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Brace and Liz talk Iowa caucus, the grift of the consultants, and get generally frustrated talking about the democrats yet again



Dennis Lyons

The buttijieg (intentionality not spelling that name right) in the kitchen pantry bit 💀💀💀💀


Been waiting for the true anon take on Iowa



Ivan Berko

Liz is so on fire young Chomsky might need to get a bucket of water


Liz is gonna SPEAK ON IT

J P 3

Think something like 41% of Warren voters have Sanders has a second choice. Biden it's a plurality at 35%. Right now the "moderate" lane has more people competing for the votes. In order to qualify for delegates it's 15% statewide, plus some local calculation. e.g. recent California poll had Sanders as the only candidate to clear of 15%, meaning he would receive almost all the delegates, if no one else cleared 15%. I think Pete's function in the race is to slow Sanders momentum, until Bloomberg gets in. Apparently that also looks like the function of the DNC.

Justin Hubbard

Liz stop saying incompetency, it’s incompetence (don’t call me a lib please)

Albert Koyra

What article is she referencing? I didn't get the name

Simia Canis

If it's incompetence, people get fired. If it's intentional, they claim incompetence and nothing happens.

Sean Muth



THEY 👏 DONT 👏 MISS 👏 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


my man said "right in our field house"


incredible ep. This podcast is like mud and my ears are dirty lil piggies


name of the track on min 43 cmoon


Pretty much all the tracks in the pod are by me (Yung Chomsky) although this one happens to be an instrumental cover of “Lost in My Bedroom” by Sky Ferreira

John Harwood

This ep rulez. Thanks for giving voice to our righteous fury, malapropisms and all! Also, Yung C for VP

Red Baltimore

Bernie Sanders is the only viable candidate for president that isn't linked to Jeffery Epstein in any way.


His name is Peter Paul Buttigieg, so P P Butt for short if that helps.

Andrew M

I thought he was going for a Crypt Keeper thing at the beginning

Michael Barbarich

Sometimes, when brace gets on his dumbshit or liz gets a bit too sectarian about her leftism (Nestor Mahkno did nothing wrong,goddamn it).. I think about spending my ducats elsewhere. Then they drop episodes like this one (and I could never cut my man yung chomsky off ). Good job.


Mahknovites in tha house!