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We say goodbye to 2020 with the episode everyone has been waiting for: Is the Yeti Real? Also, what is up with the Grinch? Happy Holidays everyone, what a fucking year it’s been.



Anon Ibid

Lemme go ahead and dispel this false dichotomy. Elves can change size.

Jon Spiegler

Thanks for the podcast

Brad Bell

ugh i hate podcasts😡

Michael Coutts

Are there people who don't think the yeti is real?


Thank you for all the great eps this year


Someone recommend me a book on Iran-Contra that isn’t Dark Alliance

Albert Koyra

I have been waiting for this Halloween episode



Jeremy Bear

Happy holidays brace and Liz. You were friends to me this year.

Joel Smith

I made three elf fetish films in my high school video production class. If anyone has a vcr

Joel Smith

There was tons of elves in the books that didn’t make the final cut for the Bible

Jack Nancy

Liz, at a restaurant I worked in the kitchen at, before the very annoying front of house would come in. We'd put burzum(?) really quiet on the house speakers and see how long it took them to start losing it . It works.

Ehren Burton

When I was a kid I really liked the idea in, Tim Allen's Santa Clause where elves are all around us keeping an eye on humans but they use their magic so we don't notice the ears.

Kai Chalmers

Willingly listening to Christmas music is psycho behavior and you can't convince me otherwise

Jack Nancy

also fuck Varg and edgy people

Dan Z

reviews of the Elf School on google go along the lines of "the guy leading it was full of shit and spent the whole time harassing my wife"

Corn Souls

loving the esoteric content, magic for the masses


i love when brace mentions his friend Worm. shouts out

Zachary Lawler

Very sweet that Liz and and Yung Chomsky asked for the same thing as they did last year


Plimsoll Punks

Michael S. Judge

detoxing from Luvox in a cab driven by a tiny angry Guatemalan man who's blasting the heat at 90º even though it's 80º outside and playing the all-Christmas radio station at heroic volume on an hour-long ride from Hollywood to LAX: I don't recommend it


Please do an episode on the gulag archipelago. And the moleman.


ill tell you what IS real. my turgid bussy

Kai Chalmers

Fantastic episode, groundbreaking stuff guys!

Tron Quip

Isn't this the same as that Last Podcast...? I'm sure I Left it around here somewhere.

Nicholas CLARK

thanks for all the parasocialism this year guys ❤️


Oh that’s a fire sound thought brace has been typing for five minutes


Podcast about list x trueanon when


loving these yc christmas remixes




Grinch Israel.

Ryan Smith

The date of krampusnatch is just when you least expect it.

Doug Cartel

Silmarillion isnt really even a book, it's a collection of unfinished stories. People told me it was difficult to read and I think that's only true if you're stupid enough to try to turn it into a coherent canon or something. Otherwise just, you know, they're tidbits. Who cares.

#1 Deep Thinker

Brace def successfully made a bond with the devil at the crossroads, see successful pod. Is this part of the Belden Program?

#1 Deep Thinker

Also, will Mr. Fireworks and Lady Fireworks be popping off for New Year's?

James Carmody

slawomir on my knobomir


I meant to respond to a woman’s comments about scary Scandinavian elves but I accidentally deleted it. I apologize.

Carla Amalie Fledelius

Lmfao long enough to flip over your shoulder and reach down your back. This is NOT respresentative of scandinavian women


I have read the Silmarillion, and this elf convo was custom designed to make my forehead vein throb.

HR Giger

Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas, praying everyone gets lucky and stays Covid-free 🤞🏽🎄❤️


You should interview James Corbett and Allison McDowell.

Vincent Utah

First Matt from Chapo shits on The Silmarillion and now Brace is shitting on The Silmarillion. My 19-year-old self would be having an aneurysm right about now.

Vincent Utah

I understand what you’re getting at, but it still took me 3 re-reads to digest the damn thing when I was a teenager. We can’t all be literary connoisseurs.


kantbot has a 16 hr episode on the topic. saying its comprehensive would be an understatement lol

a clash of purple

Not liking Tolkien isn't a dealbreaker for me, but I find it extremely irritating, especially when they very obviously have no idea what they're talking about.

Vincent Utah

I could care less today, but 10 years ago I probably would’ve been pissed. Regardless, Tolkien was in many ways a TradCath crank obsessed with European folklore. LotR at its core is a story about Luddism and European feudalism working together to overcome industrialism and internationalism. He gave a decent abstract narrative of what industrialism was doing to nature, culture, people, and tradition, but he never provided much in terms of a fair class/material analysis. Sam was maybe the only exception in his long list of upper class protagonists, and when you really break down The Silmarillion, the Noldor and especially the Numenoreans could be viewed as a positive fantasy spin on British imperialism. Not to mention the orcs were basically a caricature of the soot-covered, beaten-down proletariat of his time and their allies (Southrons, Easterlings, Swarthy Men, etc.) were all indicative of foreign peoples occupied by or at odds with British power. I know Tolkien hated allegory but an artist’s world views will show up in his work regardless.


Santa is St. nick!!

Hannah Pudner

Listening to this episode whilst in the bath rather than drinking copious amounts in the pub, what a weird year.


Belphegor is Austrian black / death metal https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUhToBn9ek2hty5AV2YCJZS9PCHyRSmGi


Didn’t really shit on it, just said it’s a no pussy getting book, which is fair.

Danielle Larmore

Will Ferrell's new movie Eurovision Song Contest takes place in Iceland and features the elves.


I didn't know about krampus and now I'm wondering how I didn't know about this

Dr. Lumpenjoker

Easily one of my favorite episodes. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Bong Bong

A lot of those Cold War Yeti expeditions were just cover for spying on the Chinese and aiding Tibet.


Can we please have more fun episodes about paranormal and occult things 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤


We were made to read 'The Long Walk' at school in 1980s Scotland. Although I've always doubted how true it was, this is the first I've ever heard that it was definitely total pish.

Corey Wagner

Also, I will let Brace and Liz borrow my 12 volume set of The History of Middle Earth if they are interested.


Happy New Years - I adore you guys so much!

Mike Shane

UFO episode asap


anyone know what episode liz talks about meeting a mole person?