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True Anon foreign correspondent Dasha (twitter.com/nobody_stop_me) calls in to report from the scene of Jeffrey Epstein’s post-mortem court case.



natfos 💌

Trueanon has outlived Dasha Nekrasova

Lucas Sharp

Could you guys post some info on the meet-up and other ways to get involved in the EpsteinTruther Movement in NYC and beyond?


hit up @flossfurman on twitter

Phil Christman

This was really moving. I have never heard Dasha sound this sincere and it’s good of her to support her friend like this. A courtroom is a terrible place to be in the best of times.


you're gonna get a lot of mad cum town listeners over her break up with Adam. I'd ignore most of it for the next little while.


Damn Chomsky with "Tears in the Rain" type of synths after the interview.