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Hey everybody. We’re streaming tonight at 5 PST/8 EST at www.twitch.tv/TrueAnon

 saying that reminds me of “hey everybody” from the Simpson’s “Dr Nick” character, who was based off of Elvis Presley’s real-life physician, Dr. George C. Nichopoulos. He was a typical “Dr. Feelgood” type that rockstars of the time often had. Nowadays they probably just call up damn UberEats and order a pound of ketamine. I don’t know.

One thing about Dr. Nick—after Elvis’ death (impaction due to 50 pounds of fecal matter), Dr. Nick briefly served as a road manager for Jerry Lee Lewis who not only probably killed at least one of his wives (not the 14 year old, a different one) but also once drove up dead drunk to Graceland in a Rolls Royce with demanding the frightened gate guard let him in to enact some apocalyptic scene with the King. The guard, Harold Lloyd, told Lewis that Presley was asleep. More likely Presley was in a hypnagogic fugue; True sleep is difficult when under the influence of barbiturates and benzodiazepine; at most one lies in a sort of nightmarish hammock suspended over the collective unconsciousness, by which I mean the drugged one is sleeping in terror. Jerry Lee Lewis thanked the guard, turned the hulking Rolls Royce around, and took off into the night. Minutes later had smashed the Rolls into some fucking object or another and was cited for being drunk and driving with a suspended license.

The next night, the Killer returned. Lewis was given that nickname before he killed one of the women that he married & before he shot another’s wives father in the chest with a high-caliber handgun (the man doubled as his bass player, survived, and didn‘t quit the band. You don’t find that sort of dedication to art these days. Everyone’s just in it for themselves.)  

This time Jerry was in a Lincoln Continental, a massive vehicle with headlights like the wide-eyes of a speed freak. There was a pistol on the dashboard; I’m not sure of the make and model. He demanded the gate guard open up—for those out there who’ve never made any sort of demand surrounded by a pistol, let me tell you: It helps. It always helps. but it can push people away, too. Lewis said “Tell Elvis the Killer is here to See him.”

Gate Guard calls the house. Elvis was not ready. He was a better man in some ways than Jerry Lee Lewis but he was not MORE of a man, if that makes sense. If the calibers were matched, then the apocalypse that Lewis was ready for would’ve occurred, and one of the men would’ve been injured or slain by a bullet. Elvis most likely; barbituates arent good for the eyes, whereas everybody knows that alcohol brings Out the meanness in a man and while I do not endorse this I realize it could help with a gun fire situation. This did not occur.

The Killer was howling at Elvis, the gate guard, the moon, everybody. Nobody came but the Police. Elvis died years later of, like I said, 50 pounds of impacted human shit, and Jerry Lee Lewis is still alive. He’s still playing shows. Sounds awful. I love It. Just total dog shit. You know how Dylan plays just so terribly now, I mean he has since the 70s but now it’s just pathetic? Lewis makes Dylan seem like old Dylan. He’s a god in this respect. did you know Chuck Berry gets paid in brief cases full of cash? He’s bad too—I’ve seen real footage of him pissing on a woman then refusing to kiss her because of that—but Lewis is a demon. He‘s the Devil’s Friend. I do not condone his actions—but neither am I really capable of condemnation. I don’t have it in me. He’s not a good man but he is a man. He’s something. He’s corporeal. I barely know anyone who’s above the level of a ghost.

  • Anyways today I’ve been listening to his country records. See you on the Stream tonight. 5 PST 8 EST www.Twitch.tv/Trueanon 





I don’t know why it made it go to bullet points. I did this on my phone


Bruhhh I wanna watch these so bad but I work every night starting at 5pst:(. Could y’all do one ~*~late night ~*~


I can do a solo one where I read from the Koran but this is generally the sweet spot...they are recorded tho so you can watch em on the twitch channel


Bet thank u :)


Brace please come through with late night Koran readings


Thanks for the live streams been loving them!


Kelly got tested today


Colonel sir, thank you for keep me sane.


The Killer JLL has the wildest Wikipedia hole to fall down and you did a bone-chilling and somehow compassionate?? exec summary. Cheers to you, BB.


It was a 45, a spread like shotgun, but it'll blow away anything in front it- I fkn hate guns