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Independent researcher Ben (twitter.com/housetrotter) joins us once more for the fifth installment in our 9/11 series. In this episode we take a look at the history of false flag attacks and the NATO supported anti-communist stay behind networks in post-war Europe, and de-memeify GLADIO. 



Tre Kendrick

You guys are cray-si

Ben Jammin

thank you thank you thank you thank you


cant believe the motherfucker got cut 😔

Crash Test Orphan

The sky is red there's fires and virus and this is the balm I need, please keep talking about 9/11

Michael S. Judge

I saw Reinhard Gehlen drinking a piña colada at Trader Vic's His hair was perfect Awoo, werewolves of Gehlen


Vince McMahon hype-react meme level 5

Nurtec Germanotta

what is the series on special ops Brace references?

Sam GL .

New pod


Brace 2020 - Go on Rogan

will h

What is this series on special forces worldwide? Recluse?


ahhhh drink some water i cant take the mouth sounds

Frank Cold

This was not a false flag event, but I feel is relevant to the “years of lead.” 1979. American Nazi party and KKK murdered 5 members of the Communist Workers Party in Greensboro, NC : https://vimeo.com/364668455/23c5b7530e


Have to say, the thing that really blows my mind in this episode is the throwaway reference Brace makes to the connection between gladio folks in Italy and CREP. Obviously they weren’t running around Mexico collecting briefcases of money or breaking into the DNC because we know the people in CREP who did that, but recontextualizes Watergate from this one-off thing or a product of uniquely American circumstances to a part of this broader international phenomenon.

Simia Canis

Please consider an episode discussing Smedley Butler and the coup against FDR that he was unsuccessfully recruited for by US right-wingers.

James Knox-Davies

I think this was the story mentioned in passing about a family camping and then chased out of town by a right wing militia https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a32784551/washington-family-bus-antifa-trump/

Will Ferguson

A Reddit link sent me to Koch'd Up this morning, and I spent the rest of the day listening to Bush Did 9/11 Parts 1-4. I'm happy to give you the $5 for Part 5 (and Koch'd Part II, score). I'm a really sensible (well-programmed, apparently) person, and this kind of topic normally repulses me. But then Brace addressed that in the last part of Episode 4-- I do need to think about this. Racking my slide in salute.


This is stuck in my head now. I think we can find a lot of hidden truth in Zevon. Headless Thompson Gunner is a Spider Network Song

Michael S. Judge

It might be THE Spider Network Song. And "They Moved the Moon" is for ARPAnet and the Phoenix Program






This 9/11 week series has me hooked lol

Daniel Epstein

thinking about those Ferguson protestors again, among other things


Dose anyone know what series Brace is referencing about global special forces?

Spaghetti For Brains

Crazy that G4S came up. They’re the company the U.K. govt outsourced the recent massive overhaul of the benefits system to. Many scandals involving them declaring people in iron lungs fit for work and that kind of thing. Also overseen some disastrous infrastructure and NHS contracts. Like a U.K. version of Halliburton feasting on the flesh of the Iraqi State.

Himbo Slice

The guy that Sosa from Scarface is based on was personal friends of calvi and Klaus Barbie

Doug Cartel

seems like everyone at one point was like "yo if we kill civilians theyll totally get mad at their own government and overthrow it". I mean you mentioned the right wing and left wing theories on this (leftists seem to target govt officials more than the right, at least) but american and british officers thought this was how air war was going to be in the 1930s. their theory was that if you blast civilian targets theyll get pissed at their own government and rebel to bring a quick end to the war. they didnt really practice this til after germany accidentally hit london and provoked an escalation, and even then allied air campaigns focused on targeting war industries in spite of how inaccurate the bombs were. Then of course the load capacity of B29s brought with them the idea of carpet bombing, but still all evidence points to the opposite- you bomb civilians, and they get mad and close ranks against you, rather than attacking their own government, which apparently bin laden thought 9/11 would do? or something? so the deception part of the false flag is more important than the actual violence. lots of guerrilla movements also had this "we'll do this big attack and then everyone will join us against our enemy" thing which feels less like an actual strategy and more like projecting your own worldview onto people living vastly different, non-hit-and-run lives. at worst it feels like religious eschatology.

Doug Cartel

also you might not have meant to undersell it but "hassling" a homeless family is a light way of explaining that episode out in Forks WA. they besieged them and would have slaughtered them if a bunch of rando teens hadnt intervened. Not to accuse you of making light, its just that verbiage doesn't really convey, at least to me, just how hair-trigger things in the PNW are right now

Jason Rand

It was an article on a blog called VISUP view. It’s done my a guy named Recluse who they’ve had on as a guest.


