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We’re joined by Moss Robeson (twitter.com/mossrobeson__) of the Bandera Lobby blog (banderalobby.substack.com) and talk about the less-known aspect of the Spider Network: followers of Nazi-aligned Ukrainian nationalist Stepan Bandera and their growing influence in Ukraine—and America.



Adam Haller

I listen to this episode once a month. This is one the best.



Sam GL .

New ep!!

features creatures

I’m an audiophile, don’t open my FLAC files.


You should know that Vaush is a pro EU anarcho-syndicalist


I like "the ukraine" reminds me of being back home and calling it "the walmart"

Daniel Moiseev

The word Ukraine etymologically comes from an old Russian word Ukraina, meaning the edge or the periphery. So even though Ukraine is fine as a proper noun, it rubs some people the wrong way when you refer to their country in something that is easily interpreted as "the periphery" . In Russian language this same thing turns into a conflict about what prepositions to use with the word. Often you can tell how a russian-speaking person feels about Crimea becoming a part of Russia by how they say "in Ukraine": na ukraine - on periphery VS v ukraine - in ukraine.

Evan Scott

saying 'the ukraine' pisses off ukrainian nationalists to no end and you should definitely say it it's like calling FYROM/North Macedonia 'macedonia' for greeks and it rocks

Lou TheGivingFish

time flag: 56:42 - Brace says "the ukraine"

Evan Scott

'the ukraine' refers to the russian etymology of the word 'ukra-ina' which means roughly 'borderland'. calling it 'the ukraine' is almost like calling it the styx or something which contextualizes ukraine as beingike a bumpkin region of russia instead of a separate entitiy

a clash of purple

Liz Hoffman or Liz Frenchman? Liz Hofffffffrenchman! Brace transporting me back to Homestar Runner of all things...


Anyone got any book recommendations about the Ukrainian famines in the 30's?

Doug Cartel

what was the name of the guy mccain knew? hofstadko or something? sounds like a german-ukranian name but idk


Batman’s friends call him Batman but his enemies say “the Batman” and the same is true of Ukraine.

asaf yakir


Nate Christy

Think it’d be cool as hell if y’all did an epi on the Romanian Iron Guard

Chris Ryan

I worked at Napredak Hall in San Jose for a few days, they fired me for refusing to be racist to customers. Checks out


everytime I hear someone bring up the holodomor, it's an anarchist.

pod accoster (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 00:49:44 More on Bandera, Ukraine and Euromaidan, please! Euromaidan seems so misunderstood ( like Brace I remember being weirded out seeing the pics in these positive articles in the NYT and other major publication with far right party flags pictured ). Bandera is making a resurgence in Ukraine and every now and then I see these revisionist pervs on Twitter. I remember either the CA Bonds guy or the PropOrNot account was pushing the idea that Bandera was good in that he fought the Nazis &amp; the USSR--basically only a thing you would do to try to whitewash the nationalists actual relationship with the Nazis, mostly likely for the sake of the current nationalist resurgence.
2020-09-25 23:33:11 More on Bandera, Ukraine and Euromaidan, please! Euromaidan seems so misunderstood ( like Brace I remember being weirded out seeing the pics in these positive articles in the NYT and other major publication with far right party flags pictured ). Bandera is making a resurgence in Ukraine and every now and then I see these revisionist pervs on Twitter. I remember either the CA Bonds guy or the PropOrNot account was pushing the idea that Bandera was good in that he fought the Nazis & the USSR--basically only a thing you would do to try to whitewash the nationalists actual relationship with the Nazis, mostly likely for the sake of the current nationalist resurgence.

More on Bandera, Ukraine and Euromaidan, please! Euromaidan seems so misunderstood ( like Brace I remember being weirded out seeing the pics in these positive articles in the NYT and other major publication with far right party flags pictured ). Bandera is making a resurgence in Ukraine and every now and then I see these revisionist pervs on Twitter. I remember either the CA Bonds guy or the PropOrNot account was pushing the idea that Bandera was good in that he fought the Nazis & the USSR--basically only a thing you would do to try to whitewash the nationalists actual relationship with the Nazis, mostly likely for the sake of the current nationalist resurgence.

Corey Wagner

What were the books mentioned in this? I was out snd about while listening so I didnt have a chance to jot them down.

Peter M


Peter M

Really common slavic nationalist thing to get pissed how you are called in another language structure

Doug Welch

A thing about "the" Ukraine: I believe Ukraine means border or borderland. So Ukraine becoming an independent nation, what is it the border of? It's almost like its own name proves it is part of Russia. Ukrainian nationalists don't like the "the" as I understand things.

Doug Welch (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 00:49:43 How did Brace &amp; Liz get interested in Ukrainians? Bandera? Skorzeny? Der Spinne? Colonia Dignidad?
2020-10-25 21:05:54 How did Brace & Liz get interested in Ukrainians? Bandera? Skorzeny? Der Spinne? Colonia Dignidad?

How did Brace & Liz get interested in Ukrainians? Bandera? Skorzeny? Der Spinne? Colonia Dignidad?


What kind of Fucking name is Moss

Aidan powell

I keep coming back to listen to this one. Crazy you guys were on the beat 2 years before the invasion/ war

Degrassi Knoll

Even more delayed defense: I loved spending some time with my totally not fake friends Moss, Brace n Liz