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For our very special 100th episode we go into the new Paris Hilton documentary, which leads us to a discussion on the murders, suicides, rapes and disappearances frequently found in the Troubled Teen Industry, and Brace's experience with the same. Thanks to all you gumshoes for listening -- stay to the end for the full TrueAnon theme music!!!

Paris Hilton documentary: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wOg0TY1jG3w

Stuff on Tranquility Bay: https://medium.com/@sneii748/the-troubled-teen-industry-the-politics-of-abuse-within-therapeutic-boarding-schools-d343435e5d36

Synanon short film: https://m.youtube.com/watch?ab_channel=JenA&t=43s&v=THu690d7qJE



Bryan Reese

We love you Brace.


🤍🤍🤍thank you for your incredible vulnerability and all the work you do to expose evil in the world.

Cameron Pasman

Congrats on 100! Love you guys. Miss YC on the mic though.


Tin foil hat is on, headphones are in. The sound of this echoes thru my brain. I am happy.


WOW ok this is epic

Joel Smith

Hi from Montana


100 years of trueanon, time flies so fast ;')

Sam GL .

New truuuue anonnnn


cent’anni 🥂

Stephen Wells

The Highlights of banter


this is amazing, haha

Syd Beltz



Proud of both of you for keeping up the quality of your collaboration and your repartee. The love (and respect) is real. I can’t wait to see what you do with the next hundred episodes!


I'm really glad you guys took on this topic. When I was thirteen I was put in a wilderness program and then a therapeutic boarding school. The reason was literally because I had NVLD, which is a developmental disorder similar to autism. Across both programs, I was in institutions for a total of 2 years. It was torture and just as awful as you describe. Just for example, they had this punishment called "stocks" where you basically had to wear a clown outfit and no one was allowed to speak to you for days. You would do heavy labor like digging holes and breaking rocks while the other kids were at school. I was okay for a while after but I eventually got depressed, dropped out of college and barely left the house or talked to anyone for like 4 years. It took so long for me to realize that I really was tortured. My parents still don't believe it and it's hard talking to them about it. (I'm doing much better now, pursuing my childhood dream of becoming a classical musician) So good to hear people who went through the same shit opening up about it and making it public. Keep up the good work.


Much respect, I’ve had an analogous trajectory. There’s a lot of people that had the same exact experience as us and it’s a lot to grapple with; took me a long time to get to terms with my dad about it


I grew up and went to high school in Provo area. That school was a fucking nightmare for soo many friends. Fucking insane.

Brian Long

Happy 100 to my favorite people. Thanks for everything. Love you 3 so much. ❤️❤️❤️

features creatures

Love you guys. Been listening from the start. Best podcast in the world, can’t wait for that Spotify deal.


Further listening suggestion: The podcast Reveal recently released an 8 part series on the history and legacy of Synanon with a lot of first hand testimony called American Rehab. You can also read the investigation online with all the resouces. https://www.revealnews.org/american-rehab/


Thanks for sharing your story Brace. For some reason when listening I kept thinking about the genocidal Indian Residential School system in Canada where kids were abducted and abused in order to break their connection to their culture. This stuff has deep roots in settler colonial society

Deirdre Tanton

Brace - that should have never happened to you. I’m sorry that so many adults were beyond toxic. This podcast is important.

Eric Currie

I was on vivitrol for like an afternoon. I still want to strangle that nurse practitioner for urging me to take it without telling me I had to detox completely before. The worst I’ve ever felt.


Really great ep - I am glad you pointed out the ecosystem that these and rehab programs exist in...the recruiters, the manipulation of families, the cross eyed distrust of the victims of these places...gets me a bit angry again now...how flippantly ppl who have never once been displaced, or trapped EVER will make these life-fucking choices on someone else's behalf and never bat an eye. Grateful that I get to experience TA, thanks


fantastic opening mr chomsky


No way dude they gave it to you before you were withdrawing?! That’s awful. I’ve had precipitated WDs from self admin subs and I still remember the vomit


A great episode that left me fighting tears. I wouldn’t have thought you could sustain this intensity coming off the 9/11 series. Thanks to all three of you for the excellent work over these hundred episodes. Every week, your clear minds and good hearts shine through. Very much looking forward to the next hundred.

Joey da Rat

Love ya brace. I’m so glad you made it. The world is better because of it. Your strength keeps me going when shit seems so fucked all the time.

