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TrueAnon takes it back to ‘63 as we bring in Independent Researcher Ben (@housetrotter) and Professor Doctor Deep State Aaron Good (@Aaron_Good_) for our first installment of the beginners guide to the JFK assassination. 

Check out  Aaron’s latest article on Kennedy and Adam Curtis here.

Episode music by Stellium.



Kamran Husain

just finishing boardwalk empire now great rec

Ian G

the powmia foreshadowing

Craig Courtney

Thank you for the separate links for the previous JFK eps. I gave up searching

Ian G

I found them from their “collections” tab :3 The nato ones are good too



Joshua Denning

This is gonna fucking rock


I am so here for this




pizza delivery for I.C. Weiner


Read "The Devil's Chessboard" and "JFK and the Unspeakable" if you want to fucking melt your brain




Oh boy. I have been waiting for this.

Kai Chalmers

No shooter theory let's fucking go!!!


Lets goooooooooooo


about time!!!!!!



Jimothy Realname

This is a, er, uh, great day to ride in a uh open topped limo


Let's goooooo

features creatures

I JUST re-listened to the “Death is just around the corner” episodes on JFK so this is perfect.

Jimothy Realname

"Think of all the deranged, profoundly myopic, emotionally unstable and overall unintelligent people you know who call themselves a “Marxist” in your daily life" Hey, what did I do to warrant this personal attack?

Chris Hildreth

Syncing up perfectly with the new season of Blowback too. Well done.


FRICK yes I’ve been waiting for a JFK episode for so long


oh god oh fuck


Hell yea Brace Hussein Beldan

Ben and Hiroshi

literally dropped after watching Jackie

Ophelia Mayer

Sickos: “Yes hahahaha, YES”

Hume An

Thank you!


YESSS I was just reading the deep state article linked in the aaron good ep and dying to learn more

Zakir KH

I've been waiting so long for this, awesome!


This is the one we've been waiting for!!!!

will michel

holy shit i’m gonna cum


Well shiiiiiiiiit

Verlaine Miller

I'm super excited for ep. 2 of ???! I also suggest people listen to the five part series on jfk by Michael S. Judge. It's a good listen!

Sam GL .



Okay cool. Gonna try to max out on pushups while I listen to this

Justin Sexton

Texas is the reason that an Irishmens dead


h o l y shit 👀 very pumped about this

a clash of purple

It's amazing that after all this time and controversy, TrueAnon is finally confirming what I've always believed: that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in killing Kennedy and that nothing untoward or conspiratorial happened anywhere ever.


Great fuckin ep you beautiful mfers!


turn up


It would be great if this was episode 1 out of ??? and after all that bickering it just ended up being the only episode in the series.


Hell yes


Get Francis Richard Conolly on the pod


Back on form! This is the stuff I want to hear about 👏👏👏

Fhjklmn bo

I like that lou reed song, "the day John Kennedy died"




Let me guess, he killed himself




Jack came from out on the island, in the back seat he was everybody's darling, but he lost his head


Bernie survived the heart attack gun

Yevka D

Gonna listen to this instead of getting a FOIA to find out if my fam was CIA or not.


"I DiD thE BeSt i coULD" - Lee Harvey Oswald, Ladybird's Mom in "Ladybird" and Rapist NayNay


"mIstaKeS weRe MaDe!" - Jack Ruby's prize dachshund, Mary June Rotten Crotch's entire Sunday School class and the FBI agents re: The Finders cult


Fantastic idea! You wouldn't know their CIA names anyway lol


LIZ & BRACE: Compare & contrast Allen Dulles, OSS and Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger, OSS.


P.M.A. Linebarger's Godfather (literal, church Godfather) was Sun Yat Sen. You will find his career, his writings on psychological warfare as well as his work published under various pseudonyms and his engagement with JFK, fascinating. Andrew

Degrassi Osborne

Love the esurgence of JFK interest.


“Bitter Fruit,” by Steven Kinzer is a good read about the 1954 CIA coup in Guatemala.


Can we get 2x volume on the second half of Brace’s sentences




OK Brace, just so you remember, you gave us a promise of T-Shirts.


Please more T-Shirts

Neil Harris

You guys generally are great, but this obsession the modern left has with the Kennedy assassination is a total waste of time. Kennedy was absolutely awful. He was a berserk hawk on Vietnam and Cuba. The missile crisis happened because the Cubans and Soviets correctly thought there was another invasion coming, which Kennedy did intend. He had the Cia conduct Mongoose, and ordered it intensified in the months prior to his death. He signed an assassination order for Castro on November 22, 1963. He was garbage. I wish the young left, which is good in so many ways, including you guys who do excellent work, would let the dead bury their dead. If you gotta talk about dead guys, let's hear more on a true hero, Chairman Mao.


I can’t hear the guest’s voice without my mind’s eye picturing Pete Buttigieg.

Neil Harris

Read Rethinking Camelot by Noam Chomsky if you want to keep your brain.

Alexandria Henderson

My dads been trying to get me interested in this topic since I was in high school. Thanks for the father-daughter bonding content. TrueAnon, bringing families together

William Pepper

His article y’all linked wasn’t great. Excited for the episode though

Jonathan lees

One toke over the line. The big test the all time study .They had to try it on.kill the Man see what happens,put the cat amongst the pigeons

Nic Warnock

Great ep! Seeing the Devil's Chessboard versus Chomsky's Rethinking Camelot above and occasionally see the "JFK was a Hawk, his assassination was not a significant political event for US policy" from people I generally think have a great understanding of US State apparatuses hand in the world. Thought Ben and Aaron (and Liz and Brace) made mention of what seems to be good research/evidence against that Chomsky line of thinking and why the JFK assassination matters (without being JFK stans).


