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Kevin Spacey's house of cards stands tall after pulling Joker’s Trick, Brace gets a little too into chemsex, and Liz spills the tea Epstein on Epstein style



Brendan Garcia

FYI, Airmail.news is not Vanity Fair, but it is a Grayden Carter publication. So Vanity Fair adjacent?


you guys need to discuss the franklin ring at some point


what level do I need to subscribe at to fly out to san fran and be on the cast


not a pedophile btw

amelia hassani (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 01:15:53 tbh i'm kinda into "Keep Calm & TrueAnon"
2019-09-23 22:22:52 tbh i'm kinda into "Keep Calm & TrueAnon"

tbh i'm kinda into "Keep Calm & TrueAnon"


Be nice to Liz!


Guys MbS was a visitor at the MIT Media Lab a year or so ago. Check it out


"Sigal Mandelker, the Zionist Under Secretary of the Treasury in charge of enforcing sanctions and boycotts, was one of the high-ranking Department of Justice officials who signed off on the nonprosecution agreement with Jeffrey Epstein in 2008. Was she the one who told Acosta to back off on Epstein, as he belonged to intelligence and was above Acosta’s pay grade?"

Seth Reed

Ligurio! You are a clever Cove! Are you on Twitter?


No. I have an addictive personality.

Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 01:15:49 Anybody want a mug? https://www.facebook.com/PlainCityAuction/photos/a.2434249706661480/2434253006661150?type=3&sfns=mo
2019-09-28 16:01:55 Anybody want a mug? https://www.facebook.com/PlainCityAuction/photos/a.2434249706661480/2434253006661150?type=3&sfns=mo

Anybody want a mug? https://www.facebook.com/PlainCityAuction/photos/a.2434249706661480/2434253006661150?type=3&sfns=mo

Mike Gatlin

I love this podcast its fucking awesome


"You wanna know how I got these scars?" Incredible Ep


Maybe it's Patreon, I don't know anymore, but I can't get this episode to play, download, nothing. Are u guys anywhere else? Bc I've been dying to get OFF this platform for a long time now, I have a long love hate w Patreon. Love the ones I support, HATE this godawful platform that works when it feels like it. And half the damn it don't feel like it. And now not even able to download is pissing me right off bc it will not work while I'm on the road. Ever. I've been on Patreon since 2015 supporting various people and it they never fix anything so emailing support has gotten me nowhere but did waste a lot of time, lol, so.... Any suggestions or a different platform? I'm probably dipping out at the end of the month, sadly. I might have to stay for Enty, until he maybe makes his stuff available somewhere else too. I just can't with Patreon anymore. Thanks for any suggestions to get this thing to work.


Actually NONE of your episodes are playing. Ughhhh, I have to leave my house now though. Which means no wifi to download. I'll have to check back on my break. Totally bummed, I'm so behind on episodes 😔😔

Ryan Forest

just have to say that any research in to "AI" or "machine learning" currently is no where near close to being able to reproduce anything even resembling an actual consciousness at all, not to mention that science and philosophy is not closer to understanding consciousness of even animals than they were 100 years ago

Andrew Criscione

All three of Kevin Spacey's accusers have now died of unexplained causes, and he put out a second video on YouTube, same channel as the first, the day before the third died.

Lettuce Jones

We reeeeeeealy need another Kevin Spacey episode. I can't get over the fact that Ari Behn "commited suicide" LITERALLY THE DAY AFTER Spacey's xmas eve 2019 video where he talks about "killing them with kindness."

Kate Baldwin

Listening to this because I was forced to watch midnight in the garden of good and evil on Christmas