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TrueAnon opens up the binders &  examines some of the many loose ends we’re faced with in the Epstein case



Matt Jolo

Liz, just do voice work already. You'll go right to the top of AI assistant competitive marketplace of AI voiceover.

Stateside Reds

Fuckin el, is that doctored? That’s incredible Liz, or I’m a rube. Like all the way

Stateside Reds

I mean the voices thing in the open. I am rube

William Brame

Why do you guys hate Roxanne Gay?

Clay Perry



No but really see the next comment down—Oyler does a pretty good job of explaining some of the problems w her. To tell the truth I don’t think about gay much I just can’t stop myself from saying stuff and have very little control over what I say

A Martian

brace have you seen what the bleep do we know? it's good for the metaphysical trip you're on. i also recommend the cosmic serpent by jeremy narby if you want to read about... ummm... invisible spirits and DNA and atoms....

A Martian

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6G3-Zc9mtM never seen this extended version and haven't watched the original since 2012 but here we are

Eric Brower

I have been having synchronicities as well, Brace

A Martian

cosmic serpent he looks fried but for good reason https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWpbNTfgjXY

Sam GL .

I always wanted to bring up the whole glass eyeball collection at epsteins manhattan penthouse and its possible connections to jimmy saville

Michael S. Judge

you know he called her "Camilla Pepto-Bismol"


I demand a liz asmr special for patreons


i really like this podcast

Matthew Marcum

What was the name of the youtube documentary?


I like how Brace is on this synchronicity kick.


Jungian psychology is astrology for grad students


mmmm pastreon


53 lbs isn’t that much for a shredder lol, this is 53 lbs https://www.amazon.com/ideal-Continuous-Operation-Paperclips-Horsepower/dp/B00TOF6BU0/


holy SHIT he bought a *225 lbs* Ricoh Aficio MP C3003 A3 Color Multifunction Copier - 30ppm, Copy, Print, Scan, 2 Trays with Stand (Renewed) ????????

Evan Fisher

Liz has gotta start doin some ASMR


I've never been able to tell (I guess how could we) if that was just synchronicity or a sign of something else


Good luck getting us Mainers to join the same state as massholes


Love when you guys get on Wexner, New Albany, and OSU. Former Cbus resident here. Always hated New Albany for more aesthetic and cultural reasons, but I can tell you Columbus overall has a creepy vibe. It’s a great city, but not unusual for young men to disappear from bars. Also the intersection of major interstates and US highways, so there’s a palpable undercurrent of drug and human trafficking.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac_Newton%27s_occult_studies Newton woulda been about it


What is the (I assume Brazilian) tune at 15:03?


Y'all need to get whitney webb on soon. Listening to her do an interview with Tim Dillon and its kind of blowing my mind.

Torgeir Tannenwald

It's from a movie by Terry Gilliam you definitely should see, but I can't remember the name of it right now. It stars Jonathan Pryce and Robert De Niro. Don't know what it has to do with anything brazilian though.


Are you guys going to do anything on the Westminster pedophile ring in the UK?

Vito Di Stefano

I agree with Brace that Yungian psychoanalysis combined with Dialectical Materialism is the key to unlocking astral-communisim on the instrumentality plane.


sorry if im missing some sarcasm, torgeir, but the movie is terry gilliam's Brazil

Tre Kendrick

But BART operator voice...


pushups in a chair?! do better Liz


"You don't know the interior of dogs" is one of those quotes that should be framed

Tre Kendrick

So Ghislane in the copter shooting a tank makes her a smoking hot bond villian

Charles Muller

I just started listening and the New England thing cracks me up. I live here and maybe it's just me but traveling to different parts of the region....it all may look exactly the same but can feel like a different country. There's some weird biases around these he'ah paahts, ayuh.

Austin Maciey

I’m deeply offended this attack on chicken as a pizza topping


what is the movie called ?


incredibly impressed by liz's MUNI voice

Andrew Greenleaf

Not weird at all Brace, that the father in Camus’s “The Plague” is a trains-man. Big on the old timetables. Normal shit.


Damn I would pay extra for Liz to voice literally anything in my house. And no way will I be in the same state as Massachusetts.

Dylan DeMarko

LOOOOOOL I work down the block from Dream Times Square shit always has gawdy money/definitely fake models outside smoking at night

Bryan Cox


Bryan Cox


Hans Schwitzerworst

I blame the Brits for making all things Dutch so confusing in English! In Dutch (the language) it's a lot more straight forward. The country is called Nederland, the people are Nederlanders and the language is Nederlands.

Floyd Hill

I blame the UK for almost everything bad in existence, to this day. Russians Intelligence is right when they say covid-19 was released by them too.