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Science Liz and Doctor Brace find a cure to the Coronavirus — but at the cost of their sanity

Buy tickets for Brooklyn, 3/18: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/trueanon-live-who-killed-jeffrey-epstein-tickets-92792124743?fbclid=IwAR2kd0QWLi_fL3hiLD6fQRFQxC6oRw7ynX6qppkBREYzRulsFGr-aplUgIQ

Buy tickets for Philly, 3/22: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/trueanon-live-who-killed-jeffrey-epstein-tickets-92783278283?fbclid=IwAR1c3JAFD2ykmGjQhvxIf2tH2LZ9kvUr_PcnXXMWsiAxD-MwOyefpVbgGT0



Anon Ibid

So wild listening to this now knowing brace dies of covid

Ars Vulgata

You never miss


Liz and braces voices soothing me to sleep ❤❤🤜🤛🏾

Ivan Berko

me and all of my old friends are coming to the bell house


I was going to say something really mean to Brace about Fish Town, but then I remembered that in Philly they throw batteries... so good luck at Johnny Brendas BRACE!

Doug Cartel

I assume trueanon already saw this but NYT is reporting some bank he opened up in the VI has been picking up activity since he died?

Brian Stewart

Yo Brace and Liz have you read Poisoner in Chief? Also, have you considered doing an ep on the post-9/11 anthrax terror? Would love to know what you can dig up on the supposed perpetrator Bruce Ivins, the Fort Detrick (🚨🚨🚨) biowarfare scientist who “killed himself”.


How was the watch party?


Soo that's what I have..


PS Fishtown is great but you have to actually go there before the name fits perfectly lol


I was pretty ambivalent to the whole situation until I heard this recent episode of Geopolitics and Empire, the guest drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 and is p blackpill "Dr. Francis Boyle discusses the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China and the Biosafety Level 4 laboratory (BSL-4) from which he believes the infectious disease escaped. He believes the virus is potentially lethal and an offensive biological warfare weapon or dual-use biowarfare weapons agent genetically modified with gain of function properties, which is why the Chinese government originally tried to cover it up and is now taking drastic measures to contain it. The Wuhan BSL-4 lab is also a specially designated World Health Organization (WHO) research lab and Dr. Boyle contends that the WHO knows full well what is occurring." Francis Boyle: Wuhan Coronavirus is an Offensive Biological Warfare Weapon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsyujjitOFM He goes into the BSL4 lab, and the Harvard doctor among other things, I'm going to go with this being a big woopsie in China but there's a 25% chance it was the US


I thought you guys did a pretty great job at covering the science-y stuff, most people get it terribly wrong. Here are just a few small corrections I wanted to point out: Coronavirus is not the same as influenza, they are two different types of virus - in fact SARS is a type of coronavirus. The one that’s going around now is a novel strain called 2019-nCoV. The HIV CRISPR thing is complicated but one important thing is that the doctor who did the experiment did not prove that this would protect against HIV, or even that the experiment worked as intended - there are a lot of really bad potential side effects of CRISPR technology at its current state which is why it’s illegal to do on human DNA (not including super intelligence by the way which is pure science fiction).


Come to Baltimore!

Bee Swagtastic

If anyone wants to research germ warfare in the Korean War, it's a weird rabbit hole. Basically, the Koreans found a bunch of their soldiers dead after a bombing by the US but the bodies were also covered in ticks. The Chinese government at the same time finds out that the US government has employed a team of Japanese scientists that did pretty horrific germ warfare in China during WWII. For some reason, the US has all these scientists in a boat off the coast of Korea during a lot of the Korean War. So China get a team of doctors to test the ticks and they say they were definitely germ warfare. The doctor who did this test came out years later and said he fabricated the results at the behest of a high-ranking Chinese official who apparently thought that the Chinese and Korean governments were vulnerable to plague whether the US was doing it or not and used this to get a lot of funding and propagandize to get better sanitary conditions in the country. Meanwhile, a bunch of American POWs in Korea admit on video that they are using germ warfare, probs under a bit of torture or at least coercion. The US government for some reason claims these men weren't coerced into saying that. They were BRAINWASHED by a cocktail of meth and psychedelics. They get these POWs back and get a team of scientists to "undo" this brainwashing. Those were the MK-ultra scientists. This is all extremely fucking weird.

Marie Volterano

Just got my tickets.... absolutely ready to take Brace & Liz out in Fishtown then Liz and I can head to Nicetown. Let me know if you need a place to stay.

David King

Gonna get filleted in fish town


Excellent Ep as usual, also just bought 2 tickets to Paradise! (AKA your Philly Show)

Violet Lucca

In Stephen Kinzer’s book “Poisoner in Chief” (which is about Sidney Gottlieb who oversaw MK-ULTRA, Fort Dietrich, and all of the unethical CIA experiments with LSD), he writes that the documentation from Unit 731 was hidden in temples by those in charge. The US then struck a deal with the scientists who worked at Unit 731 to obtain their research. Kinzer suggests that they didn’t get Paperclip-type deals to come to the US because of racism/too many perceived cultural differences. So, racism is the actual worst disease.


Bernie won!


The jackhammer bit had me dead


im selling 2 tickets to the sold out 7pm nyc show ! lmk if u want them :)

Palmer Fliss

A friend of mine used to work at Ft. Detrick in one of the cancer labs, no one in his building would drink the tap water bc of concerns abt Agent Orange in the water supply

Palmer Fliss

Yeah, plus the tech for gene editing and synthetic bio stuff has existed for a while now, CRISPR is just significantly easier and less expensive to design for your gene target of interest.


Liz going off on Dengists hell yes

Dan Davis

"The GG Allin Of Podcasting". Indeed!

Tristan Ryan

Brace and Liz go on Blocked Party pls

Ethan Hunt

Charles Lieber worked with the Wuhan University of Technology (WUT), which is not affiliated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), the organization containing the BSL-4 lab you mention. (To add to the confusion, there's also the Wuhan Institute of Technology (WIT), which isn't affiliated with either.)

Fhjklmn bo

Should do an update on covid lab leak conspiracies (which are real), what are we gonna do about GOF research? They're already doing GOF research on the covid virus lol.

Spencer McKee

Listening to this episode in 2021 is fucking surreal