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We take a detailed look at the career of Elizabeth Warren, granddaughter of a white man who murdered an unarmed Native American in 1906



Matt Jolo

Its so true that the workers of this nation are stuck because the worker-management cooperative boards are so ineffective and harmful across the board.

Matt Jolo

I never forgot how they did my boy Bernie dirty in 2016. Media assassination.


lol hell yes

Sarah Anderson

Is it true Bernie won’t vote for impeachment ?


Lmao thanks guys

Ivan Berko

I can’t wait to close the bar to turn this on. JFC


I’m a pedophile to my bones

Adam Smeltzer

This is the most I've looked forward to a podcast in my entire life

Sam GL .

Lyin liz wrecker warren we see you 🐍


Love how spicy you guys got on this one. Go off king/queen

Kai Chalmers

Where's my $50 Brace?!?!

GoldenBoy Oe

I like this one it had some umpf behind it also Brace just lost all of the money he renegotiated through the union ... #wewant10monthspremo4free


boil up some lipton and spill it on my crotch baby

Simia Canis

I'm from Tennessee and was also told all my life that there was some Native American in my ancestry. In my case it wasn't something that my Republican family was bragging about, though.


Hole episode on fire


Intl Bernie fans you can make calls for him here: https://berniesanders.com/call/ They give u a script n make it easy do it

Ben Clarkson

Elizabeth Warren has ONE Native American (First Nations) ancestor 6-10 generations ago. The rest of her family raped and murdered the Cherokee and kicked them off their land.

Robert Granniss

Anyone else having trouble playing this on the phone app?

Gabo Goff

who is anand?


Thank you Liz for bringing 'who care' back into my vocabulary

Red Baltimore

Yung Chomsky is the only podcast producer that actually makes the podcast better rather than just ensure it's listenable. Even if he takes the name of notorious CIA pedophile Noam Chomsky.

Marc Mayerson

This was true in the 1960s but with emergence of Native rights and social/political changed I suspect as more programs, etc, developed.in1980s, certainly not at elite level job applications. Did any indigenous person student or teacher ever try to rap about the conditions for native-American success?

spectacular commodity

So mad rn... people with actual tribal connections and family and community lose tribal affiliation and benefits, health etc. due to blood quantum issues. While this fucking WASP tries to pull this shit


Will you ever touch the grooming gang controversy in the UK? https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/life/tolerant-nation-time-shamed-grooming-gangs-prey-girls/


Feel like black Epstein


otr just means dont quote or attribute information


highly recommend downloading RSS Link for your podcast App, Patreon App sucks.


My siri responded to Liz. That’s diction. 🔥

Paul Beresniewicz

quite possibly the best podcast ever recorded


The dawes rolls were a racist record keeping device to keep the native population from ever growing again. Thousands of natives were kept off the list because they couldn't provide birth certificates. Liz is a white weirdo.

Milo Gallagher

boil up that lipton and spill it on my crotch