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The second part of the Ghislaine Deposition UltraEpisode—this time even more psychotic. We unlock the Secrets of the Brit.



Bryan Reese

Shout out to Yung Chomsky for finding new and interesting ways to say the same phrase 5282 times.


hello from 2024, just got here ... listening from episode 1 :) It's been a trip with all your predictions so far (especially liz predicting Jeffreys death... I was screaming.) Young Chomsky plays songs that speak directly to my soul! I've appreciated the Blue Monday, My Sharona, b52s and all the other slappers so far! I wouldn't do it any other way, episode 1 all the way through baby. you've captivated my heart and soul <3

features creatures

More fancy boys want to talk about Steve Riech? I’d rather talk about butthole surfers.

Joel Smith

The Brit is actually unlocking the secret of you.


cool episode!

Sam GL .

Youre thinking about tom cotton who chased down some kid who stole a cellphone at a campaign event for trump recently lmao total narc hahaha

Michael S. Judge

Syria? Him? No, no, you're thinking of Brace. This is Handsome Brace


I started from episode one, honestly recommend it


. . . And These Are The Days Of Our Gavel O' Justice Lives . . . (an under-the-table-read-through episode)

Erinrose Sullivan

God, and I know this is not the point but everytime I see a photo of Ms. Maxwell I am floored by her lack of style and really dumpy/frumpy look. My God, the photo here, those poor spaghetti straps. That dress is at half maste.


Clark D'Agostino

I listen to podcasts from the most recent episode back to the first episodes, to me your podast has been a story about jefferies miraculous rise from the dead

Harry P. Ness

I started at episode 1 because you all seem lovely and I wanted to hear more of you ❤️❤️❤️


We listen through the archive because we’ve already paid for it


lmfao 😂 i totally started at the beginning… your info is just so good

Sam Sprout

I’m going to lose my mind listening to Maxwell talk about fucking puppets lol

Brian Long

I want a TA passport

Ian B (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 00:45:39 Glass on 1 &amp; Riley on this? Y.C’s killin’ it!!!
2020-10-31 16:39:47 Glass on 1 & Riley on this? Y.C’s killin’ it!!!

Glass on 1 & Riley on this? Y.C’s killin’ it!!!

Brian Long

Who would play ghislaine maxwell if there were a movie about her being a political prisoner?

Dan Berger

Got yer podcasts mixed up. Or not...

Ian B

Ah! Thank u. I get them confused. Ought to brush up.


the puppet made is making me insane???

James Fair

I started listening about 3 months ago and tried to start at the start but after like 4 eps i was like "nah" and had the homies that has been listening since day one tell me which episodes to listen to and then I just listen to the new ones as they come out


Ghislaine Maxwell is a 54 year old English woman who has never seen a puppet. Not even at one of the mandatory Punch and Judy shows?

Kevin Donnelly

What is the song playing while Brace reads the transcript starting at 8:30?! I used to listen to it all the time but I can't remember who it's by and it's killing me. Plz halp~!

Ezra Weissman

someone as rich as her could pay to have the nicest clothes AND stylists in the world. and yet she chooses to look like that...

Reverend Carter

im only going to talk to the police/lawyers the way she does in that deposition from now on. even in casual conversation

Carson D

hahahah i did go back and listen to all the episodes at the beginning of quarantine when i was working from home. it provided me many laughs and a lot of new info (re epstein + other trueanon takes)

Carson D

but i would not listen to three years of chapo before jumping into the next ep

Chaz Cancleford

Re: the NXIVM people going ACAB lol https://youtu.be/clqxpbbvJT8

Chaz Cancleford

Also I know brace has talked about CHAOS but that book seems very relevant and I hope it gets addressed directly. O’Neill’s breakdown when he realizes there are just too many loose ends because people won’t talk, and then reminding himself of the facts he knows to be true about the shit surrounding the Manson murders, seems very important with all of this when trying to piece this web of lies together

a clash of purple

Hell, they had O'Neill on Chapo, Brace and Liz should see if they can grab him for an ep on his book.


For those that don't know O'Neill also appeared on Joe Rogan.


The only podcast I've ever listened to the entirety of from the beginning was Cum Town


YC, the underscore on this ep is incredible.

Chris Ryan

That’s the god Terry Riley! An incredible choice


Favorite part of this episode was Brace and Liz saying puppet to each other over and over


Brace IS handsome and Liz just needs to say it!! We’re all thinking it

Miles Benovic

I definitely went back the beginning for each of those podcast they refereed to lol feels orderly? I wouldn't stick to it specifically and was listening to new ones as they came out as well.

