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We talk to author Jathan Sadowski about the rise of SmartCities, covid-19 surveillance states and finally answer the burning question: what is 5G?





Lee Bryant

Yall funny and lighten my day, but 5g is having five gnomes in the yard and that's always a red flag


I can’t wait for the cuckbot 5000 to be released in these smart cities. Just going around and fucking everyone’s significant other.

Melinda S

Thanks for a great episode! I have a hard time phrasing it, because I'm not that smart, but I really liked how you guys put the technological advances into the contexts they are being used and could be used, and who it really advantages and disadvantages. Your discussions were really eye-opening.


Great guest great ep


Great episode

Late Capitalist Filth

Great, interesting fun show. Got off to a rocky start but then was one of your best. Chomsky with the nice spicy inserts


could tell right out of the gates this would be a banger ep, jathan rules, keep it up

Tanner Notch

wish my name was Jathan


part of the reason so many 5g towers have to be built in the first place is because the US military is sitting on a big chunk of the mid-waves https://www.politico.com/news/agenda/2020/02/22/pentagon-airwaves-midband-106240


5G = 5 green orcs


I recommend Technopoly by Neil Postman — prescient in how it describes how advancement in tech is presented to the public as a foregone conclusion without any thought to the repercussions

Living the Borgesian Kafkaesque Ligotti Horror Dream

This is such a great episode. If you want a historical view, I recommend Tung Hui-Hu's "A Prehistory of the Cloud" which really shows how connected the internet is with highways and previous movements of Capital. It all extends from the past. It's new only in its specific sense and old in its general sense. There's another great lecture by Matteo Pattisquasi about "How the General can be Specific" which connects databases with the ledgers and organization of slaves on slave trading ships that is a good watch "Protocol" by Alexander Galloway is also a great Marxist take about computer technology

Lou TheGivingFish

Awesome episode. The thing that baffles me is are regular people even clamoring for 5G? Even from a mindless consumerist perspective, what will people get from this? The "downloading a video in 5 seconds versus 5 minutes" argument has a marketing appeal but probably has near zero value for any person. I am still skeptical that VR gaming is actually going to take hold in a broadly popular way. As they point out in the episode, it genuinely seems like this is entirely for government and companies than it is for any citizen. Given how invasive this is going to be, the question should be what is in it for us? And I don't think many will like the answer.

Gabo Goff

What’s the first quote from

db (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 01:03:44 Thank you for serializing <3
2020-05-02 19:18:40 Thank you for serializing <3

Thank you for serializing <3

Bong Bong

Anybody remember the "someone you know is going to die of coronavirus" statement of a few episodes past? Did that hold true for you or was that just some hyperbole and doom-mongering as it was for me?


great great episode

Bong Bong

I think the idea that the apocalypse is right around the bend, any second now, is sounding increasingly hollow and irritating. And I wonder what happened to the Left; that they seem to deeply need Covid-19 to be a megadeath apocalypse to feel validated.

Bong Bong

True Anon really missed the boat by following the lamestream media on the whole Covid-19-is-the-apocalypse thing and not looking critically at the lockdowns or the continually juked stats.


didnt brace and liz themselves mention in a different episode or stream, that some of their acquintances died?


This was such a good episode, really enjoyed it.

Sagar Dubey

Where’s episode 64?

Ross Marcinizyn (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 01:03:43 Great ep. &amp; Jathan’s a babe
2020-05-15 03:00:57 Great ep. & Jathan’s a babe

Great ep. & Jathan’s a babe

Andrew Cheramie

Even if China was perfectly harmonious internally, internal surveillance would still be necessary. The US successfully balkanized two countries not very long ago and is trying to do the same thing to China. To paraphrase Parenti, if there's a CIA then you need a KGB. Technology is in the final analysis neutral, what matters are the social relations around it.

Ethan Hunt

Broke: 5G is being covered up by the telecom companies because it will cause cancer. Woke: 5G is being covered by the telecom companies as a psyop so we don't look into their sketchier activities. Bespoke: 5G is being covered by the telecom companies as a psyop against Chinese tech.


Yo, been listening for a few weeks starting at episode one. I fucking love you two.