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We have Private Detective & radio host Ed Opperman on the program to talk about the connection between JonBenet Ramsey’s murder and a DEA raid to snatch Hunter Biden’s laptop—plus stuff on OJ, Giuliani, and a ton of other crooks. 




Noah Mingus

this episode is pure "facts". GOATED. I am sorry but I had to put it that way. thank you for your patience.

Hardcore Virgin

The reason why the first md (I think lee was last name)who did the autopsy couldn’t testify in the trial is because he didn’t measure the wounds and couldn’t confirm whether the knife was 15” as the prosecution was alleging. And a few other major bungles. Washing blood off Nicole’s back etc. In my humble opinion I think the lapd definitely planted evidence on oj which was basically sop for them and that oj also definitely killed them.


This is the greatest episode name ever. I tip my hat to you lady dame and sir dame


Does the Jon Benet Ramsey connection make this a Christmas episode?


idk if ed mentions this in the episode but my ma told me he has a gofundme to help his daughter pay for college in light of the troubles of covid go donate hes doing hard work for this world 🙏🙏: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-opperman-family-with-housing-troubles?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet


I like that you guys like this guy but I don’t get a good feeling from him

Erinrose Sullivan

Omg! I remember that movie, The Believers with the scene where the spiders came out of her face. Seriously freaked me out and scared my brain until today.


Read The Devils Chessboard. Howard Hunt's wife's plane crash in there. It's a spook circus


Ed O delivering the goods as always


I love Ed

prof. eucalyptus

EdOp is so fucking cool, really heartwarming to hear of Brace/Liz/*bleep*'s camaraderie in helping him set up his patreon. Have him back!!!

Jon Spiegler

I worked for AJ Weberman at the Yippie Cafe, 2007


Lol @ when he says Jung Chomsky’s name -must have poppable P’s in it

Tyler Kurth

Love this dude


kelly anne conway’s parents live across the street from my friends lol cant tell you how much weed ive smoked within 200 feet of them


this guy tells storys like an absolute god


If youre looking for info about the seedy underbelly of American politics, youre not gonna find a lot of people with perfect politics

Vincent Utah

I’ll be sampling the HR voice bit over zoom meeting so my manager hopefully understands how to actually pull it off. I’m sick of cringing hard for 60 minutes every Friday. Fingers crossed I get fired.


I love when you have this guy on. The chemistry is electric.


This guy is the best.

Chris Dertz

Just gave this a little listen, good job guys this was a great episode to do some listening to


Didn't Nina Turner sell out? Wasn't she the one with the podcast funded by Goldman Sachs?


is bad lieutenant actually good or are they doing a bit


I’m glad TrueAnon has a MyPillow guy finally


PLEASE do a live show with him when we've all been shot twice.

Andrew Cheramie

Ooh I hate crooks! They make me mad!

David Mitnick

Ed Oppeman is the Jewish uncle I wish I had


Not sure what it is but i could listen to Ed Opperman talk all day


This guy sounds exactly like how I imagine a PI would talk


Been thinking about potatoe juice all day

Jimothy Realname

A Brother Seamus? Like an Irish monk?

Peter T.

I dont remember them talking about Pills and women exactly, or maybe they did

John Harwood

Nygard going down!


Great episode. Ed is my kind of guy.


Ed’s Long Island accent always melts my heart 🤍 he’s so charming, hilarious and endearing!!

noah m koebler

Paused the episode and turned on bad lieutenant (as instructed)


Know why smart people are always Skinny? Because, They're Idiots


Great ep but as always Chomsky blows my damn speakers out with the rejoined music being way too loud


Edddddddd 💖💖💖💖

Dean Watson

These episodes are great but yeah reaaaaallly scratching my head at the whole WM3 thing, has anyone dug into Ed’s podcasts about it ? I really don’t want to

James O'Queef

I’ve heard that prior to the murders there was a lot of cats and dogs that went missing and Echols was known to have lots of cat and dog skulls on display in his house. His mom has a restraining order against him. He had an annotated book about knot tying, including the type of knots used to tie up the kids. He was really into drinking human blood. One of the other kids was witnessed by his peers kicking an old dog to death. All circumstantial for sure, but more than what they had on either of the step dads. Also always found it weird how the WM3 supporters seem less lt switched from blaming one stepdad to the other once the first one proclaimed that they were innocent.


This epi was so good I listened to it twice

Scott Lenz



omfg Cathy O'brien is connected to this shit!?!?!?

Reece Coren

shoutout to ed for following me back on instagram