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Brace rings up the Balkanist’s Lily Lynch and talks sex slavery, Color Revolutions, Cuban-Serbian CIA rap and the scumbags at USAID



Jason Matthews

I think that the David Packouz-Efraim Diveroli saga, inspiration for the crappy Jonah Hill vehicle War Dogs (2006), would benefit from the Epstein treatment. The official account doesn't make a lick of sense, and Packouz offered happy ending massages before and after his career in military contract spoofing.

Lion Summerbell

Great ep. One thing though: USAID was always a CIA op

Benjamin Cheney

Prístina: where one of the biggest streets in the city is Bill Clinton Boulevard and there is a large statue of him along it. Great episode, as always!

Benjamin Cheney

Speaking of air cargo companies- the “H” in DHL- Larry Hillblom- is probably worth an episode

David Powers

Wow, Brace you stayed really on topic, I was impressed... Anyway, fantastic interview. And get well soon Liz!


Great great stuff!

The Squash

If anyone has any suppliments reading on this topic that would be great. I'm feeling pretty functional this week. Cant let that continue.

Johnny Spanish

Great ep. was just in Croatia and Bosnia. You can really feel the divide, especially in places like Mostar where the Croats shelled the Bosniaks in the eastern part of the city for three years. There’s a good Radio War Nerd episode (#72) about the Bosnian War, includes a lot of topics discussed here.


I lived in Pristina for half a decade after Kosovo declared independence, and I remember a cafe that was frequented by EU and UN folks that was closed after a pedo ring was discovered. Apparently it was a front. Been trying to find an article about it, but it's been wiped from the net. Gives me an odd feeling since I had collaborated it's existence with friends that live there.


Also, completely agree with your guest. It's a shame to see how US interests have moved in to capitalize on the resources there. W Clark owns a coal company there, and they have a massive military base. You can't even enter it as an American civilian.

Dakota Geimer

Damn. Chills after that story about her neighbor switching shifts. Tearing up at work right now

Sam GL .

My favorite episode

she's all rat

Just had a re-listen in light of the recent "protests" in Cuba. I'm a serbo-croat, really a Yugo if you take my extended family into account. Thanks Brace and Liz for being one of the few sane voices on all these topics and histories. And for condemning eastern euro rap 😂 except Speak's "Stop the War" that's a banger for all time

Caden Emry

they were pretty persistent with that pro-democracy hip hop