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We talk to Danica Rodarmel about outbreaks in CA prisons, overcrowding at San Quentin, and the effort to get inmates released.


Piece by Danica and her husband Miguel: medium.com/@deardanica/revenge-redemption-release-9bfac4b591fd

Info on current case against San Quentin: sfpublicdefender.org/news/2020/07/effort-to-release-people-incarcerated-at-san-quentin-moves-forward-in-marin-county-superior-court/


Editorial by Danica: sacbee.com/opinion/california-forum/article244143422.html




When Belden program


Brace is probably an adorable sleeper When do we hear about Belden program?

Conner Dolezal

Why is it not Quentin Quarantino

Michael Andrew Damaso

Quentin Quarantino was my instagram name since the beginning of the pandemic, it was an original thought and how dare you

Mark M

Beldon program: be extremely sarcastic about every topic.

Wil Tarantino

Blatant bastardization of my name and character. I'll listen but I wont like it

Sebastian Wittekindt

Something very disconcerting about hearing Brace do the “bye bye” breaks some sort of natural law or something idk

Austbrook Hudson

Oops, thought I was commenting on Cum Town thread; clearly mistake, first and only indication, I didn’t see the word cum, joking that Adam is gay or comment about small dicks or dicksucking. Tip my hat to you my friends—headed over to Cum Town. 👮🏻‍♂️🔫😵🍆


California really is a disgusting state, incarcerated people fighting fires... next to central American immigrants picking fruit and everything in the fields next to these fires... i can literally not handle this


Beldon 2020

Dr. Lumpenjoker

Get with the Program already! Biji Liz! Biji Brace! Biji TrueAnon!

Ben Jammin

Sounds like trueanon needs a bootleg radio station

Kate Wright (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 00:52:02 My aunt is in San Quentin </3 just want to mention the nationwide opportunity to volunteer in prisons (post-Covid) through AVP - Alternatives to Violence Program. Anyone can sign up, get trained and hang out for a weekend! There's probably a prison with a program near you!
2020-09-07 15:45:19 My aunt is in San Quentin </3 just want to mention the nationwide opportunity to volunteer in prisons (post-Covid) through AVP - Alternatives to Violence Program. Anyone can sign up, get trained and hang out for a weekend! There's probably a prison with a program near you!

My aunt is in San Quentin </3 just want to mention the nationwide opportunity to volunteer in prisons (post-Covid) through AVP - Alternatives to Violence Program. Anyone can sign up, get trained and hang out for a weekend! There's probably a prison with a program near you!


what was the book brace mentioned reading to fall asleep? "the rise and fall of"

Ben Jammin

What's the cite in the reference for the social sadism essay, please?

Michael S. Judge

If that was a Yung Chomsky bridge piece (synth arpeggio w/bassline), still heavy Winding Refn vibes


How can she be this involved in this work but does she not understand habeas corpus? It isn’t “release the body” meaning “let the body go”; it is “show me the body” meaning “show me the evidence that provides legitimate grounds for detention”. Isn’t she a law student?



Grassy Gnoll

I find the whole prisoner fire fighters not be able to fight fires when released utterly baffling. Ot fucking disgusting.

Nat Cohen

she obviously understood what a habeas petition is, you're just being pedantic about the exact definition of a latin phrase.


She says specifically “I never get this right: It’s literally ‘release the body’; literally holding somebody’s body”. I’m sure she knows all the specifics on how to do the petition, it’s just a really weird minor basic thing to get wrong as a law student is all I’m saying

Justin Feaster

Enjoyed the interview, thanks!

Kennedy Connor

bad choice for the paywall!!!!!!!!

Noe thainks

If anyone here disagrees with prison or jail in principle I would like to know what you think should have been done with Epstein. Imo, There are just some people who will always take advantage of the system, when people know there are no real consequences for their actions I have a hard time believing they’re less likely to commit crimes.


We don't currently have a system that appropriately responds to any crime committed by the super wealthy (or anyone). It was 2008 when Epstein was first sentenced and it was laughable.

Noel Reed

I think it’s time for an episode on nursing homes/the elderly population, Liz I feel like you always have a lot of thoughts on the topic and I don’t think it’s something people scrutinize enough


Great episode yall. I'd also love to hear the show's thoughts around abolition.

Nora Bonner

Thanks for having an abolitionist in the show. I am so impressed.

Nat Cohen

Abolitionists have addressed this more eloquently than I could, but I think it's worth pondering that 1. our system of justice is built around punishing the worst of the worst, which is a very, very small amount of the overall prison population and 2. most perpetrators of harm are never caught by law enforcement, much less imprisoned. Check out writing from Mariame Kaba, Angela Davis, Danielle Sered

Jenny Boettiger

Especially great music in this episode. Well done, Yung Chomsky.

Verlaine Miller

If this was the last episode I think I would kill myself