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Liz and Brace go long to offer critical support to Julian Assange, explain the ridiculous showtrial of the political prisoner, the war crimes of the United States and the curious media blackout surrounding Wikileaks.

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the empty suit

this is a late comment but I transcribed it (edit: in the reply to this comment)


Mr. Fireworks knocking it out of the park again.


I begging you to stop making the same joke that you had sex with every female mentioned


I knew I would get oinked at by hogs for this comment


Hate to say it, but Brace is pronouncing "avant garde" correctly


“Weeping Angel” is a really scary episode of Doctor Who


Brace’s avant garde pronunciation is the right one.


Goddamn Liz, go offffff


Liiiiiiizzzz 💥💥💥


liz killed it on this one


"in european prisons you get to have a playstation" that piece of trivia rings a norwegian bell


One if if not the best yet. Thank you!


So now you're promoting genocide-denialists. Good job, Liz.



Sam Burton

Clip Liz's Chris Hayes monologue and inject it into my, or preferably his, veins.

Stephen Wells

Asylum is under attack, but so is national sovereignty.


There’s actually a cheap rose called whispering angel


Goddamn Liz is powerful here


TrueAnon: the worlds only anti-operator podcast


Damn queen, go awf


Bless you Liz

Josiah Love

The imagery there is just absolutely awful. You look away/stop paying attention and suddenly it’s observing you...

prof. eucalyptus

prime, classic, true True anon, strong vibe and strong ep


I always assumed it was called weeping angel because cia people are dr who fans

Michael S. Judge

+ Adelson & Jedgar 100% put at least one rent boy thru an industrial shredder at a construction site

Colin Helpio

That final Liz rant was out of this world


It is not related but I really hope you all do an epi that touches on Lyme disease at some point

Joel Smith

Brace how was my Angela merkel sloppy seconds.

Joel Smith

When I was in Wisconsin, I was scared as fuck about getting lymes disease. I already am ocd so I was constantly inspecting myself for tics. My friend had it and they kept misdiagnosing her and making her take tons of medications. She was fucked up for a couple years before they figured it out. It was really sad to see her like that


Queen Liz goes super saiyan


Liz, Brace, love you guys. As astoundingly horrible and painful it is to hear about the tragic fate of Julian Assange, it strengthens my character and resolve to be a better person. Thank you for your work <3

Sean Marshall

The Guest is a good movie

Frederick Von Drasek

...I was always surprised that there wasn't more noise about the snotty little journalist whose car's electronics went crazy after he outed the generalissimo of black ops. I remember it as planting some of the seeds of rational conspiracy theory in my old head...


thanks for this. the grayzone crew are good ppl and them and kevin are the only ones really doing reporting on this case.


On Signal: The encryption offered by the app, which is strong, is immediately rendered useless if you can hack the device its running on. We already know they can do this to Android/IOS phones , with impunity, because of the Vault-7/Snowden leaks.


Damn. Respect for this.


This was great guys, there's almost nothing about what's going on in Australia about what's happening to Assange


Stood up and clapped and saluted my laptop after Liz's monologue

Mark Owen

Joe Lauria at Consortium News has been doing daily updates on the trial.

Pete Seeger

This is so important, and Assange has been largely ignored not just by the media, but by many in the left. John Pilger has carried the torch in many ways, and I recommend his work, which spans like over four decades. I went back to look at contemporaneous news coverage on Assange’s arrest by the liberal media, and I think Bob Garfield’s April 12 2019 piece on Assange for On The Media exemplifies the overall coverage. Thank you Liz and Brace for doing this

Cameron Young

Liz just clamps the whole thing until all the blood runs out at the end.


asked my journalist friend about the situation and he said "he knowingly and willingly operated as a Russian government asset. that's about it."

Jake Zydek

Bad Empanada's critique of Grayzone was pretty damn embarrassing, but more power to them for covering this.

Riley Ubben

Go off Liz 🤘🤘🤘


i fucking love liz franczak


Thank you so much for this. Liz went TF OFF


thank you so much, have been waiting for so long to hear what the trueanon gang have to say about assange and wikileaks- did not diappoint! <3 <3 <3

will h



Liz I will fucking follow you into battle after that monologue

Harry P. Ness

holy shit Liz hit Diamond I in this


Was there any good reporting specifically on the Swedish rape case against Assange? Wanted to learn more about how that panned out/petered off

Cameron Pasman

He's a bit cringe-inducing, but Richard Medhurst has done good reporting on Assange's "trial"

Joe Howden

God dam Liz YES!!!!

E.J. Rollins

A while back I made an online donation to Wikileaks, and my bank flagged the transaction as "suspicious activity".


one of the best episodes ever!



James Fair

This one if fucking next level man, y'all keep up the fucking good work


Another killer ep, gang. Anyone got tips on any good books that cover the CIA's history of heinous shit? Preferably one book that covers a lot of things ('cause we all know there could be a fucking encylclopedia britannica's worth of volumes if you wanted to cover everything in detail).


Liz went off in this one. Amazing monologue. A talent and an inspiration :)


i really want to recommend you "Chaos" by Tom O'Neill, but I'm only 100 pages in and the CIA connections are kinda briefly mentioned and hazy thus far. so unless the subtitle ("Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties") and what i've heard about the book is complete bullshit, it's going to get even better, and god fucking damn is it already incredible. sorry this doesnt exactly fit the criteria but, you can just, ya know, ignore this lol

Arielle Curtin

I would have liked you to mention role of sovereign rights of embassy (also Venezuelan embassy in DC) and how trampled by US. But as always, great show. #FreeAssange Modern Dreyfus Affair. A real turning point.

Jenny Boettiger

One of your best episodes to date. Liz's rant at the end was classic.


hell yeah liz, that was amazing. I hope hayes listened to this episode.


Amazing episode. Liz ftw at the end.


Really appreciate this. A lot of alt media have been dropping the ball on Assange.


My brother who voted for Trump is really upset about this. We're achieving Materialism.


Looking at you Trevor Noah, DNC puppet

Adam Ahmed

Holy shit! That speech at the end of the episode was amazing and passionate. Is there a separate file or recording of just Liz’s speech at the end? I’d like to share it with some family and friends but don’t have faith they’ll sit through the whole episode.