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We are joined by Julian Feeld and Travis View from QAnonAnonymous (twitter.com/QAnonAnonymous) to discuss the recent path of Save the Children rallies, the diffusion of Qanon through seemingly unaffiliated social media, TikTok QTeens, and what this means for the future.




So ready for the crossover 🥰


I was literally about to fall asleep at work now I'm fully awake, thank you


Best crossovers

Vincent Utah

Is anyone else unable to listen to this one? It keeps crashing Patreon when I click on it.


Am I absolutely out of my brain or is this episode glitching? I’ve heard the Qanon theme song bit at least 7 times.


It is broken for me as well


Wtf started this in the shower and I’ve listened to the intro repeat 5 times now


I’ll check back in a few hours if I hear cheezburger again I’ll blow my brains out


after 56 seconds it restarts


Sorry if you're having playback issues! We can't reproduce it and there's nothing wrong with the file -- try listening in another player or on soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/trueanonpod/save-the-pilled-men


playback is messed up on apple podcasts too


only working through the soundcloud link for me


Playback is screwed up, big time. Patreon's interface is trash. Thankfully I can download the mp3.


Once i was able to listen (downloading and then listening on patreon worked 👍) you people are absolutely invaluable in trying to finding a humane, kind way to interpret the absurd, maddening, contradictory world we live in... thank u for all you do brave podcasters


if you ever need a sociology researcher PLEASE hit me up haha i need a fuckin job!!!

Ed O'Brien

great episode- i think to persuade qanon folks we need to help people find a new identity. they identify so strongly with qanon - they need something else to bridge out of it. just like dems .maybe the belden program will give it to them


I have Cheeseburger brain now thanks 🍔


Q theme song is "We Are the World"

Stephen Wells

QuayLewd! And his Q guitar!

Stephen Wells

It was hilarious...NOT


Death around the corner's new episode with Matt Christman has an interesting take on the 'Q' phenomenon which is worth checking out

Stephen Wells

News for hotter older women ...who are mothers.


this ep sounds like DHS is gaslighting ALL of us on this blessed day


This refuses to load on my RSS feed so you guys must be onto something

Stephen Wells

The issue of combating propaganda is a real issue.


I'd like to hear more about the Dem Q guys. Talk about cognitive dissonance.

Erin WM

Always on board for a quality Q deep dive. Thanks, guys!


how am i 11minutes deep and the topic is audiobooks


13 minutes in: your apologies mean nothing to me! 😘 btw still having trouble with listening on the app, so i switched to spotify ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


did someone say haircut asmr? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtzHVrswVs8

a clash of purple

QAnonAnonymous + TrueAnon? Is that Q squared or Q cubed? It's a lot of Q either way.

Carla Amalie Fledelius

Am I the only one having issues with playing this episode? Right after they say that Qs theme song would be cheeseburger in paradise, it loops and starts over??


I think the issue is something hosted on Patreon’s end. Clicking through to the Patreon webpage for the ep from a couple different apps for me shows the total runtime as “Infinity:NaN:NaN” All good though since it’s totally functional on SoundCloud (also great ep as usual thanks y’all)


<b>Women be shopping</b>

will h

Also had issues playing this even on the Patreon feed. I had to download mp3. i feel like QA is like the dark underside of institutional psychotherapy. Bandi Lee is not an affiliated sponsor of the Belden Program but I think looking at QA as organized mental slavery isn't irrelevant, particularly in a world that is literally rampantly pedophilic.

will h

like after deinstitutionalization and alongside the complete takeover of a society that doesn't take care of us, I feel like QA is just like a fucked up mental ward that everyone's allowed into. If your abused your entire fucking life by fucked up parents in a fucked up society, its an obvious trap to fall in with an organized structure that facilitates group-based decoding of an authority figure's desire.


Hey I heard yall mention audible and an interest in audiobooks, I share this interest and have found the library systems digital resources to be invaluable, apps like hoopla and libby are great for accessing free high quality audiobooks and you get the added benefit of supporting them instead.

Ace of Wands

Pretty weak analysis. It’s not just “right wingers“ that are into QAnon. Also appeals to the apolitical, the politically disenfranchised. And why not delve into the Epstein connection at all? Isn’t that a big part of what led people to “Q” in the first place?

Simia Canis

"42-39-56" are the measurements of the eponymous Rosie in AC/DC's "Whole Lotta Rosie."


Brace. Pamphlets. Come on now.

Ehren Burton

This may become a new issue that is brought up EVERY election like abortion.


Former TrueAnon guest, Robbie Martin, was recently a guest on another podcast - talking about Qanon. I recommend listening to it as it's one of the best condensed Qanon podcasts I've heard. https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/15900929/theme/custom/height/90/custom-color/52a54d/menu/no/tdest_id/745525

D.G. Stone

🌹I live in the congressional district where Green’s running. Her ads were scary. This district has historically been bat shit crazy.


One of the areas I work in is sorcery related violence in the developing world. There is decades of evidence that trying to convince people not to believe in sorcery is utterly useless. The best scholars in this area say that a harm reduction approach is really the only way -- supporting victims and encouraging believers to focus on things that they can change without lynching people.


yung chomsky was in my dream last night. his fit was fresh 2 death and also he was open carrying an AR-15. that's all i remember

Julian (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 00:52:11 These guests are losers. Imagine ridiculing a group of people for caring about children.
2020-10-31 19:10:01

Floyd Hill

They served a great purpose when QAnon was around. I soon unsubbed from them because they clearly didn't need more more money and they are nazi-liberals for the most part....but that whole save the children thing made no sense and they actually highjacked the name of an actual charity with that name, tainting it. Also, 80 to 90% of "missing" children in the stats....they are found within 24 hours, "disappearing" on their own volition to a boyfriend's place or hanging out with friends somewhere and not telling their parents. That whole obsession with kids being taken by the deep state (that resides within deep military bases, obviously) to have adrenochrome extracted from them while tortured was always bullshit. No one would want to get high from adrenochrome, it's basically the same chemical as epinephrine....you don't see people huffing Epipens do you? It would be non-recreational and a very, very awful death to use adrenochrome, your veins and arteries all over your body popping out before your heart gives in. That's what is ridiculous.