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The gumshoes take a trip with Blackwater to the MIT Media Lab




I'm in love with Liz's voice. She should narrate audiobooks


Fuck the biters, TrueAnon is best.


Feedback for a few moments. You guys are so much fun to listen to first thing in the am for me. 🤟🏻 my 2yo is deaf so I crank you guys up while she watches toons on mute while we rockabye to get her back to sleep early am


my theory is jeff in his latter days was cooking up some scheme with his CIA and tech pals to breed a generation of compliant sex slaves for the ruling class to use for procreation/ritual abusr purposes, but the roberts case risked exposing too much so the cabal put him on a one way night train to the big adios


Why did billionaire Bill Gates need Epstein to funnel or mediate his donation to MIT? This makes no sense unless something else was going on. Why did the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, MbS, visit the media lab in 2018? What is the history of the relationship between MIT and the CIA? Also Savile enabler running NY Times https://amp.theguardian.com/media/2012/oct/16/new-york-times-mark-thompson-jimmy-savile-bbc

Gregory Dodds

“Broken” appears most interested in the salacious, sexual aspects of the Epstein case while dodging the most obvious question: Why did Jeffrey Epstein know EVERYBODY?

Quincy Judd

Audio is all fucked up towards the middle


Around the 38 min mark there's a weird echo


Harry Potters weird like even just looking at the books' content. The sneaky big-nosed goblins that have a monopoly on the banks are like nazi germany-level caricatures of jewish people, it's really weird https://www.popdust.com/gringotts-warner-bros-2627451691.html


You should do an ep going over best sites, Twitter follows for Epstein info. Also, how about an episode on the politics of conspiracy theories? Marxist take is that this stuff is counter revolutionary, curious to hear trueanon take on that. 😶


Do we know what podcast they were talking about that refers to women as "holes"?


He said it was a Barstool pod and judging from what they have listed it's called Call Her Daddy.


Decided to subscribe after Liz's financial crisis rant and the thoughtful bit about using humour to process the grotesqueness of all of this in ep 7.


Can someone PLEASE tell me the name of the song at 57:30? It makes me feel not depressed.