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Noah Kulwin is back for part two of our exploration into the mind of Peter Thiel. In this episode we get into the dark and twisted history of Thiel's ideological projects, his political motivations and scream and yell about what the hell happened to Gawker.



Kevin Huxford

Love the episode title even without yet listening 😂😂😂


I have to be honest true gang, i really love this show .... no memes . I do


Isn't it Chrissy Teigen with the night eggs? (Adrenochrome)


as a tech guy i feel attacked by this intro

Michael S. Judge

Genitally, they fuck, if you would believe such a thing!

Ars Vulgata

Very disappointed that you guys didn't call this episode bearback


feels like there's a bunch of butter in mah guts just getting a new show. this should have a fuckin surgeon general warning on it. like a good newport ciggy dipped in delicious curry

Ernest Ambrus

Greetings from Truckers Gloryhole, CT! Thanks for another great episode.


Echo November Sierra, Colonel Brace.

Erinrose Sullivan

You have to be smart for starcraft but really super smart for EVE


"Real accelerationists are backing biden" love this after yesterday's Twitter meltdown about brie and virgil lol


Love the classic Warcraft 2 soundbites.


wait, now I'm curious who Noah went to college with who was a Starcraft pro. Was it Suppy?

Frank Cold

Yung Chomsky is really breaking that 4th wall with the beats being pulled back to go along with Liz & Brace’s bit right before the interview comes on.

Ben Jammin

Thiel was at Sullivan & Cromwell

Kate Baldwin

Noah, thanks for looking out for the south. Knew I binged blowback for a reason.


you can't tell me moldbug isn't the name of a hollow knight enemy


Noah's verbal tic of the constant "like" is distracting because I'm stupid


Who are the real accelerationists backing Biden? Please please link


Agreed that disbanding the US is a bad idea for multiple reasons, but the structure of American federalism is a huge problem that has to be dealt with. I think the correct solution is to abolish the states and have a unitary government. Just have the national government (an actual government, not the EU model, which would be disastrous as Liz rightfully pointed out) and below that, metropolitan regional governments. Those are the only two levels of society (other than the neighborhood level, maybe) that it makes sense to coordinate resources at. Also, in the case of central planning, I'm all in favor as long as the planners take special care to eliminate resource and labor exploitation throughout the supply chain, which if properly integrated would (I think) lead to a slightly more decentralized model of planning than you see in companies like Amazon or saw in the USSR.

Grenadine Vetch

Up until recently(Covid)- that crappy campus culture, culled by Thiel & his bros, is like so totally evident here in the Mission & other neighborhoods they’ve sullied. The groups of techie man-babies that cannot go to lunch alone, shuffling along in their doughy bodies & dumb jeans; are clearly products of that lifestyle. I’m just bitching cos those dudes have always pissed me off.

Frederick Von Drasek

...I feel a little guilty saying this, given the subject matter of so many of your shows--child rape, war, police violence,the persistence of active fascism in our hemisphere,etc--but there was something unusually grim and frightening about this episode; I guess it's just the unspoken vastnesses of implied, removed violence that undergirds everything Thiel and his kind love looming in the back of my mind. You guys are doin' great...

Leo Gershik

Speaking of the repeat guests conversation - I would love to hear more episodes with MSJ. Death/Corner is one of the most thought-provoking things I’ve ever had the pleasure to consume


Chrissy Tiegen does the night eggs

N.L. Ington

Maybe I' don't have a total grasp on the concept, but Thiel is Anarcho-Capitalist right? Authority through Libertarianism?

Welfare state

Breaking up the is would be pretty based tbh, as a non American i salivate with the thought of the US military being broken up

Charles Muller

I'm "glad" you mentioned that Moldbug guy. I'd had an interview with him pop up in my YT feed and having never heard of him, I checked it out while puttering in the kitchen. I admit I had no clue what the fuck he was talking about but that vagueness was a little intriguing. Then about an hour in, he went into a "where Hitler went wrong" discussion prompting me to ask "what the fuck?" and bail. I googled the guy and discovered his, as you well define it in the episode, authoritarian/libertarian schtick. One the one hand, I'd like you folks to delve into that more while on the other, it scares me on some visceral level and I'd rather not hear about that delusional bullshit.


Noah Kulwin is sexy I’m sorry someone had to say it


i worked for one of those thiel fellows who got paid to drop out. took a computer science class with him before that and i’m pretty sure he was gonna drop out whether he got paid or not. when the company got a celebrity investor he started making us hang out with these other sociopath 20 year olds from the thiel network who couldn’t keep their mouths shut about the ritual orgies they were part of. the company shut down in less than three years because he got caught lying to investors, and the last documented experience anyone ever had there was ashton kutcher signing a startup t shirt and telling an employee to sell it on ebay to make up for their paycheck. then the guy got a job with a vc firm and started subcontracting house rebuilds for wildfire victims at a markup


Franc-Tireurs were snipers. I think they first made an appearance in the Franco-Prussian war and the Germans would shoot them when captured as it was considered dirty pool. I heard that although Belgium was officially neutral in WW1 they had some sort of secret agreement with the UK and France. This came out when it was made public by the Bolsheviks, or so I've heard.


damn this is wild, but also totally in line with these particular pieces of shit. i almost wish this was surprising to read. thanks for sharing fam

Dan Davis

This must be what it's like for my wife when I start talking about musical instruments.

Jack Nancy

Laura Ingraham's brother was my brothers elementary school teacher lol

Doug Welch

Brace: Germany totally believed it had the right to execute franc-tireurs. Under the existing Geneva Conventions, it was legal to execute armed militants caught in civilian clothing as spies. That was the legal norm before World War 1. I think there were at least two subsequent Geneva Conventions, one after the First World War and one after the Second. But you are also correct that Germany was breaking international law by invading Belgium in 1914. Pro German or anti-German, if the High Command had not stripped away those armies to move to the Eastern front, the Schlieffen Plan could have worked!


Completely off topic but I wonder if brace and Liz would ever do an episode on the top ten books that have influenced them



Kulsoom Jafri

Back because I saw this and couldn't stop laughing; 'The disastrous voyage of Satoshi, the world’s first cryptocurrency cruise ship' - funded by our boy https://www.theguardian.com/news/2021/sep/07/disastrous-voyage-satoshi-cryptocurrency-cruise-ship-seassteading?utm_source=pocket-newtab-global-en-GB


"Accelerationists are voting for Biden" grows more eerie with every passing day