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TrueAnon FinCo Fav Alexandra Scaggs joins us to track down the billions of dollars that vanished practically overnight with the blowup of Archegos and Greensill Capital.



R Finkle


Lionel Boyd Johnson

Gary Gygax- LOL! Over the heads of both ladies - Brace, you fucking DnD nerd, you're hilarious


Scaggs "So many kinds of guys" trashfuture listener spotted.


The two weeks off fraud thing came about after the Jerome Kerviel / Société Générale thing from 2008 (his desk was 2 rows away from mine)

Jimothy Realname

"I don't care about disco. I only care about the commune"

Jimothy Realname

I havent even listened to the episode yet and nevertheless I post

features creatures

I’m sorry but I just can’t listen to these finance episodes. Respect but just can’t do it.


Really liked the music this ep


please never stop making these financial eps


abba were bred to be nazi super children, Ace of Base were not so secret secret Nazis whose name and songs are all creepy nazi fear fantasy stuff

Chris Ryan

Commenting on your phone in Patreon sucks because it always sends the message prematurely. But it would be easier for me to crush a walnut inside my butthole than it would be to log a laptop computer into Patreon account. Their device verification process is like an attack dog in a junkyard with a broken fence.

a clash of purple

I agree, but I whined at the Patreon tech support so I don't have to verify when I log in with my laptop anymore. A victory for good.


I like Alexandra, someone please get her a better microphone.


I like Alexandra, like, someone like please get her a like, better microphone, yano?


Scaggs is a national treasure


love the money episodes, hope it gets more gumshoes interested in reading finance news it's a daily exercise in 👁 whole industry of degenerate gambling freaks foreclosing on the future


Alexandra Scraggs is a rare gift who shines the light of political economy onto our discussions.


Money moves


That opening song was a banger

Gavin Farrell

The deregulated financial sector is at the heart of the problem. For shorter snippets, Wall Street On Parade is a good site to follow.

Gavin Farrell

Braaaace!!! Liiiiiiiz!!! I'm a big fan of 'Wall Street on Parade'. They're an excellent source for factual level-headed critiques of the ongoing Wall Street rot; you need to add them to your list of sources.

Leroy Leroy Leroy

Woah a rare brace “buhbye” at the end there, need more of those in my life


I know I’m in the minority but I can’t stand Alexandra. It’s not just her voice / vocal fry - it’s just that she never seems to be able to clearly explain anything and Liz always has to jump in to clarify things

Ben Jammin

Alexandra episodes are awesome. Thanks!

Char Kelly

Brace doing the buhbye was UNEXPECTED


could you please make more if not all of your financial episodes free and available to the public. it would be benificial to not just me but other working class individuals who got fucked by their parents decisions in the mids 2000s houisng crises...i can no longer support you folks through patreon knowing yall collectively make what i make in 3 years in 1 month untill this request is met..doubtful but hopeful you will understand where im coming from.

Lionel Boyd Johnson

Had to listen to this one again and with "Antipodean Yokel" and "digeridoo farmer" and Brace's shite accents, then put a bow on it with Liz's "wee-ooo-wee-ooo!" - holy crap, L-O- fucking L! Come for the fantastic muckraking, stay for the laughs, I'm hooked. P.s. Scaggs is the best guest, always a good show

Noah Mingus

https://youtu.be/dP5sCiSvkZ4 Max will come on your show 100% If you do I will start a van halen cover band with Gandolfini. Max can tell an incredible story. "Say why haven't wages rised along side prices?" Because if wages had moved with prices since 1971 min. wage in the USA would be 50 bucks an hour!


I agree with this sentiment, would love to be able to share these


As a Scaggs hag, I'm looking forward to this episode.


just download the mp3 and post it online


I’ll be honest I’m 90% here for the theme music guys

The Milkman

@TrueAnon ay Yung Chomsky what are you using for the vocal synth sounds beginning at 59:30?

Chad Virginson

Any good reading on this? I had a hard time following all the finance stuff discussed in this episode and would like to form a clearer picture of this situation


Suggest checking out Trashfuture's Frankenstein's Balance Sheet ep and the sources they talk about there