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We take a look at the recent hubbub surrounding the USPS, what motivates the drive toward privatization, and the larger ideological underpinnings of the Libertarian revolution.



Ben Wood

I’m leaving because they don’t seem to think Epstein killed himself.

Irvin de la Rosa

TrueAnon Citations Needed collab when?

Jonney Weab

Can't listen now but thank you for fulfilling my request to do an episode on this

Kate Wright (edited)

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2021-07-23 00:53:23 My lil 'norcal' quip about our real estate scene - this April in Paradise, CA Vice Mayor Michael Zuccolillo was arrested in a sting for sexting a minor (just a week or so after CNN put out a "Climate Change Special Edition" documentary & interviewed the douchebag). This creep was alsooooo...a realtor. Selling post-Camp Fire lots. Also denies climate change in that brief interview.
2020-08-28 02:27:08 My lil 'norcal' quip about our real estate scene - this April in Paradise, CA Vice Mayor Michael Zuccolillo was arrested in a sting for sexting a minor (just a week or so after CNN put out a "Climate Change Special Edition" documentary & interviewed the douchebag). This creep was alsooooo...a realtor. Selling post-Camp Fire lots. Also denies climate change in that brief interview.

My lil 'norcal' quip about our real estate scene - this April in Paradise, CA Vice Mayor Michael Zuccolillo was arrested in a sting for sexting a minor (just a week or so after CNN put out a "Climate Change Special Edition" documentary & interviewed the douchebag). This creep was alsooooo...a realtor. Selling post-Camp Fire lots. Also denies climate change in that brief interview.


anyone know where I can get the sources for the podcast

Lev I Bortz

It's the Zinoviev Telegram, not the Dimitrov Letter. Named for Comintern Head, 1st Troika member, and noted fool, Grigory Zinoviev.

Lev I Bortz

Dimitrov was a later head of the Comintern, and of the Bulgarian Party. There is also a Tennis player by the name.

Leah LaBouche

I hope Liz dives into Wyatt Koch's terrible line of rich guy Tommy Bahama style shirts in the next episode.

Sam GL .

New ep yesss


I love going to the post office and seeing that it has been replaced by a Taco Bell/Pizza Hut combo store.


Hey, don't wanna critique too hard or be dick, definitely could just be my impression.. some of ur jokes are really falling flat in the intro & the "magic dynamic" you used to have between brace n Liz not as present. All podcasts seem to dip a Lil' after a 1yr just hope you can find that again. All the best, just ignore if you disagree. Byee Xx

Wesley Hrubes

RIP BUCK 50... M.O.E.T.

john n lomax (edited)

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2021-07-23 00:53:19 Solo D&D Players of the World Unite!
2020-08-28 09:45:54 Solo D&D Players of the World Unite!

Solo D&D Players of the World Unite!


Mr. Firetwerks

joan (edited)

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2021-07-23 00:53:18 If you want more info on school choice check out The Broad Foundation(real estate mogul) and Democrats for Education Reform (DFER)- hedge funds & corporations and how their $ and influence intersect with elections. Education privatization is a bipartisan effort. The only difference between Republicans and Democrats is D's do not promote vouchers. In short, Under the Obama administration, Arne Duncan paved the way for Betsy DeVos'. Read anything by Diane Ravitch for background on all of the education reformers & their network of misinformation & money. https://www.salon.com/2013/09/15/diane_ravitch_school_privatization_is_a_hoax_reformers_aim_to_destroy_public_schools/
2020-08-28 11:14:41 If you want more info on school choice check out The Broad Foundation(real estate mogul) and Democrats for Education Reform (DFER)- hedge funds & corporations and how their $ and influence intersect with elections. Education privatization is a bipartisan effort. The only difference between Republicans and Democrats is D's do not promote vouchers. In short, Under the Obama administration, Arne Duncan paved the way for Betsy DeVos'. Read anything by Diane Ravitch for background on all of the education reformers & their network of misinformation & money. https://www.salon.com/2013/09/15/diane_ravitch_school_privatization_is_a_hoax_reformers_aim_to_destroy_public_schools/

If you want more info on school choice check out The Broad Foundation(real estate mogul) and Democrats for Education Reform (DFER)- hedge funds & corporations and how their $ and influence intersect with elections. Education privatization is a bipartisan effort. The only difference between Republicans and Democrats is D's do not promote vouchers. In short, Under the Obama administration, Arne Duncan paved the way for Betsy DeVos'. Read anything by Diane Ravitch for background on all of the education reformers & their network of misinformation & money. https://www.salon.com/2013/09/15/diane_ravitch_school_privatization_is_a_hoax_reformers_aim_to_destroy_public_schools/

