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Randy Andy, The Spare Heir, the Dumbassed Duke... Prince Andrew has had lots names. We just call him “guilty”



Lucas Marsh

I want a damn t shirt 😭

QLoves CakeFarts

Yooo get the Qanon Anonymous pod guys on the podcast, y’all would love them. Both of you are fucking hilarious.

Benjamin Robinson

Great ep. Can’t wait to hear you dig in to the Savile stuff. Just finished a book about him. Dude was a fucking monster.

Lee Bryant

Fuckingham phallus... it's right there


Savile was a nightmare, in some ways he made Epstein look tame. The guy raped and molested children on an industrial scale and so many people knew but didn't do anything.


Whitney Webb https://alethonews.com/2019/09/06/how-the-cia-mossad-and-the-epstein-network-are-exploiting-mass-shootings-to-create-an-orwellian-nightmare/

Benjamin Robinson

In Plain Sight: The Life and Lies of Jimmy Savile By Dan Davies. I can send you my copy if you wanna read it.


Dang it brace accept my follow request please king


Yall are literally your own kind of PAYTRIOTS at this point