I just realized The Princess Bride involves an attempted false flag assassination


Please somebody find the official DOD annex on conducting false flag attacks

natalie foster (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 00:50:50 love you guys & learning new things but I simply wish there was more b*sh and 9/11 in the bush did 9/11 series 😔 theres so much good info and contradictions that no one rly knows about bc it's only for TinHats!! but thank you for all you do xo
2020-09-13 17:38:02 love you guys & learning new things but I simply wish there was more b*sh and 9/11 in the bush did 9/11 series 😔 theres so much good info and contradictions that no one rly knows about bc it's only for TinHats!! but thank you for all you do xo

love you guys & learning new things but I simply wish there was more b*sh and 9/11 in the bush did 9/11 series 😔 theres so much good info and contradictions that no one rly knows about bc it's only for TinHats!! but thank you for all you do xo

James O'Queef

Agreed. There’s so much fertile territory here unexplored. Beyond Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld, figures like Frank Carlucci, Michael Canavan, Brian Michael Jenkins, Richard Armitage, Paul Bremer, etc could each have their own episodes and didn’t get much mention. 9/11 is really a who’s who of American war criminals.

Sean C Venables

I think the 'Blowback' series podcast on the Iraq War works really well as an accompaniment to the TrueAnon 911 series. You pretty much get entire episodes on all the names you mention.

natalie foster

yes agree! I don't know how to reply to replies on here but I just started listening to blowback and am taking diligent notes lol


Glad for this series. I don't think people realize how much this event changed so many things. From FISA courts, to american citizens being put on secret kill lists, the patriot act, etc. It's all really horrifying and it's frustrating and isolating that you're not allowed to talk about it without being labeled as a right-wing crackpot.

pablo escobar’s hippos

My old nemesis George Wackenhut finally makes a TrueAnon appearance! Yeah George Wackenhut styled himself as a former FBI agent, but iirc he was more like a physical fitness trainer for the Bureau. I was researching where his sticky lil fingers had been in Florida politics in the late 1960s when Omar Mateen murdered all those people 🙃

nick froehlich

i sure am “gladio” you made this series! 😂

Jonathan Duncan

Does anyone know if there was ever and episode done on trans-humanism I know they said that they were going to do one sometime when they first started, just wondering which one it is.


Jesus christ. I kinda knew them as the “outsourced security firm with a few guards at every electronics store ive ever worked at”. Its weird that they combine these private intelligence ops with more normal legal work. Most of the people in the stores were also just buff but friendly arab dudes so it seems weird to me that this started as like a proto fascist private company according to the visup articles.


The dancing Israelis did do interviews, Brace. Hopefully next episode you go deeper (or at all) into Israels massive role in this operation, the fact that neoconservatism is an entirely Zionist movement and that no one stood to to gain as much as Israel.


What’s this Recluse series about the special forces Brace talks about?

Zakir KH

I really loved this series, thank you all for making it.

Madeleine C

Thanks for putting all the episodes for this series together. It's a good reminder of what "our" government is capable of. I'd pushed lots of this information down to the deepest darkest recesses of my mind because honestly it's something I don't want to believe. Have to admit that I'm of the Boomer generation, tail end, and even though I was "coming of age" shall we say during the Vietnam War and the Watergate era I find myself slipping back too easily into thinking "the US government would never do anything like that". I really appreciate the way this series presented the history of the Bush family and the other players through the years as they developed their strategy and eventually implemented it, successfully curtailing our thin veneer of freedom and gaining the power to spend trillions of dollars on endless wars. It's so fucking frustrating!!!!

Horse Badorties

The towers were named 'Nelson' and 'David' for the brothers, and the brothers were 6 inches different in height, and... so the towers were also 6 inches different in height. A little architectural joke.

Doug Welch

"Rose of the Winds" is what thing on an old timey pirate map? What Atlantic military alliance has a logo like that? I think the 1970 coup plot in Italy was called "Operation Rosa della Venti"

Doug Welch

Stuart Christie's Portrait of a Black Terrorist is a great book! Picked ip my copy at Modern Times back when it was on Valenica! Daniele Ganser's book is now the authoritative text on this subject now!

Ars Vulgata

What episode do they talk about Indonesia in?

Leilani Doneux

A two-parter on the Vatican? Pretty please?

Michael S. Judge

Yung Chomsky putting the pitch-shift and echo on "jawns" is a moment of subtle but profound self-reflection

Miss Lourdes

Revisiting this one due to recent events in europe


I watched Independence Day again and found that not even alien death rays can melt steel beams.

Juliette DeMaso

Oh Brace, is “Ro-BART” the Gourmand’s actual name? 😏