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Welcome to TrueAnon’s inaugural Election Special 2020: Who Care edition. In this episode we discuss all relevant election news including: foot jobs, color revolutions, Soviet military technology, Steve Bannon, crack pipes, the lying fake news media, and Brace comes out as a Dengist. Happy Election everyone!!! #VoteTrueNoMatterWho







Message to the past from 2024: seriously do not vote for Joe Biden.



jason stephens

what a stunning endorsement


Noooo not psycho tik tok teen dem shills as the intro

Hassan Farooq

Liz bitching is so hot


Oh gawd, that tiktoker, hell!!! Make her stop 🙉🙉🙉


Vote UwU no matter who

Matthew John

Just loled @ Beau Biden



a clash of purple

What was that awful voice at the start??? Was that some new character of Brace's?


Part of the media justification for not reporting on this story was that it was chalked up to be Russian disinfo. The media founded this justification on an open letter by former Intelligence officials of the likes of Hayden, Clapper, and Brennan some of the most evil fuckers in the past 15 20 years. Libs and the media throwing themselves in with these pigs isn't surprising.

Peter T.

can't tell you how happy I am you guys mentioned Michael Hudson. Please everyone, listen to the most amazing interview with this guy (and if anyone has a critique of his balance of payments view of economics please let me know): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hH9pzzIIEj4


Excellent title, excellent ep. Loved the point that everyone is a bad actor here, it's such a bullshit partisan way of deflecting to go black and white on it. Also Yung the editing of this ep is ace, it's all so snappy


Great episode.




Feels like listening to a secret dispatch 😎

Ezra Weissman

so.... how do we see the hunter biden photos?


yeah, we are totallllyyy about to enter the age of chinagate

Conner Dolezal

From the video in the thumbnail, made the rounds on Twitter like a week or two ago

Garrett Paul

Man its been so wild watching all these self styled radicals all bow down to Biden to save them. I really do think that liberals at the end of the day are worse than the ultra reactionaries because of how liberals are able to channel energy away from actual left-labour based action and towards themselves. The right wing loves to display itself in the open the left-liberals love to hide in the bushes.


Based and "Build back better"-pilled



Nicky Martin

You guys should do a full episode on Falun Dafa

Ryder Desenberg

Where can I look at the Hunter leaks. Especially m&m


You two are the shit, after being called a nazi multiple times for simply umm... pointing out Bidens flaws, its nice to be reminded that value form Marxists are just a bunch ultracucks

Colin Clark

KING yes. Also love it when u mention Stoller. Also, is falun dafa moonies 2.0 ? Do they control an industry like the moonies control sashimi grade fish? So many questions about this truly flawless episode

Vincent Utah

Liberals will smile, pat you on the back, and cut your throat when your guard is down. Right-wing reactionaries will walk up to you, tell you they’re going to kill you, and then cap you point blank. Neither is “worse” than the other because at the end of their day you’re still dead regardless of who did you in. You have to recognize both for what they are and do your best to avoid finding yourself at either’s mercy (as nearly impossible as that is). We can’t obsess over the big bad greater evil. That’s how we got where we are today. We have to somehow keep both sides (and others) in our line of sight simultaneously.

Kai Chalmers

Falun Gong episode?


where do i find the hunter biden leaks lol

Markus Puskar

The tech stuff at the end was great and really jarring, because not only can you see that with them censoring this story to curry favor with upcoming regime, but also with the fucking insane amount of “VOTE” shit they are pushing to establish themselves as guardians of democracy with the people


curious as to what y’alls thinking about this is- https://zeynep.substack.com/p/ignoringblackmail-

Al W

Wouldn't radical grassroots action be more feasible under a democrat vs republican though? Trump winning would just make these things harder imo

Mike Patterson

Liz's ending speech was incredible like always. The amount of courage it takes to say those things. Just incredible, ty


Obama’s first term was the first time I could vote in a presidential election. I bought the bullshit, was excited, and by his second term went independent. I’ve never voted R and don’t plan to but this is the last time I vote for the lesser of 2 evils. Excellent speech closing the episode. It sums everything up perfectly. Keep on keeping on TA team.


Excellent episode. I've already listened to it twice since it's come out


The intro was so jarring

Everett Woolsey

Great episode. Long live Liz and Brace with producer Yung Chomsky.

Mark M

We need a rev sun myung moon/unification church episode


Sorry to be an idiot - but got totally lost in the first half. How, exactly, was China involved in the Ukraine/Hunter Biden scandal? Maybe this will sink in better in written form.


Can you help me find the info on Joe Bidens questionable home sales?


Pls do an election 2020 pt 2

Lev I Bortz

Wrote Brace in for NY Supreme Court Justice.

Clark D'Agostino

Y did u make me listen to the chipmunklib audio

Juan Sacchi

This episode was fantastic. My roommates mom is a Chinese immigrant who, as per my roommate, is fully convinced that Trump will invade China to destroy the CCP and is thus voting for him. She also texted my roommate a link to the “Take down the CCP” Miles Guo video, which literally has Steve Bannon in the video and is filmed on the infamous yacht. This was about a month ago and my roommate told me about it when it happened, I guess I didn’t make the connection at the time. This episode really added a new perspective to that, and many other things going on.


Jay Lovestone is/was my great uncle lmao


This was a great episode. Can you please post links to some of the sources you cited?

Kate M Shapiro



Hi, I'm enjoying the content and am a very recent subscriber. Glen Greenwald linked to the Feb episode in a recent article describing the DNC's Bernie takedown in '16. After listening, I was hooked. Warren is described in a disparaging light. Does she get discussed in any other episodes? I thought she was a interesting compromise between Sanders' platform and mainstream DNC corporatism, so it wasn't obvious what warranted the negativity. I'm curious if Brace or Liz discuss the why, aside from the obvious DNC doublespeak and throwing Bernie uder teh bus, behind their animosity.


Agree with you Kate, though they may not want to take the heat of spreading this data that has largely been scrubbed from the web.


A big part of this is that Warren and Bernie had very different bases of support and very different approaches to how to do politics. Bernie's base was very much working class, and Warren's was much more elite. Warren's style of politics was also a lot more, "hand me the keys, I'll fix it," whereas Bernie was oriented towards identifying enemies of the working class and bringing them to heel. This Jacobin article does a decent job of outlining that: https://www.jacobinmag.com/2019/10/future-liberals-want-matt-karp-populism-class-voting-democrats


I’m very interested in what Liz said about the Cambridge analytica scandal not being real. I can’t seem to find anything about it, does anyone have any links?

Paul Mc Loughlin



https://www.promoteukraine.org/3-5-bn-from-state-budget-what-ukraine-faces-in-the-dispute-with-new-motor-sich-investor/ dunno if this is tinfoil but this other ukranian investment firm headed by a former ukranian head of state called DCH is backing skyrizon in what seems like a lawsuit on the AMCU's decision to block the assets from being sold to china


Sources on the hunter biden story? Sounds like Matt Taibbi's reporting has been important on this, would love to get some links so I can read all of it.


Love you guys!