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A psychotic episode finds Brace and Liz deep in the Maxwell mainframe—and face to face with the FBI

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Agape is likely the greek uh-GAH-pay, meaning unconditional love

Mark (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 01:15:19 Oh god this is the ep where I cringe isn't it? I've been a Thelemite for years and Evangelical conspiracy theories about Crowley were always fun to read but not my favorite commie podcast. (teasing, was a good ep, guys. i feel like i should also add that crowley had a huge falling out w Parsons over that Babalon working, mainly cause Crowley thought Parsons was losing his shit (and he did literally lose almost all of his shit to Hubbard) bc the Babalon working thing was basically just the plot of a novel he wrote. he later chose KArl Germer, nazi death camp escapee, as his successor for the OTO. for parsons stuff, the book Sex & Rockets is great btw.)
2019-10-07 06:06:49 Oh god this is the ep where I cringe isn't it? I've been a Thelemite for years and Evangelical conspiracy theories about Crowley were always fun to read but not my favorite commie podcast. (teasing, was a good ep, guys. i feel like i should also add that crowley had a huge falling out w Parsons over that Babalon working, mainly cause Crowley thought Parsons was losing his shit (and he did literally lose almost all of his shit to Hubbard) bc the Babalon working thing was basically just the plot of a novel he wrote. he later chose KArl Germer, nazi death camp escapee, as his successor for the OTO. for parsons stuff, the book Sex & Rockets is great btw.)

Oh god this is the ep where I cringe isn't it? I've been a Thelemite for years and Evangelical conspiracy theories about Crowley were always fun to read but not my favorite commie podcast. (teasing, was a good ep, guys. i feel like i should also add that crowley had a huge falling out w Parsons over that Babalon working, mainly cause Crowley thought Parsons was losing his shit (and he did literally lose almost all of his shit to Hubbard) bc the Babalon working thing was basically just the plot of a novel he wrote. he later chose KArl Germer, nazi death camp escapee, as his successor for the OTO. for parsons stuff, the book Sex & Rockets is great btw.)

Chris Horymski

Convicted pedophile Gary Glitter set to earn big royalties from ‘Joker’ movie -- ...the makers of the movie have stoked controversy for featuring Glitter’s 1972 hit “Rock and Roll Part 2” in a lengthy scene.

David Powers

Hi Liz and Brace, if you have questions about religion and the occult, I would be happy to serve as your resident excerpt. 1. RE Agape: it's pronounced "AH-GAH-PAY", and it is a Greek word for love that is, for instance, used to describe the "unconditional love" that God has for humans in the New Testament. So, there is a bit of a joke in using this term to describe a milieu known for promiscuous sexual behavior. 2. RE Crowley, of possible interest( 1) affiliated with British intelligence, (2) covertly responsible for the creation of Wicca via his influence on Gerald Gardner, which makes him a major influence on the American "new age" movement in general, (3) claimed in 1917 that his 1904 channeled work, "The Book of The Law," came via an entity known as LAM, and included a portrait of a being that looks a hell of a lot like an alien grey, long before that was a concept in popular culture.


News from Ohio... https://www.dispatch.com/news/20191007/epstein-accuser-says-he-assaulted-her-in-new-albany-home-near-wexner-mansion

Amanda McKinley

Have you thought about a crossover pod with Enty Lawyer? I love both of the pods.

John Holland

The suicide squad bit is interesting - did you know that Jared Leto recently purchased Lookout Canyon, the secret 1960’s US Air Force movie studio in Laurel Canyon? Maybe worth looking into that cult he’s starting...

brock carpenter

Which episode # was the followup about crowley, the occult and secret societies?