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We are joined by investigative reporter Matthew Petti to talk about the recent alleged oil deal in Northern Syria, different factions in the State Department, Washington's possible desire for militiafication in the North, and what the future might portend.


On the Trump/Pompeo team: nationalinterest.org/blog/middle-east-watch/state-department-seeks-maximum-pressure-iran-syria-116666

On the history of rebels and Brett McGurk: nationalinterest.org/blog/middle-east-watch/made-america-how-us-government-paid-turkeys-war-syria-94401

On the pencil incident: nationalinterest.org/blog/middle-east-watch/exclusive-inside-state-departments-meltdown-kurds-90241

On the CIA analyst talking about an Arab SDF: nationalinterest.org/blog/middle-east-watch/inside-iran-hawks-hijacking-trumps-syria-withdrawal-plan-90041

On the Bolton book the multicolored map: nationalinterest.org/blog/skeptics/exclusive-john-bolton-tells-how-iran-hawks-set-trump%E2%80%99s-syrian-kurdish-disaster-163062

On the oil and Assad: https://reason.com/2019/12/03/the-madcap-scheme-to-take-syrias-oil/

On Delta Crescent: nationalinterest.org/blog/skeptics/did-mike-pompeo-mislead-congress-about-syria%E2%80%99s-oil-166158

On Russia and the oil: nationalinterest.org/blog/skeptics/us-general-were-talking-russia-about-syrias-oil-166762

On the peace talks: nationalinterest.org/blog/skeptics/syria%E2%80%99s-kurds-we-were-cut-out-syrian-peace-negotiations-167396

plus other recommended reading

The cursed photo of Rayburn and some other details on the oil by Zack Kopplin: newrepublic.com/article/158841/pompeo-trump-steal-oil-kurds-syria-iraq

On the reason for being in Tanf: al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/06/us-tanf-base-syria-john-bolton-trump-troops.html

On the corruption at Tanf: thedefensepost.com/2020/04/16/syria-rebels-defect-maghawir-al-thawra/

On Mazloum’s leaked message to US leaders: cnn.com/2019/10/12/politics/us-syria-meeting-doc/index.html




True anon confirmed recorded in the San Francisco Armory

Kate Wright

Y'all, I cherish this podcast so much, its a fantastic resource and has made me feel less alone in this crazy world. Thank you!


Anyone know which episode is the first? New sub here


Unless I am an idiot and it's not the 2nd discussion on the topic...


this iirc https://www.patreon.com/posts/episode-xix-of-30874567

Clay Perry

Really love the transition beat around 9 mins

Jake Huffcutt

Sending love Brace's way- it was clear how much talking about this meant to him. On another note- it's been hard not to be so cynical and bitter lately, but this podcast is such a joyous voice for the left. Thank you for making this, I hope this is as fun for you to make as it is to listen to <3

Doug Cartel

Eyes Left Podcast did an ep on mike Pompeo and his connection to "the 86 mafia" - west point class of 1986 and how they just fucking infest america like fungus on a log. Maybe theres more to investigate there.

Doug Cartel

But yeah, condolences to brace, i cant imagine how much it sucks to watch the YPG slowly get ground down.


YC put a lot of effort into this edit, it did not go unnoticed 💯💯


For books on Syria I'd recommend those by journalist Patrick Cockburn; he's actually spent a lot of time over there over many decades unlike your average Blue Check™ regime change troll. Listeners of the Moderate Rebels and Radio War Nerd pods will know who he is. So far I've only read his 2014 book The Rise of Islamic State, but he's released three since then (the last one, War in the Age of Trump, was just released a month or two ago).


Incredible stuff thank you. I hear this tactic of arresting the wives of left wing fighters and raping (and often killing them” used all over the world in the 70s and 80s. Nicaragua (where they also castrated the guy) South Korea and pre revolution Iran. No doubt in my mind it was part of the CIA and fort benning playlist. As an Armenian it especially boils my blood and Brace I would love to hear more about your experiences with other Armenian fighters and ASALA members


Brace ruined the ending

Katrina Greschner

Such a great episode...I have one request, however, the next time you talk about Turkey, can you go into their relationship with Saudi Arabia...I am a bit murky on the details


Are there any sources out there about the US Special Forces patrol up into the Qandil mountains from a few weeks back. The only information I found on it was from a VOA Kurdish reporter who suggested there were talks going between the PKK and US.


What a fascinating episode! More examination of obscure internecine political activity is needed all over, and discussions like this are hopefully how we get there. Thanks!

David Mitnick

Not sure if this is just my phone, but its very hard to listen to this on Patreon. There's no way for me to fast forward or rewind. Does any one have recommendations? I don't have a computer at the moment.


Hi, you get a private RSS link when you support trueanon on Patreon. You can add this link to a standalone podcast app such as Apple Podcasts (on iOS) or Podcast Guru (on Android). When trueanon posts a new episode it will be downloaded to the app and you can play it more easily from there.


Amazing episode guys ❤️ thank God you exist

c tay

Am I the only one who hears asshat when he says Assad


young chompski with that hard beat @8:20

Danielle Larmore

I have many questions. Is this going to go public before I kill Ghislaine, so the victims know? If so, how will we be protected from arrest?

Doug Welch

I’ve been seeing headlines that US and Russian troops have been tangling in NE Syria. But the US base @ Al Tanf border crossing is a total affront to that old saw we call “International Law”!


"Welcome to TrueAnon - you gotta do the reading." Love you guys so much.


Ending my long time patronage to the show this month over the idiotic Bernie or bust comments. Peace.

Travis Weaver

Brace and the Bekkka's