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Hello friends,

Please join me (Yung Chomsky) on Twitch this evening for another Synth Saturday stream. I'm excited to welcome my first guest, Dan Boeckner, whom you may know from Wolf Parade, Handsome Furs, and Operators.

Side note: When I first got into lifting barbells, I had a few go-to songs that I would put on in my headphones to get pumped up before a heavy set. When I had to do a difficult deadlift, I would almost always put on You Are a Runner and I Am My Father’s Son from the first Wolf Parade album (which is absolutely killer, start to finish). That nasty drum intro would get me incredibly juiced to do some deadlifts. Goddamn I wish I could do that right now. Anyway.

You can expect more synth tips, some Q&A, and performances from Dan and me. Don't miss it!



Anthony Doyle

Dear Sons and Daughters of Hungry Ghosts is also a slapper.