This dropping, just as I’m finishing “JFK and the Unspeakable” is extremely fortuitous (said the CIA agent who is who is attempting to incriminate me on the internet).


did i press something wrong or is the 2nd half of this sped up? (great episode btw excited for the rest)

a clash of purple

Some people say they can't hear a TrueAnon guest's voice without their mind's eye picturing Pete Buttigieg. Well I say that I can't picture a TrueAnon guest in my mind's eye without Pete Buttigieg hearing me!


Liz, about 2 months ago I went on a tangent to my partner about how John Oliver was an asset because of this particular episode that you mentioned (conspiracy theories), and then it just solidified it with his episode on the Uighurs. I already know of course that all of these people and their peers are, but with John Oliver, the propaganda wasn't TOO in your face except for the constant praise of the democrats of course, so I just ignored it cause I thought he was funny, but after these 2 episodes the veil was totally lifted for me and I couldn't stomach it anymore. Loved that you called him out specifically lol.


dude sounds like pete buttigieg 🔥🔥


Just found this interesting Georg Lukács quote, "It is the CIA that ultimately conducts the "defense of freedom" on the part of the United States-from South America to Vietnam. It is this organization which also guarantees the domestic triumph of monopolist propaganda. Prime examples are the assassinations of the two Kennedys, or of Martin Luther King . The clarification of both these cases is still unresolved. In the first case, even the judicial inquiries have not led to any definitive conclusions. The factual chronology of the events of Kennedy's murder is still unclarified , yet everyone whose reasoning is not totally manipulated knows that things could not have possibly happened in the way the Warren Report depicts them. In addition, it is not possible to keep secret the fact that the death rate of potential witnesses in these cases far exceeds the average in America.”

Clark D'Agostino

last week I had the strangest dream, where everything was exactly as it seemed! and there was never any mystery of who shot john f kennedy. It was just a man with something to proove slightly bored and severely confused, he readyed the rifle with his target in the center and became famous on that day in november

D.K. Wilson

Well, Byrd was the person who had the original 6th floor window and frame removed and taken to his personal, in-home“collection” room.

D.K. Wilson

Also, despite Austin, TX being in the midst of an intel agency-led tech and massive real estate overhaul, there’s a remnant building from the bygone days smack in the middle of about a dozen Dubai-sized cranes. While pretty much everything else is being torn down in favor of blu-tinted, sun blocking skyscrapers, this little 15-story edifice remains untouched. At the top of this building is a penthouse that can only be accessed by a special elevator that goes only to the penthouse (that looks like part high above ground office/bunker. This little place is said to hold “The secrets.” A few people have intimated that pretty much EVERYTHING of worth, communication and document-wise, pertaining to a certain November event that occurred about four hours north, are kept there. Oh, and did I forget that this was also LBJ’s little secret office? I did forget... my bad.


A. Wilson: nice, all but for the stubborn fact that the round that blew out JFK's skull came from the front, with the Texas Book Depository already behind the motorcade. Damn stubborn facts. aw

D.K. Wilson

An FYI... the French had control of those fields well before the CIA got there - after all, that is home base for the French Connection. All the CIA did was help covertly aid the demise of the French’s cash cow so they could do what the U.S. is famous for... appropriating someone else’s possessions of value and rewriting the past to omit them selves from any of the dirtiest wrong doing.

Gabo Goff

What was the guy who owned the book depository


the CIA guy deleted his comment lol

Soothingly Farce

who Bryce? they guy that isn't following any creators on this website, which seems normal to me.


I’m only at the top of the episode and I just wanna say one of the guests voice sounds like he’s doing a Batman impression. I don’t mind it. Very on brand for the topic.

Kennedy Connor

thanks for the REDHEAD insult LIZ, how about BOOMER too?


“I not only opposed it, I threatened them with bodily harm if they touched it,” - Congressman Pickle

D.K. Wilson

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. That's the good ol' "Texas Spirit!"




This is such a good ep and Aaron’s work is so good but when he talks about the history of civilisation being the history of domination I hurt inside! U guys need to get David Wengrow on the pod to talk about his forthcoming book with the late David Graeber!!! Upturns all that shit https://www.laphamsquarterly.org/democracy/hiding-plain-sight


Except as I understand it, he actually had a window from the 5th floor removed

D.K. Wilson

My bad... yes! Which threw into question which floor a shooter may have been on.

Michael S. Judge

There's no serious argument against the fact – not opinion – that JFK was planning to get out of Vietnam. Getting sold out by Harriman and Cabot Lodge in the CIA-directed assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem, which he did *not* order, was the last straw for him, and he made it clear to a number of people that getting completely out of Vietnam by the end of ’65 was going to be a major priority of his second term. The day before he died, he told Pierre Salinger that we'd start withdrawing after the 1964 election, because "Vietnam is not worth one more American life." He planned on a state visit to recognize the Sukarno government, for christ's sake. And the clever-clever sons of bitches who pretend that NSAM 63 somehow "wasn't" a draw-down order can never explain why Lyndon Johnson's first official action as President was ... countermanding NSAM 63.