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We’re joined by independent researcher Ben for a multi-part series exploring the theory and practice of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Part One is about the creation of NATO and the early years of the organization.



Kane Shirley

was playing this at work and my coworker asked if it was joe rogan when he heard bens voice


I stan the Belden Plan

K Barlas

Stoked to hear people actually acknowledge the greek civil war, a really slept on part of the beginning of the cold war, great stuff


Fun fact: Scotland's national animal is the Unicorn!


Enter the Emoryverse


It might be just me but i don’t have access to the other parts of this series on RSS feed or on Patreon app. Anyone else missing these?

Donna Oakes-Munro

As a boomer, I'm having so much cognitive dissonance! Great episode.


I also can’t seem to find Part 2 and Part 3 of the NATO episodes on the RSS feed!

Marina Hanna

Who is this guest, Ben? Unless I missed it, I’ve only heard Brace and Liz say he’s an “independent researcher” but I don’t know what that means… I wish he would mention his sources or even vaguely reference where he gets his information. When he’s a guest on the pod, it’s always to discuss very layered and murky subjects like NATO, 9/11, JFK, etc. I always assumed he was some kind of expert, so I should take his analysis at face value, but I don’t know what kind of research he does.


I want to second Ben's recommendation of van der Pijls's Making of the Atlantic Ruling Class. I read it while listening to these and, while it's pretty dry, it gives a great outline of the factions of the western ruling classes. I've found myself using it a lot recently while thinking through the deeper politics of the western alliance. Arrighi's Long Twentieth Century pairs very well with it.