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We return to the Big Croissant and convince Macron to rejoin NATO. Just kidding—we talk about Jean-Luc Brunel’s arrest and some of the high crimes and misdemeanors of his buddies in the industry. 

60 Minutes report on Brunel: https://youtu.be/qy-zWNA9DMU

MC2 Tel Aviv: http://www.mc2mm.co.il/



Hardcore Virgin

Great vanderpump foreshadowing

features creatures

I love when you pretend to be a normie podcast. It’s the funniest bit. Queue fake serial/NPR music. Other than being the gay pussy eatah.

Andrew Murray

Did you guys fuck up a Slavoj interview?

#1 Deep Thinker

Also, please do an Eric Prince episode. We'll protect you.


If Naomi Campbell was involved, I wonder what that means for David Bowie. Where was he in this?


The reason I keep coming back to TrueAnon is their commitment to quality!


Waiting for the premium ep where it’s brace and liz but they exchange quips for a whole hour instead of describing the heinous acts of gnarled, hedonistic lizardfolk


You should interview Allison McDowell from Wrench in the Gears. Listen to her interview on Higherside Chats, it’s terrifying and right up your alley. James Corbett would be valuable for your listeners as well.

Jon Morgan


Frank Cold

Who was the old guy who didn’t get the link (allegedly)? Also, since Chapo and Bad Faith got Zizek and everyone has talked to Chomsky already, I think it would be so epic if TrueAnon would be the podcast to bless our undeserved ears with the man himself, Michael Parenti. Please make it happen!


It's not enough these guys get fucking OPPERMAN on here twice?


Paolo Zampoli the Italia Papa John!


It was Dersh

Erinrose Sullivan

Fyi, eric schmidt just got Cyprus citizenship.

Caroline Gee

I love Brace learning about “Vanderpump Rules” in real time

prof. eucalyptus

hey guys, I've been a listener from day 1 in Brazil. brunel was traced to a resort in the state of Santa Catarina in Brazil w/ Ghislaine in 2017 (?)... thing is that in the late 90s and early 2000s the southern states of Brazil went through a "boom" of missing/disappeared children, culminating in all sorts of insanely shift shit. Santa Catarina is also the Brazilian state that has a long history of sex trafficking and uhhhhh models? Bünchen is from there, not sure if there's a Brunel link. Anyway, might be interesting to look into and I certainly have some tinfoil notions milling around in my brain: the owner of the resort they were traced to was murdered in 2018, and the company was then taken over by his daughter and the Lamborghini family, which to me screams P2 lodge? Anyway, just thought you might like to know. Cheers and congrats on the ep!

Mike Malloy

just send me the unreleased episodes, I can keep a secret


Maybe, if you won't release some episodes, you go through and find the funny bits and stitch those together and release those bits as one episode. Like a "funniest of episodes 1-XX" as sort of a light-hearted thing?


best podcast currently


I totally did LOL. I'm so happy I'm wrong


Papa Parenti isn't in good health from what others have said :( the now-defunct Proles of the Round Table as well as Radio War Nerd (iirc) have tried to get him on but he's not able

Nigel Redd

So y’all know Naomi Campbell is a predator but magically forgot Paris Hilton’s a straight-up white supremacist??? White ppl are a trip lmao

Jack Nancy

https://www.wsfa.com/story/22665099/countries-with-no-extradition-treaty-with-us/ Looks like Senegal has no Extradition Treaty with the US, and has been in hot water for not extraditing people to I think Belgium(?) before in the past.

Jack Nancy

San Marino?

Jeremy hatrington

Milla Jovovich was married to Luc Besson (director of the 5th Element) when she was like 21. Before getting with Jovovich on the set of 5th Element, Besson was MARRIED TO A 15 YEAR OLD. They had a kid together, very normal.

Vincent Utah

What legal trouble is Brace currently in? Does it have something to do with the DHS bullshit?

Hans Zachery Syme

Macron has ramped up his douche-baggery big time since this episode.

Floyd Hill

Indeed. Also I thought that crook Sarkozy rejoined NATO in 2009. De Gaulles was right to leave it, the actual only anti-nazi post-war leader.

Michael S. Judge

Ehhhhh, Gaulle's inner circle was stuffed with people either in or very close to La Cagoule, the French fascist paramilitary that worked directly with Otto Skorzeny to train SS troops and mercenaries in Vichy France, and one such person says that Gaulle's original plan was to "unite" France under an anti-German dictatorship with US backing. He didn't mind the Francophile Nazis, and more than a few Resistance leaders weren't so much "antifascist" as they were rabidly nationalist