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TrueAnon talks DNC machinations of years past, shallow state & media psy-ops, and reminds our listeners about the psychotic vampires who are out for blood and treasure




Your predictions were pretty spot on

Gideon Weinerth

God, this brings up so many bad memories in 2024. We can't even have a primary. Glad I am not a Democrat anymore.

Ryan Rutledge

Having just finished the previous episode and am a few minutes into this episode, I think it would be great to unlock this episode.


This is so good. You guys should take this one outside the paywall.


You should do a show in Portland


Great work, make this publicly accessible!

ultraviolet sasquatch

For real, this is important. Share this with everyone. I live in Milwaukee and I'd much prefer to party than get hassled by cops for yelling in the street

Karen Agena

I was so mean at the Democratic Primary in North Dakota. I yelled and fought tooth and nail about the way the process went (paper ballots in pencil counted with no verification, the head of the Minor DNC in Ward County a known Clinton supporter voting himself as a supposed “impartial” delegate (who accused me of being a Nazi socialist!), constructing an elaborate algorithm to suppress Sanders supporters, lots of people with paper print outs PROVING they were registered Dem being purged b/c DNC ND leadership only went by their “internal” roll calls). The Dems changed rules and were supposed to hold a training but kept cancelling it. Not that ND is really important but in the end Sanders did win ND and I think if Sanders would have won the nom it might have gone to him which could and can create a solid voting block in the Midwest.

William Juhl

Book Slut only ended recently and it's host is still pretty cool for a gen Xer. She runs a good podcast at Public Intellectual. You should do a crossover.

David Anderson

Has anyone put together a document that lists, with sources, all the ways the DNC fucked Sanders in 2016? It would probably be longer than the Mueller Report.

Terence Connolly

Open this up, deserved to be heard by everyone.


Gonna be at your show at Zebulon. I’d be down to discuss any advice on starting a barista union here in LA. Been thinking about it for years. I’ve got a lot of contacts and ins with the LA coffee world.

Crumboblious Cutlets

Please unlock this! Yall paint such a bleak picture with this. Everyone needs too know this.

A Martian

https://lbpost.com/news/lawsuit-claims-new-voting-machines-could-favor-some-candidates the primary is already being fucked in los angeles county with a completely new voting system and locations its going to be a shit show

J P 3

There were tons of shenanigans in 2016. I'm still traumatized. The biggest one though was the control of the debate schedule, which limited Sanders visibility in 2015. However, in Nevada, it's my recollection that what was really at stake was 2 delegates out of 4,700 to the national convention. e.g. Bernie's people had out-organized at the county conventions, the practical effect was that he would have "won" the state, but in terms of the delegate count it was only a net 2. Worth noting too -- Harry Reid and Hillary Clinton had an adversarial relationship. It was Reid who encouraged Obama to run in 2008. He helped to build the Culinary Workers. Believe his former chief of staff is now running Sanders campaign, so if Sanders has momentum going into Nevada, I wouldn't be surprised if the Culinary Workers went with Sanders in 2020.


This exact thing happened in the senator race in TX between Beto and Cruz. I saw it happen with my own eyes.


New patron (first time on Patreon ever) just wanted to say kudos for the Lyin’ Liz and Episode 37 podcasts. 👍 Evil Liz been driving me up the wall for a long time (even from Canada) and it’s been annoying watching people be taken in by her nonsense. Fortunately, the last few weeks seem to have clarified things. The Lyin’ Liz episode was the hook for me, looking forward to catching up on what I’ve missed. 🙂

matt wyble

Glad Liz got the effect


Unlock this for education


Sending it to everybody in slack is a pain in the ass


*Raises fist* Liz, I am in love with your brain. Brace, I love you, too, but for less intellectual reasons. Im with samble up here ^^^ UNLOCK for education of gloopy brains, like my mother.

Eli Harold

We have a lot of new voters this round who weren't with us during 16 and this episode would help educate them to the ratfuckery please unlock at some point.


all emotional listening to this at 5 am, going to a Bernie barnstorm today at a brewery

Dean Redfearn

Oyler’s essay on Trick Mirror is in the London Review of Books, not LA. 😝

Andrew P.

Anybody have a link to the Nevada caucus rigged against Bernie in ‘16 played in this episode??

Jacqueline Kramer

can you guys post epstein zebulon show?

Cooper DeMarse

I’m in Des Monies canvassing for Bernie and a well-know CNN guy is at the hotel bar wearing the EXACT same pinky ring that those other pervertsI wear. I got a pic.

Garfield Compton

Unlock this pretty please! Thank you, good job, fucking unlock it. Butthole kisses.

michael dees

unlock this one it need to be heard by the people

Isaac Swafford (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 01:11:29 https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=wRVZTilDVLU
2020-02-01 14:40:24 https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=wRVZTilDVLU



So if ya'll were wondering they will not be posting the *ZE* *BU* *LON* Show - they said it at the show; be jealous! also I've verified that yungChomsky is a time traveling clone in case you were wondering. Alas, yes I also agree that the sheeple need to hear this one.

pod accoster

I also vote for unlock for all the lonely people out there


Holy shit! Thank you for this - I'm having the worst gas lit/deja vu cramps -feeling gut punched by cynicism, but this 'cast helped me catch my breath. **deep bow** Thank you so much

pod accoster

Thank you for unlocking this episode! A public service to all the Demonrats-by-default out there, cowering in the shadows


I’d be really interested in a reason list of all the articles mentioned in this joint.


Dear Conspiracy Queen. Could you drop a reading list of everything related to Killary stealing ‘16 from St Bernard????

Tristan Ryan

Liz and Brace go on blocked party


Listening to this in 2021 you guys were exactly right about the Biden presidency


We really dropped the ball on this one

Dorrian Weber

Listening to this in July 2022 is so depressing