Eli Baumann

wow when u dropped that leonard cohen fact my leonard cohen tattoo started burning a hole directly in my skin


gratz on the 100 keep it up champs


Madness. I naively thought that boarding school was a uniquely UK phenomenon, it's so bleak to hear how the US has overclocked it with such brutal cruelty. I'm sorry you had to go through that, Brace.

Benjamin Murray

https://elan.school/rude-awakening/ this is an illustrated comic of someone's experience at the Elan School, a spin-off of Synanon. Check it out if you are interested.


went to cascade. my partner (fellow cedu-spinoff survivor) was still there when paris was helicoptered in. thanks for this ep


Thank you Brace and Liz and YC this was a great ep. Happy 100. Currently listening to the super extended outro music and wishing none of this shit had happened to Brace 🖤


I'd like to reserve a spot at Brace's compound. Please take my money, Colonel.


jesus, remembering my own “dual laura” system and how it still fucks me up. lol talk about learning to “wear a mask” current partner made it from whitmore CA to the CA/OR border when he split. had to stop because massive mudslides were blocking the main roads always thought the kids who “refused the program” but then went and sat in the designated spot in the dining hall until the escorts came to take them to wilderness/provo/wherever were goofy, at that point you might as well swear and pop off and break bans with everyone and i second the deep desire to inflict pain on the fuckers that ran my “school”. one of the counselor’s houses burned down in the redding CA fires, ty karma you magnificent bitch. would love some alone time with sex pervert counselor carl who currently resides in thailand 👁

Josef Blagesklavienski

Man, I really feel for you Brace. That sounded so rough...

Saoirse Murray

Hey, go on Vaush's stream or have Vaush on the pod! He's very hung up on electoralism, but I don't think he's a bad guy.

Well aged meme

Brace is Satoshi Nakamoto 2.0 confirmed.

Violet Lucca

This episode brought me to tears multiple times. Children being ground down and tortured shakes me to my core. And so many of Brace’s reactions to trauma reminded me of my own childhood experiences, which I’ve only recently come to understand as trauma. I had to pause the ep and think about the patchy memories I have of that time, especially the moment I first dissociated and chose to invent two versions of myself at the age of 11. (More versions followed.) After having so many problems—an eating disorder that then turned into alcoholism, believing that an emotionally abusive relationship was teaching me to be a better person, depression and anxiety, intentionally isolating myself—I found it hard to accept that there was yet another thing “wrong with me.” Hearing others talk honestly about their reaction to trauma, rather than just writing it off as a hardship you just gotta suck up and move past (as I was taught to do), is helpful. I don’t even know if this post makes sense. But thank you for sharing, Brace.


I grew up with several kids that got sent through fucked up wilderness reform programs like these. “Pathfinders” was one of the main ones that parents in my area were being sold. Across the board the kids came back way more fucked up than when they arrived. They would often stage a middle of the night “kidnapping” type event where reps from the camp would unexpectedly pull the kids out of bed and throw them in a van and they’d be at Pathfinders for months if not years. Another friend thought he was going on a vacation with his family...when they got off the plane two big scary security guard types grab him, cuff him and throw him into a van while my friend is crying and screaming. They apparently like to do these traumatic pickups to immediately fuck with your head. This particular friend was 15 years old and smoked a lot of pot but that’s it....nothing harder. His parents were very conservative and were convinced he was going to kill himself if they didn’t take drastic measures. So many stories of abuse from my friends that returned. Awful.


whoa. i wonder how much carry-over there is from the widespread native american boarding schools

Mule K.

great 100 ep. montage from Yung Chomsky

Help I'm Trapped in a Cage of my Own Creation

Thank you so much for doing this episode. My best friend and former roommate was sent to one of these camps in high school and experienced much of the same things as you shared here. Limited food, "agreements," group "therapy." It lead to a "Dual persona" system that you talked about, where he has a public and private persona now and still struggles with substance use. One thing of note is that my friend went back to be a counselor at the camp. He only worked there for a summer, and then the camp was shut down due to an abuse investigation, but he had this idea he could do better for the kids that were there than his counselors did for him. He really wanted to help, and I think working there broke him down in just as many ways as being there as a kid. Just a way the system of abuse perpetuates itself, I think. He's doing well now, and I hope others in the comments who experienced these and other abuses are doing well too. Much love to everyone.


To be completely honest, being from the hood, I always find it hard to take much trauma seriously. Thinking that’s just the way it is or someone’s situation isn’t that bad, I’ve seen worse etc. but listening to this, I really felt for Brace and I appreciate him coming out and being up front and honest. I don’t really know what to say right now, but dude is one of the strongest individuals I’ve ever heard. I didnt want to tweet it because it didn’t feel genuine and appropriate for what I’m feeling. This is actually my first post on here, because I just had to let him know, he’s a fucking inspiration. Anyone that has gone through this, I have all the respect in the world for you. I’m rambling and I don’t know why but this episode really hit me man. I hate all the pain in this world. Childhoods and lives ruined for profit. Just terrible.


