument for that being better in the long run, but it could end up having unpredictable results, ie there could be more USA influence over the UK and EU (if dollar reserves remained in those specific areas) whereas China would have more influence in Africa and Asia. That would mean basically there would likely not be a chance for socialism in Europe unless there was some kind of change in the USA politics. Furthermore the Russians weren’t the sole cause of Corbyn not getting elected, the secret services, bourgeois media, ruling class and managerial technocrat career politicians of the Labour Party did most. I also want to thank Trueanon, they have taught me a lot about geopolitics and I’m grateful for that.


this shit is so depressing to listen to. Feels like it was a massive fuck up for the Comintern to not seize the moment immediately after the war.


lmao yeah dude cause Baader-Meinhof did a decades long terror campaign throughout all of Europe

Cyclops giraffe

Nazi Pinocchio's nose grows when you lie about your racial heritage