joan (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 00:53:18 Here are more links to aid your research on education privatization: Anything by Diane Ravitch is amazing & a wealth of information. Search her blog for all of the players & you'll find well researched posts. https://dianeravitch.net/ http://hedgeclippers.org/hedgepaper-10-the-double-standard-of-success-academy/ http://hedgeclippers.org/rahm-emanuel/ More here on DFER from The Progressive & its links to the Kochtopus: https://www.dferdinos.com/ The privatizers dream for education became reality after their takeover of NOLA public schools after Katrina: Read anything by Mercedes Snyder, a teacher in NOLA if you want to get into the weeds of how these vultures operate https://deutsch29.wordpress.com/ Eli Broad has his dirty fingerprints all over NOLA https://deutsch29.wordpress.com/category/eli-broad/ Essentially, there are several education privatizers working in both political parties. Republicans have historically hated public schools- especially after Brown v BoEd. The Kochs & white supremacists started the privatization in the 1950's as a racist effort to maintain segregation via charters & vouchers. https://southernspaces.org/2019/segregationists-libertarians-and-modern-school-choice-movement/?fbclid=IwAR2M4-XxDt9isuO5G388pwDbwvYk_bRuUbe9EIm1OBsTMgLhUUgR-HxCkQ8 For background on how Dems jumped on the privatization wagon read Richard Rothstein's account. In this piece Rothstein is reviewing Steven Brill's book about education reform & the reformers writing policy to promote charter school growth soon after Obama was elected: https://www.epi.org/publication/grading_the_education_reformers/ "The reformers’ arrogance is best on display when Brill gloats about the charade of appointing anti-reformer Linda Darling-Hammond to lead Obama’s official post-election education planning, while DFER, with funds from Eli Broad, wrote a secret memo for the “informal yet real education transition team.” Jon Schnur organized the effort and strove to calm his nervous fellow-reformers, assuring them that the Darling-Hammond appointment was only a sop to a faction that would have no real influence, while DFER’s secret memo set forth the Administration’s actual policy – including the naming of key Gates Foundation and Teach for America operatives for crucial administration policy posts, and calling for use of student test scores to evaluate teachers. It is disclosures like this that make Brill’s book something less than the unambiguous morality tale he aimed to present"
2020-08-28 11:40:47 Here are more links to aid your research on education privatization: Anything by Diane Ravitch is amazing & a wealth of information. Search her blog for all of the players & you'll find well researched posts. https://dianeravitch.net/ http://hedgeclippers.org/hedgepaper-10-the-double-standard-of-success-academy/ http://hedgeclippers.org/rahm-emanuel/ More here on DFER from The Progressive & its links to the Kochtopus: https://www.dferdinos.com/ The privatizers dream for education became reality after their takeover of NOLA public schools after Katrina: Read anything by Mercedes Snyder, a teacher in NOLA if you want to get into the weeds of how these vultures operate https://deutsch29.wordpress.com/ Eli Broad has his dirty fingerprints all over NOLA https://deutsch29.wordpress.com/category/eli-broad/ Essentially, there are several education privatizers working in both political parties. Republicans have historically hated public schools- especially after Brown v BoEd. The Kochs & white supremacists started the privatization in the 1950's as a racist effort to maintain segregation via charters & vouchers. https://southernspaces.org/2019/segregationists-libertarians-and-modern-school-choice-movement/?fbclid=IwAR2M4-XxDt9isuO5G388pwDbwvYk_bRuUbe9EIm1OBsTMgLhUUgR-HxCkQ8 For background on how Dems jumped on the privatization wagon read Richard Rothstein's account. In this piece Rothstein is reviewing Steven Brill's book about education reform & the reformers writing policy to promote charter school growth soon after Obama was elected: https://www.epi.org/publication/grading_the_education_reformers/ "The reformers’ arrogance is best on display when Brill gloats about the charade of appointing anti-reformer Linda Darling-Hammond to lead Obama’s official post-election education planning, while DFER, with funds from Eli Broad, wrote a secret memo for the “informal yet real education transition team.” Jon Schnur organized the effort and strove to calm his nervous fellow-reformers, assuring them that the Darling-Hammond appointment was only a sop to a faction that would have no real influence, while DFER’s secret memo set forth the Administration’s actual policy – including the naming of key Gates Foundation and Teach for America operatives for crucial administration policy posts, and calling for use of student test scores to evaluate teachers. It is disclosures like this that make Brill’s book something less than the unambiguous morality tale he aimed to present"