I know exactly what you’re talking about. All of this shit is really common but sort of treated like unique cases; really easy to ruin someone’s childhood and make a buck while you do it

will h

you're doing it, peter


Google this: pathfinders mike parr


I had friends sent off to places like this, my parents always threatened it but I'm thankful they never went through with it. Sounds terrible.

Dan Z

this episode was really special. I would love to hear more of Brace's stories "in the shit" from a variety of stages of his life. I have a couple questions: 1. Brace said he was taken to the desert by himself. how did he know he was going to be taken somewhere else? the circumstances sound like it would be really easy to die. perhaps it was implied he had a certain level of supervision. 2. what is the point of these centers being so cruel? if they were only after money they would probably be a little more chill. you mentioned they were work camps too. what kind of work did they do there?


We love you Brace you make us all laugh, cry, and keep going every day!


I'm obviously not Brace but I had some similar experiences. I can't speak at all on your first question (I went to a wilderness program where we did solos, but the solos were not like what he described) but I've spent a lot of time thinking on your second question. Basically, I think that the reason why they are cruel is a pretty complex intersection of different expressions of American society. I think that there are three main factors at play: 1. The fact that most of these centers are run by religious extremists with black and white protestant worldviews. It is easy for them to have kneejerk reactions, judge and dehumanize people that they believe are aberrant. We see this a lot in normal society, the way that Christian right wing discourse often focuses on blue hair, nose rings, etc. as a starting point for dismissal of any type of dissenting opinion. The programs themselves have a tendency to look for and fixate on these things, which is a process of the program coordinators dehumanizing their students. It is very easy for these people to treat kids poorly when they believe that they aren't "kids", but "punks" or "goths" or "drug users." 2. The fact that children in the USA are already very significantly dehumanized, and deprived of rights, and that right wing opinions surrounding children depicts them as objects which are a focus of adult control, rather than subjects capable of expressing independent agency. Thus, assertions of subjectivity on the part of the student are just met with anger from the program, because it is fundamentally incompatible with what they believe a child's role should be. 3. Disciplinary society. Basically the concept that prisons are founded on, the idea that cruel and strict treatment can be a cure for a wide variety of social ills. I don't really want to describe this in detail, but if you're more interested (and I think it's important if you want to understand this subject) you should read parts of Discipline and Punish, especially "Docile Bodies" and "complete and austere institutions" because it really discusses in depth the formation and structure of this ideological component of our society. Also to answer your question about work camps, most of them are ranches. The work will usually be typical ranch work. I had to do a lot of digging post holes, moving rocks to clear pasture, general animal care, and a little bit of construction.

The Milkman

yung chomksy, nice to hear an extended mix of the theme song!

Malek Douglas

Brace, we love you, please keep on going. (we love liz too i think)

Garrett Paul

My best friend got sent to monarch. Brace's story about getting gooned and sent away is literally the same to my best friend's. He tried escaping by jacking a car, tried escaping by hitch hiking out of the place


My best friend got sent to New Horizons


when i saw the ep was about paris hilton i did not expect to get choked up while listening to it but i totally did.

Sarah Jay

Thank you so much for reminding me of Little Steven's Underground Garage. Also, Happy 100!



Mark Chassy

What is the connection between synanon and werner erhard? I got caught up in the EST cult when I was a teenager. I see a lot of parallels, thought the EST shit wasn't as violent since it was mainly built for professional middle class shitheads.


I went to one of these shithole places when I was 14 and then when I was in my early twenties I sheltered two kids who ran away from two different places like this for over a year, but I didn't try to fuck them


Fantastic episode. Thank you for sharing your story Brace.


thank you for this episode. I had heard of "reform schools" and synanon but never knew they dovetailed in such a horrific way. thanks for sharing your story brace

Solomon Pettitt

this shit was heat! also seconding the boys town ep request


I'm so happy Glenn tweeted about your podcast, this has been such a rock in my daily life, I've binged every episode over the last month and am looking forward to 100, 1000 more. Thank you Brace, Liz, and Yung Chomsky. Ya'll are the dream team.

