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We interview Noah Kulwin and Marissa Brostoff of Jewish Currents about Epstein, Israel, continuity, and more.



Escher Beat

"do you know who arthur chu is?" oh boy here we go....


A used mop sounds like she was ridden hard and put away wet OH! 🥁


Important to look into the Mossad+mafia connection with Bronfmann, Steinhardt, Mega group. Check out Whitney Webb's articles on "Mega Group, Maxwells, Mossad"

Dan Davis

Great episode. Great content, but also great sound. The production is getting tight. I realize how nerdy that sounds. But yeah, you're killing it.

Alal Alal

Gamergate was legitimate, it simply reflected badly on the parent companies and siblings of gaming "journalism" outlets who were "cooperating" too closely with those they were covering, so those other parties reflexively portrayed it as a racism / misogyny thing even though that wasn't true at all.


The guys mentioned Epstein's interest in Peter Pan. The name Pan and his flute are allusions to the Greek god Pan. And you can take a wild guess where this is going. Pan was known for his insatiable lust and pursuit of nymphs and anything on two or four legs.


Lol gamergate was never legitimate go back to 4chan nerd

MC Ritz

Finally a podcast that has the balls to say “STOP FUCKING GAMING”

Alal Alal

What matters more, what is true or what makes you feel good? Do you think Gawker lost seven figures from gamergate simply because it was all horseshit?


I’ve never understood antisemitism. I’m Christian and grew up Lutheran but I really have no real connection to religion other than my belief in God or a higher power. Everyone should be able to worship in any way they want as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone. Why is religion such a powerful thing? I don’t hate anyone for their beliefs other than the terrorists who think if they kill people and blow themselves up in the process will be rewarded with 1000 virgins and all you can eat figs. Come on! Once you plow through the virgins and eat all the figs you’ll be bored and have the trots. Maybe they should pray for toilet paper and clean water lol. But really...I grew up loving Jewish weddings, Hanukah and other traditions I was part of through family and through my wonder 5th grade teacher who was the first Jewish person who didn’t marry into the family and he shared a little about traditions. 💜


I think we are forgetting the real enemy here. Hawk Hogan and the Fake Fakers of the Universe who accept compensation for fake accusations and lawsuits like the one that purposely bankrupted Gawker and other smaller news organizations, for the simple fact they were able to do it based on complete untruths without consequence. If Gamergate was real or not is completely based on wether you were part of the drama or not. Remember it's all relevant, one man's twelve year old is another man's birthday present. Stay woke bitches and don't sweat the small stuff.


Thanks for your feedback, Tracy. I appreciate you taking tune to read my thoughts and that it evokes enough emotion to tell me to stfu but I won’t. I love to ramble and your rudeness is such a commonality that it intrigues me how you feel that it’s ok to tell someone to STFU. Obviously, you need a hug. I’d love to give you a hug. I’m not trying to abuse anyone online. My joke about the figs and she poops was uncalled for. I will take ownership of that. I respect your opinion but too bad I never got it just a rude STFU which only causes me to analyze what I said and I admit that was pretty stupid for me to say. So I apologize for my insensitive comments. Thanks

Joseph Robertson

"I hate antisemitism so much that I am going to brag about it in the comments section" - Weihno


Yung Chomsky on the TRACKS! Straight bangers this ep 🦾 that’s the techno strong arm. you’ve earned it.


Wow… listening to this post covid, the PPP has taken on a whole new meaning

Ben Wood

I think it’s worth pointing out that the Chasidim were totally opposed to the creation of a Jewish state as mixing religion and governance would ruin both. I don’t usually agree with those guys but they had that one right.