Jack kessler

Hahaha DITTO. Someone sent me a cum town ep, I listened to three in a row and subsequently listened to every free on and then every premium one from the beginning. I didn’t listen to the new ones as they came out just because there was so much content to get through. Why not listen to it chronologically? It was fun. Nick lost his mind, stav went on a diet a million times and that other guy got divorced or some shit? And then I started with this show when I caught up and have also just gone through it. Wonderful shows.

Jack kessler

Cum town erased my mind and now I’m being reformed in the tutelage of these fine truth tellers and their guests. My inner monologue idled with Nick Mullen’s sopranos cast and michael Douglas. A comforting but useless filler. But the idling has stopped. Indeed, the vehicle is in drive. I got to break out the ol’ trijicon and bore laser and just happily listen to all this fascinating reprogramming material while we wait for liz to calmly activate us with the trigger phrase. It’s exciting! The pandemic has really turned around :’)


This is the only podcast (Besides Above the Noise and Black Box Down) that I've went back and listened to every episode. You guys are seriously worth it. Best podcasters on the market in Brace and Liz and the supreme Yung Chomsky

Floyd Hill

Yeah...I subbed first almost a year ago... and noped after a few months only after listening to a few episodes, lack of time but I needed to cut back to podcasts which are great but that put me in a dark place - where any sort of humour to had to be minimal - came back 'cos I needed something to cheer me up during my first bout with covid....which lasted almost 2 weeks, and the latest episodes worked and just decided to browse down to about summer 2020, the last summer before all sorts of other health issues showed up and where I stopped feeling eternally 20 years old, almost 40 now, I feel my age and the whole banishment of Russia as if it was Burkina Faso and not the equal of the US nuclear power wise etc. This is working on making me laugh at our impending doom more and more. The only thing I'm looking for right now being the last and final season of Better Call Saul which starts April 18th. When I can't listen to hardcore punk/punk rock in general and thrash metal, I know my soul is troubled and this podcast is able to make me laugh unlike the other ones I pay for, which are all pretty damn serious. You'd think you'd feel great when you have a solid couple after a bunch of toxic relationships all my 20's but she's a nurse - in this context - and she works nights, we only see each other early in the morning before she goes to bed, the nurses that quit in droves because they didn't want that toxic Pfizer or Moderna (or AstraZeneca...the equivalent of the J&J in Canada) Stage III clinical trial on about half of humanity or more, it's a miracle she hasn't infected me more than maybe this one time with what is either B.2 Covid or XE covid....a name I don't like, sounds very Xtinction like to me...I made it through but this fucking illness guys....she might get it and feel nothing and pass it to me and I feared for my life for a few days and felt horrible the rest of time. I'm rambling now, I really hate going to bed at 9 and waking up at 3 AM....6 hours of sleep is apparently enough when you get older...almost 40, just a few more months, that old Descendents song I forgot the title to or old Lagwagon song "Falling Apart" very much so applies to me, I now understand when someone says they feel they got " un coup de vieux" in QC...loosely translates to "the oldering feeling". I used to need 10 hours of sleep to function, and still fare better when I get that, but it doesn't happen enough, so, what do people do? When the fucking mountains of snow we got this winter and spring goes away, I'll be biking a whole fucking lot, I won't let whoever released covid on purpose (likely the UK....) get me, you hear that MI6? I'll tire myself biking this summer and lose the weight I gained cos of lockdowns, and no fucking retards on the fake left (I doubt there's much here), the lockdowns were not a good idea, anywhere, it's airborne, it doesn't live on surfaces for days like they told us in March 2020 basically claiming it was the end of the world. It's not, not even this Ukraine/Russia shit, this is just the depopulation agenda. Those laughing at the, yes, non-binding, but very much applied Agenda 21 back then surely got a slap in the face these last 2 years.

Floyd Hill

Yeah, I recommend that, except if you get questioned by the cops regarding an old enemy of yours who defrauded you and your family (not for a lot) whom you helped only 'cuz they were a friend of a friend, before becoming an enemy. I was more than happy to tell the police detective the truth regarding the dipshit who was accusing me while behind bars of doing things he did. Otherwise, in general, never call the cops, I don't like that my name is in some insignificant file folder of some prosecutor and at the local police station as just a witness and victim of crime...he came to talk to me. We're talking about a guy who once refused to leave my apartment, at 4 AM, who was being threatening because I didn't want to give him the last half blotter of LSD I had while he was on meth and booze squatting my and my friend's apartment. The cops believed me when I told them he tried to put all the blame on me for his crimes when I told em the truth, he once brought a chick to our place and she accosted me in the hall next to my bedroom, wanting me to fuck her, which I obliged to do lol.

Floyd Hill

That's masochistic, Carson D, screw Chapo, I'm glad they went under. Fake left at its worse.