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We jam our finger down on the ENTER key and EXPERIENCE the new Maxwell Family Website— www.realghislaine.com



Carly Wack

Hi Brace hi Liz hi Beavis

Karen Agena

“Today, she remains close to her family and friends. Like all detainees in these times of COVID, she is unable to receive their visits, but she is buoyed by their love and the knowledge of their support on the outside which is conveyed to her by their letters. Ghislaine is extremely grateful for the hundreds of beautiful and supportive letters from strangers some of whom write her on a daily basis. Her spirit is strong and she remains undaunted.” WTFuuuuuck.


Brace D'ehlia on the mic ft. Liz Roach


Found ghislaine’s twit: https://twitter.com/gabhaz333 It also has a ton of previous logs on the way back machine that could be interesting. https://web.archive.org/web/20200711091239/https://twitter.com/gabhaz333/status/1281840104583991296 This is the worst tweet I saw from the account, this thread : https://web.archive.org/web/20210329024527/https://twitter.com/gabhaz333/status/1375100705858482177 In the likes: https://twitter.com/socalresists/status/1341786915498909701?s=21

Part Time Stoic

“Prince Philip go on Cum Town.” Liz Franczak, April 14th, in the year of our lord 2021


You guys have really been making my ride to work and in general whole day just a bit better since I found you. So stoked for this. Brace, I just made some jenkem if you're down.

Kevin Diez

I saw the notification and I smiled just like this —> :)

Vincent Utah

Why the fuck did I click on the website? How the fuck do you guys do this shit day-in and day-out without contracting lymphoma?

Brendan Garcia

Water for Elephants, Liz. By Sara Gruen. That’s what you were looking for. Made into a film starring Robert Pattinson.

Joseph Robertson

Is she accepting conjugal visits? Really just curious would someone please educate me?

Michael S. Judge

"Real Ghislaine" sounds like she's starting an OnlyFans-type scenario


Phil died cos since Jimmy Savile died the royal family's supply of children's blood has been running low. Also despite his well document past racist remarks the guy never said a bad word about the Jews... I'm not saying there's a connection between drinking blood and being chill with the Jews, but some people might see that connection

Alexander Cabot

I don't know how good of an idea it is for Ghislaine to appear in person at court at the end of the month. That means she will be transported and ehhhh seems like it could be easy for her to be a target of an assassination attempt or convenient accident. I don't know. It's just not sitting well with me

Alexander Cabot

Also, that RealGhislaine website.....remember in the Youtube docuseries, The Lobby, when these pro Israel groups made websites to smear anyone who opposed Israel as being anti-semetic? I feel like the RG site has the same style of approach but instead of a smear campaign, its a page to create a new positive narrative. Its sketch!

Alexander Cabot

I also find her reading list to be interesting.... The Blue Lattitudes - Retraces steps of Capt Cook and discusses his legacies Pullitzer A Life in Politics, Print, and Power - rise of Pullitzer and creation of modern mass media The Oregon Trail - Follows the journey of a man going down the Oregon Trail in 2011 in a covered wagon Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine - story of a woman who has traumatic past, social misfit, and deals with themes of isolation and loneliness. The Churchill Factor - story of how one man makes a huge difference. Churchill saved civilization according to the author Boris Johnson. The Black Swan - Focuses on extreme impact of rare and unpredictable outlier events and human tendency to find simplistic explanations for these events. IDK - I feel like she trying to say something with these books. Don't forget that time she had a photo pop up of her when everyone was speculating her whereabouts and the picture that was published very much had a book on display for all to see and some suggested she was dropping hints.

Sam Sprout

Brace I heard Liz say she has to start blogging don’t let her gaslight you


There was a rap group called das racist and the third guy was just their friend. He didn’t rap or anything

Sander Emerick

Just imagining YC smoking weed and adding the "budum tss" drum sound effects without a hint of a smile after the comedian bits


Employers don't drug test for gasoline fumes. 🌠🌈#tmyk


we will soon boil her alhamdulillah


I’ve had Papa Roach stuck in my head all day. Thanks Liz


based ghislaine restarting the dirty protest to support the ‘ra




Also: this website is fucking wild

Mrs. Cool Guy

flushing after u piss is so wasteful of water stay true too your convictions brace

Jimothy Realname

the ol' ball and chain kept bugging me about not flushing my piss and thats why i just pee in the sink now

jack dulworth

I am extremely pro if it’s yellow let it mellow and it actually pissed me off Liz is against it. Brother brace do not be intimidated

Corey Wagner

I see way too many people not ashamed by enjoying nu metal. These people must be bullied and shunned from decent society.

Peter T.

Ghislaine Maxwell will save the whales and the oceans, not communism


i mean, that's not the joke you want to end on.


brace australian accent suspiciously good


Equinox is the Seeking Arrangements of gyms

George P

unrelated to the episode: very much enjoying Liz's continued Twitter jihad against Chris Hayes

Bent Mind

Hmm the quote that ghislaine was the only one of RM children to believe he was murdered contradicts previous. Ghislaine said it was the CIA and the Sicilian mob, while Christine claimed a different group shot air into his veins to induce a heart attack.


Liz’s inflection... like nails on a chalkboard


Truly a beta opinion

Bent Mind

Hating on grl voices is just soooooo ..... soooooooo

Jimothy Realname

You must of course now provide us with a 60 second clip of yourself speaking, that we may judge ye


honestly the best opener you've done.

Jimothy Realname

I will if you do. You officially have my personal word of honour. I have a gun in my mouth presently and should I break this sacred bond, i will pull the trigger.


All Emmies really like having their nails done, ya know.

Jimothy Realname

You snivelling coward. You truly are a *beta* bear.


They put da baby in true anon 😎

K Barlas

Ha i hadn't heard "if it's yellow let it mellow" for ages, that phrase made it to Australia for the drought we had when I was a kid


is the dude who only plays tambourine from brian jonestown massacre?

Degrassi Knoll

Dunno just stopping by to say Beau Beau from Avail basically just spit on people and danced and was always a highlight