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Liz and Brace chat with Guardian journalist Jason Wilson about his explosive new piece exposing the identity of the leader of far-right extremist group The Base, get weird with some conspiricizing and talk about the strange history of the HoneyPot





Ars Vulgata

You never miss

Joe Howden

Keeep at yo shiiiiiit

john n lomax

The Guardian article says he went by Ron Nazzaro in his college days at Villanova. There are only three people with that name in the USA, and only one in his age group. If you Google "Ron Nazzaro," you find someone of that name credited in the acknowledgments for the National Defense University Institute for National Strategic Studies publication Strategic Assessment 1998: Engaging Power for Peace. He is listed as a researcher and graphic designer for this military intelligence publication. If it's the same Nazarro as the one in those articles, he would have been about 26 at the time, which seems about right for 1998. "Hey, who knows about computers in here? Get that Nazarro kid." That publication's editor was Hans Bennindijk, who is now a fellow of the Transatlantic Security Council. Binnendijk's deputy was David Gompert, who went on to become Director of National Intelligence under Obama and is now a senior fellow at RAND. The last man on the masthead is the hardest to track -- one James L. Zackrison, who runs an LLC in Falls Church, Va called Mater Navis. "Combating Piracy" is all the elaboration you get on his LinkedIn. He has also published Pentagon documents on instability in Colombia back in his days at the National War College at Fort Lesley McNair in DC. So you have this kid out of Villanova doing research and graphics for some heavy hitters in military intelligence...And then he vanishes from the Internet for the entire 2000s and pops up only now that his Nazi ring has been exposed.

john n lomax

Ah, I see he mentions that in y'all's interview.


The chik chik of the shotgun will always make me smile. GET EM!!

Detective Cat (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 01:11:12 What's your take on this whole banking business as reported by the failing NYT today?? https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/04/business/jeffrey-epstein-estate-bank.html?action=click&module=Latest&pgtype=Homepage
2020-02-05 02:32:22 What's your take on this whole banking business as reported by the failing NYT today?? https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/04/business/jeffrey-epstein-estate-bank.html?action=click&module=Latest&pgtype=Homepage

What's your take on this whole banking business as reported by the failing NYT today?? https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/04/business/jeffrey-epstein-estate-bank.html?action=click&module=Latest&pgtype=Homepage

William Akins

Anyone else having trouble getting ep 40 to show up?

William Akins

This gumshoe is ready for a promotion then Boss!

Chachi uday

Interesting how trump’s goals are very much in line with the base’s goals. The whole destroying democracy to seize power and create a white ethno-state thing.


Ngl this episode confused me. Idk what I’m supposed to take away from this. Isn’t it a good thing the feds are honeypotting nazis? Or is that bad? Or am I supposed to think this wasn’t a honeypot and that the feds are literally building a nazi movement?

Adam W

it's bad because they are certainly implementing the same tactics with the left.


Idk how to reply on the app but I thought maybe that was their point but they almost never talked about it at all which is unlike them so I was just confused what to take away. But thanks :-)


Just started this podcast a few weeks back and I'm listening to it in order and I finished this one a few minutes ago. One of the odd things about the 3 dudes arrested in Georgia is that one of the guys was actually a Canadian soldier, who illegally crossed into the United States in North Dakota/Minnesota. One of the local papers had a reporter go undercover and infiltrate the org as posters started popping up around town. They published it, within a day or two the RCMP (our Feds) raided his home and he went missing as they issued a warrant. Many of my friends wondered where he was and then he was suddenly arrested a few months back.


Anyway, love the podcast, and I'm looking forward to the Nygard episode as he's also local and the allegations around him were an open secret for years here. Winnipeg represent! (But not actually excited because both dudes I've mentions are perv turds)

Andy Orsburn

In 24 years of left activism I have yet to meet a “member” of antifa. I still think it consists of individuals doing research and tracking down neo Nazis but not collecting funds or holding meetings. There is no such thing as “joining” it, at least not in Chicago.