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With Palantir going public, we bring Noah Kulwin from Blowback into the Command Bunker to lay out just what Peter Thiel is up to




"We were promised flying cars, instead we got: depression."

William Pepper



Just paused a Michael Parenti lecture for this

Erinrose Sullivan

Oh what a nice Monday morning treat with my coffee.

Vincent Utah

Hmmm... this is either about LotR or a literal vampire.

Sam GL .

I love when im in the middle of a shift at work and a new ep comes out haha

Joe Thompson

What song plays under Liz reading the Carp moving letter?


The lord of the rings movies “suck”??? EXCUSE me Noah??


Please, do an episode on Tesla!!


Beetboy 7 :')

Quinten Monson

Bring Barrett Brown on the pod


It’s part of the 2nd Movement in Beethoven’s 7th Symphony.


Yes!!!!! Been waiting for this episode

Brendan Garcia

It drives me nuts when no one points out that the Palantir and Mithril [Capital, his investment fund], are both symbols of greed, hubris and overreach in LotR. Thank you Noah!

Garrett Paul

I dont give a shit. You can call me a luddite. All smartphones should be destroyed en masse.


Not to be an Elijah Wood apologist, but all necks are the width of the persons face? Please release a correction next episode.

Michael S. Judge

I beg your pardon, but I believe I'm the founder of the TrueAnon Trizz Gang, and that Noah and I have to get up to some goofy dick rituals to make this official

Dan Z

can someone post the youtube link

James Carmody

New nickname for the Wikipedia page: Brace "Gayboy" Belden. Also great episode

Brendan Mahoney

You need to do an episode on credit reporting to do the history of this

Andrew Cheramie

I get not liking star wars but I don't get being so insecure about it you can't appreciate an imaginative and technically accomplished work, regardless of its merchandising and marketing.

Andrew Cheramie

Liz needs to review What is to Be Done, the limits to trade union consciousness, and apply that to people losing interest in big issues


thank you for standing up for imaginative and technically accomplished works, they don't get enough credit


Just finished this episode this morning (enjoyed it!). Then sat down to work a work project analyzing the latest DHS proposed regulations. Turns out they want to start collecting finger, palm, and voice prints, plus iris scans for all immigrants (not that different from what they already do) PLUS all the same biometric data from any u.s. citizen who petitions for a family member’s residency. Also children who have been victims of domestic abuse or trafficking will have to prove good moral character...??? Summary and full proposed rule here: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/09/11/2020-19145/collection-and-use-of-biometrics-by-us-citizenship-and-immigration-services

Paul Beresniewicz

30:00 you guys get really excited about a film? i gather... what are you talking about?? lol


Denver sucks

James Fair

Don't get doomer Liz, us zoomers will save the world just for you and brace


As a philosophy graduate, thank you Brace for validating me. I'll make a fancy coffee just for you.


I love when brace makes respectable guests uncomfortable with the gun

a clash of purple

Ug, Phillistines making light of Lord of the Rings and Star Wars... They're good (LotR the books and Star Wars the George Lucas films). I'm just going to say it, speaking as someone who considers himself a leftist, most leftists have terrible taste in everything. I don't know if it's because so many American leftists on the internet are awful young hipsters, but it's got to stop before everyone turns into Matt Christman or something, just sitting around naming artistic genres that they refuse to even try out and unable to enjoy anything unironically.


Yay I can’t wait for part 2!!!


Great episode.


solid own of matt karp lol


I thought it was weird to like john le carre lol, the smiley radio plays are great: https://fourble.co.uk/podcast/r4smiley

Crash Test Orphan

Anduril was the sword of a main character Aragorn/King Elessar, and means "Flame of the West." So that name definitely has some added meaning - gotta use these weapons against those evil eastern hordes

Jack Lawrence

You guys should check out Peter Thiels investment in charter cities around Honduras (ZEDEs) - real spider network shit involving libertarian think tanks and Hayek institute free market economics planning to run semi-independent cities. Thiel is a big investor and Patri Friedman is involved along with Titus Gebel and Ronald Reagan's son.

John S

An episode focused specifically on the scam that is modern 'AI' and 'machine learniing' would be great, especially in terms of how far from reality technology is from any sort of Artificial General Intelligence.

Sebastian Wittekindt

I appreciated that CRISPR reference. You are seen Brace

Terence Connolly

Just got round to listening to this I would have liked to have heard more about LOTR and Italian third position fascism that saw the book as a kind of guide in the 70s.


So Silicon Valley is the new proving grounds, right?


LOL born and raised in Colorado, spot on analysis. I’ve been up, down and all around this state.. most of it sucks ass. The women are NOT mostly tens (unless you like boy shapes) and I don’t drink so... 👎

D.K. Wilson

If what Brace describes in the way of “unbridled surveillance” is “permissible in liberal democracy” you must admit the entirety of Western Culture is built on lies.

D.K. Wilson

On 9.10.01Rumsfeld admitted to missing $2.3 --- TRILLION.


I can't say more but a family friend works at palantir and last time he was at our house, I cried. That's unrelated but still true

rafy hay

I've never heard anyone else reference the Honourable Schoolboy radioplay, incredible stuff. The original Tinker Tailor and Smiley's People too 👨‍🍳👌