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We examine the rise of mobile gambling in America, the push to legalize sports betting, big data's drive to create infinite markets, and the digital superstorm of machine-engineered psychosis.



a dentist

i have sent this episode to so manyy people, and i've never had the response from a shared podcast episode as this one. the gambling issue in the usa is so out of control, and no one knows about this shit on this level. thank you guys. between this and the game series, you've effectively made me not fun at parties lmao


For anyone that wants to go down the rabbit hole on why pro-sport franchise owners have been pushing for betting legalization over decades, I recommend the many Dan Mouldea interviews found on youtube.

Jonathan lees

Realities of state control updated

Tristan Abbott

The "free bets!!" gimmick online books use isn't a loss leader. Much more insidious. If a person takes the bonus, they then have to "roll over" their funds several times before they're allowed to withdraw any winnings. This is why BetDSI was indicted by New Jersey--don't remember the exact figures, but it was something like you had to bet your deposit+bonus TWENTY times over before you could take it out, which effectively meant no one would ever be able to withdraw.

Arielle Curtin

I know this will make Brace groan, but any chance you could do an ep on FTD and naked shorts, what Gary’s up to, etc?


I watched the KU game with my partner because her plans fell through. It was pretty fun until the last few minutes which were absolutely ridiculous. Never again

Jimmy Bronchitis

"yOu wAnNa wIn bY oNe pOinT or faCKin' thIRty pOinTs, KG?"


"sports betting singularity", lol, oh humans. Your not crazy. I guess, humans will have a market value, which we do, credit rating?, but with blockchain accuracy and maybe a UBI based on how personal conduct effects the world. Current system has to change so we'll see. Thx, cool ass show.

Mason Doyle

jackrabbits arent "game", in fact, they are "varmints"

Lev I Bortz

Zinoviev Telegram, not Bukharin