Solomon Pettitt

unfortunate to hear liz isnt single


my friend worked at outward bound and it sounded horrible. I always wonder if she had worse stories she wasn’t telling me

Bobby Volcano

Halfway through was wondering how you were going to pad this into a full episode and I know it's passe at this point to have your mind blown by Trueanon, but my jaw is still on the floor an hour after listening to this one. So sorry this happened to Brace and is happening to anyone. It's really wild this happens regularly to kids who are just learning-disabled or autistic. I went to a boarding school for apple polishing nerds and obviously we got the exact opposite treatment. Alumni from that one high school engineered half the demented Internet shit everyone has to deal with on a daily basis now because we're mostly sociopaths. Meanwhile Brace is fighting the good fight and a hell of a lot smarter than 99% of those people, and despite going through all this horrific stuff. What a crazy world. Wishing you 100 more episodes and some peace in all this smoke and worry.


This was fucking awesome. Lost some friends to these nightmare places. One of my good buddies made it out of the one up in the panhandle of Idaho. Now he's an underpaid smoke jumper based in Redding (: - you guys should do an episode on CA firefighters. Saw my buddy recently and he was telling me how he's been a jumper for 8 years now and doesn't get fucking healthcare... really wild and awful shit.

Calvin Bishop

Yung Chomsky please post a link to the full theme remix at the end. Also love you brace.




finally shut down by lawsuits last year


Fucking hell this is tough reading. Unbelievable.


FUCKIN A, YUNG CHOMSKY!! The song is kicking with both feet!


This one hit me really hard. I got sent to a place in Heron, Montana myself. Escorts, "your kid is gonna die," unpaid hard labor, the whole nine. I'll be sending an email with my story soon.


Brace was at a porno?


If you talk about MK Ultra, can you please talk about the lawsuit against the American and Canadian govs by children of victims?

Brian Long

Brace, I’m sorry you went through all of that. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

Brian Long

More of Liz singing.

Brian Long

The outro is so good. I’m listening to it right now. 💯


Happy 100th you guys are my favorite


Do an episode about warkrime

Nick Cole

This was horrifying and it greatly upset me. Sorry that that happened to you Brace. Great episode again!

Syd Beltz

My parents tricked me into going to one of these places in Colorado because they wanted to move across the country halfway through my senior year of high school and I (naturally) was upset by this and heavily depressed. Luckily I was like a month away from turning 18 so I was only there for a few weeks but I lived like a prisoner! Stripped searched, woken up at 4am to randomly give blood, a flashlight in your face every 15 minutes at night to make sure you're breathing, watching kids get tackled and put in "the soft room" (solitary) when they had mental breaks, having my books taken and given literal picture books, walking through double buzz-through doors single-file with your head down like you're on fucking death row? What's not to love 🤷‍♀️ I remember watching Holes and being like, "oh hell yeah, at least there I could go outside" lmao Much respect to you for being the first successful escape from Monarch tho, hit me up and I'll buy you an edible arrangement for your valor


This is shit happened to me when I was 15 years old and I’m trying to forget about that experience because it was the worst thing that ever happened to me.

Grenadine Vetch

My rad teenaged babysitter got sent to Provo in the 80s.


Sorry Brace had a traumatic experience as an adolescent, but this documentary was really uninteresting. What a shocking over privileged human being. When are you guys going to talk about ecoside?




Congrats on episode 1000, keep it up


Hell of an episode. Congrats on 100 guys. Keep it up.


This episode made me literally cry. I appreciate you guys so much, and Brace G*d bless you. I’m definitely in love with you and Jesus Christ you are literally beyond what I can believe. So amazing and so resilient and I’m so happy to be here every week to hear you two. The only thing that really keeps me going and keeps me angry and hopeful. Literally love you guys sooooooooooo much. Thank you thank you thank you

Joe Thompson

This reminds me of my upbringing. Didn’t go to one of these reform facilities but had a real son of a bitch for a step dad. Army guy. When Brace talks about having to separate yourself and hold the absolute most amount of hate for someone you can so you can make it through it? Man I felt that in my bones. I’m a teacher now. If I can stop this from happening with one of my kids, it’d be great.

Hans Schwitzerworst

Liz! You really have a lovely singing voice. Have you ever recorded any songs?


salute to you. you broke the cycle and now you're n a profession that can help prevent it. hope you dont get paid dogshit like most teachers i had and i hope at least some of that hate has healed.


Wow this is probably one of the most upsetting episodes I’ve listened to. Legit almost started to cry near the end.


Brace thanks for sharing your story with us! You came through it bud.


Definitely need a update episode...


Please please please unpaywall this ep im trying to save my brothers life and this is the absolute source of myunderstanding of what he went through