Here are more links to aid your research on education privatization: Anything by Diane Ravitch is amazing & a wealth of information. Search her blog for all of the players & you'll find well researched posts. https://dianeravitch.net/ http://hedgeclippers.org/hedgepaper-10-the-double-standard-of-success-academy/ http://hedgeclippers.org/rahm-emanuel/ More here on DFER from The Progressive & its links to the Kochtopus: https://www.dferdinos.com/ The privatizers dream for education became reality after their takeover of NOLA public schools after Katrina: Read anything by Mercedes Snyder, a teacher in NOLA if you want to get into the weeds of how these vultures operate https://deutsch29.wordpress.com/ Eli Broad has his dirty fingerprints all over NOLA https://deutsch29.wordpress.com/category/eli-broad/ Essentially, there are several education privatizers working in both political parties. Republicans have historically hated public schools- especially after Brown v BoEd. The Kochs & white supremacists started the privatization in the 1950's as a racist effort to maintain segregation via charters & vouchers. https://southernspaces.org/2019/segregationists-libertarians-and-modern-school-choice-movement/?fbclid=IwAR2M4-XxDt9isuO5G388pwDbwvYk_bRuUbe9EIm1OBsTMgLhUUgR-HxCkQ8 For background on how Dems jumped on the privatization wagon read Richard Rothstein's account. In this piece Rothstein is reviewing Steven Brill's book about education reform & the reformers writing policy to promote charter school growth soon after Obama was elected: https://www.epi.org/publication/grading_the_education_reformers/ "The reformers’ arrogance is best on display when Brill gloats about the charade of appointing anti-reformer Linda Darling-Hammond to lead Obama’s official post-election education planning, while DFER, with funds from Eli Broad, wrote a secret memo for the “informal yet real education transition team.” Jon Schnur organized the effort and strove to calm his nervous fellow-reformers, assuring them that the Darling-Hammond appointment was only a sop to a faction that would have no real influence, while DFER’s secret memo set forth the Administration’s actual policy – including the naming of key Gates Foundation and Teach for America operatives for crucial administration policy posts, and calling for use of student test scores to evaluate teachers. It is disclosures like this that make Brill’s book something less than the unambiguous morality tale he aimed to present"


See Adam Curtis's "The Trap" series (it's on YouTube) for interviews with James Buchanan and his influence on Margaret Thatcher. Public Choice Theory was used on the British Health System. The popular show "Yes Minister" turned out to be Astro Turfing for Public Choice Theory and earned the writer a knighthood from MT

Riley Ubben

I have a decent source who told me that Noam Chomsky was hired at Arizona using Koch money


Dennis Quaalude Jr. is gay the intros and yalls dynamic have only gotten better over time


not an app girl.....i'm full entree ❤

Frank Cold

I’m going to do some research related to Koch bros and their lackeys in my state of N.C and I can send it to y’all when I’m done.

Ed O'Brien

at the end of the episode liz says the right understands grumshee better than the left ... what’s grumshee?

Matt Whalen

This was great I've never heard the Koch crap explained as clearly and on point

Jack Lawrence

Gramsci wrote about "cultural hegemony" - essentially that the beliefs of the dominant class become the status quo.


Killer episode again. I was pretty obsessed with Democracy In Chains and highly recommend it to anyone interested in this topic.

We Can't Let Neal Win

Pretty hilarious listening to a Marxist freak out about a rival ideology creeping into academia. “The libertarians have taken over George Mason University!!” Oh no, only 5000 Marxist dominated faculties are left in the country!

Gee Mama

The invisible hand of the market is not gonna fuck you bro

Pete Seeger

It was the perfect opportunity for Chomsky to drop the Thatcher line "society, there is no such thing" from the end of "Neoliberalism" as it was directly inspired by Buchanan. In Buchanan's mind, the idea of public good or public interest is meaningless in a world of self-interested actors. To him, the largest group that you could theoretically collapse the interests of is the family, and even then very tenuously.

Michael S. Judge

If I remember right (I studied this once), cracking, the technology Fred Koch sold to the USSR and to Hitler, was kinda the prequel of fracking: you pump a shitload of very highly pressurized water into a seam between lithic strata or geological formations where you hope you might find oil. Fracking, as I understand it, takes the same principle but uses fluids specially designed to tear apart geological layers (water full of caustic chemicals, bits of microscopic ballast, etc.).

Connor Zaft

And yet Libertarianism dominates the economic mainstream and sets policy while Marxism is beyond marginal and even basic social democratic provisions aren't even on the menu... so maybe they're right to be concerned.

Michael Sechman

I've spent 13 years in academia and have not once been assigned a single page of Marx. There are only liberals and critical theorists in the academy.

Kai Chalmers

Yung Chomsky dropping that Steve Reich piece :0

Jeremy Silver

I have a demand that I expect to be fulfilled. Please if you could so kind to do this . I will be your best friend. I want por favor a financial podcast with Liz and another female. I usually find that type of stuff dry and boring but liz does a great job with it. As does brace I just think mr fireworks wouldn't be interested in doing a financial podcast. And yes brace gave himself that nickname after the 4th of July on an episode


omg hearing brace a liz talk abt cock


Ending my long time patronage to the show this month over the idiotic Bernie or bust comments. Peace.


not to be rude but were you genuinely surprised that they thought this?

Kennedy Connor

the senior senator from 1974 or bust


Liz reading the Powell memo with Brian Eno in the background was amazing. More readings with Eno music please haha!

Andrew Cheramie

I been thinking of the libertarian left as anarcho-liberals or neoliberal leftists. I get the impulse no doubt, but the ideological overlap of what amounts to a middle class (petit bourgeois, individualist) kinda leftism and other middle class type ideologies (regular liberalism, even fascism when libleft is antipopulist and antimarxist). Cuz it's obsessed with decentralization/correct ideology/personal autonomy and often grows among materially privileged ppl, the libleft is easy for the right to high jack it and use as leftwing anticommunism. Fuck Koch and fuck Gene Sharp too


That Zelda noise tho


Yo what was that book recommend?

Em Zora

What was the dungeons and dragons word??? I don't think he said it.