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Our friend Tim Faust stops by for extra special dive into the perverts in health insurance and private equity, and the revolutionary potential of Medicare For All. 




too hot for patreon

Lucas Marsh

More like young wrongski




But I don't want to lose my insurance lol hahaha


I use nicotine to help me with chastity.


You should unlock this one... I want to share it with my lib acquaintances

Daniel Epstein

I am hereeee for policy liz, such a good ep

John Harwood

@crulge rules. Fixing health care costs would save trillions, and reduce the the number of backyard pools. M4A, all day, every day. ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼✊🏻✊

gently shake the bees

really great information in this one. people need to hear this!


Why is the M4A episode paywalled lol

Mark Rainey

Excellent listening while I sit in the emergency room, suffering from what is likely a case of the mumps. So stoked that I get to ironically enjoy this hip retro virus thanks to anti-vaxxers like Bernard Selz..... you guys should do a follow-up on those kooks.

Alex Payne

LOVE this. You don't see deep-dives into the healthcare industry from a class-conscious perspective very often and I'm here for it. You guys should think about doing episodes like this for housing, education, etc.

David King

Great ep, been wondering what to do about my broken dick


+1 for providing radical political education to conspiracy theorists

David S.

please unlock this very important episode!

Peter T.

Warren was named the first Woman of Color at Harvard Law, "cited in a paper called 'Intersectionality and Positionality' ..bring this up to any one of these PMC Warren fuckin liberal freak-ass unfuckable dorks, and they're like this isn't a problem." Go OFF queen!!!!

Jordan Fish

Best M4A discussion I've heard, by far. Please consider unlocking at some point.


Check out Medicare for All Week from the Death Panel Podcast it's v good


listening 3 years later as my girlfriend’s terrible healthcare has landed her in the hospital because she couldnt get a staph infection treated properly or get an appointment scheduled within a month