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Brace and Liz join Jade Hoye of Count The Dings to discuss Epstein, the Moon Landing, JFK and so so much more. 

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I think this is my favorite episode so far despite the audio quality haha

Smooth Shrek

Hello from the future where, apparently, a bunch of countries are going to the moon now

Cal Fenton

Good episode! But please, god, no more laggy phone call interviews!! Unbearable

Samuel bahu

This is the convergence I didn’t know I needed

johnny d

i was moonpilled on this day


brace throwing away trash asmr

Lion Summerbell

The France angle is radically underdeveloped, but juicy: according to an article in Le Parisien, Samuel Pisar, one of JFK's economic advisors, as well as a Brookings Institute trustee, recipient of the Legion d'honneur, and close friend of Bill Clinton, was Epstein's go-between with Berlioz, his law firm in Paris (http://www.leparisien.fr/faits-divers/affaire-esptein-les-nombreux-liens-du-millionnaire-avec-la-france-13-08-2019-8133258.php).


This Jade guy has the personality of a stale beer burp.


Yo, seriously, has this Jade guy ever talked to another human being before?

Amy Braun

Love you guys but oof, the bad connection was excruciating

George Laurent

FYI guys the Nicole Kidman eyes wide shut Kubrick thing that you bring up in your latest episode is unsubstantiated and originated on what’s clearly a fake article site. Also this 24 minutes cut out of Eyes Wide Shut stuff - I’ve never seen anyone provide a source for this. In the Kubrick archives book you can see a storyboard for Nicole’s dream sequence which is clearly not in the film but I don’t know if it was ever filmed or if it would be 24 minutes. Love the show but please check sources or It’s just pizzagate!

Wasabi Debacle

I love you two!! I’m so fucking relieved to find a source of actual leftists talking about the shit I know is really happening... I used to have to put up with bigots and annoying trumpers any time I wanted to hear about this stuff. Keep doing what you’re doing!!

Welfare state

The moon landing happened, the soviets admitted it happened and the reason they didn't go was personnel problems in designing the thruster and that its increasing cost made going not worth it. The yanks could largely because they planned it out before the soviets and they had plenty of former nazi and soviet scientists working on it. Anyways, keep up the good work and fix your fucking mics


Of course the cameras weren’t working. Did we expect them to be working?

Neverside Labs

this might be my least favorite trueanon ep so far, this guy didn't know anything about the ep-files, and humoring the disproven idea the moon landing was fake just detracts from the very real epstein story focus we should have. please avoid riding wild black-pill speculation like moon-hoaxer stuff into actual q-anon and pizzagate territory. the whole reason the epstein stuff is so riveting is because it's the real thing that all the other conspiracies were spread to smokescreen away. there are plenty of extremely good breakdowns of why and how the moon landing is real. https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Moon_landing_hoax - this page extensively details the actual evidence that you'd have to be a reactionary to ignore.


much like kubrick, pasolini was killed because he knew too much about P2, the italian deep state and its mob connections

Alison Klemp

I love this show but is Liz not aware that Kevin Spacey’s allegations are for sexually assaulting underage teens and barely legal young men? It is very much part of me too and very much part of the pedophilic kabbal aka on brand for the pod? Felt like his actions were downplayed a bit. #justiceforanthonyrapp


I like how they find all these hidden messages in Kubrick movies, but not Dr. Strangelove as it criticizes the kind of John Birch Society anti-Communism that runs through all these conspiracy communities.

Paul Hansen

What is this DOD and Meet the Fockers nonsense about?




Oh my god reminded me of when I used to listen to Higher Side Chats before I discovered Marxism. Fun ep, don't agree with the moon stuff tho


Holy shit - that Montana school story... BRACE IS DIPPED


I took her to mean that the allegations were *more* a part of the global pedo ring story than me too. She didn’t say that explicitly though


the celona on the flight logs is probably a typo for Celina Dubin

MC Ritz

“”Stanley Kubrick was hired to fake the moon landing, but his perfectionism made them film it on location on the moon. —Duncan MacMaster

Alex (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 01:16:24 big ups to bassist of Les Rallizes Denudes for being involved in that hijacking <3 love you king
2019-09-02 19:50:22 big ups to bassist of Les Rallizes Denudes for being involved in that hijacking <3 love you king

big ups to bassist of Les Rallizes Denudes for being involved in that hijacking <3 love you king

MC Ritz

Who’s the Wendy person and the three part series mentioned at the end?

Alal Alal

Another important detail about the Kevin Spacey thing is how the charges were dropped half a year later. Also, the Roswell landing was largely considered to be disinfo material among ufo peeps

Alal Alal

I agree but I don't think "actual qanon" is a thing (though there's some real pizzagate for sure)

Alal Alal

Oh yeah, and I know three people who went to that Montana school (two went together). One of them went to the military right after because he figured it couldn't really be any worse, since at least the military won't punish you for so little as looking at someone. I think PBS did a special on the school. It really, really fucked up the youngest of the three who went, he has all sorts of drug problems now.

Neverside Labs

read a lil closer. i was saying they were veering into "actual q-anon territory" as in "actually crazy nonsense bullshit"


If Brace is going to be insinuating occult significance to NM ranch square-circle design and the island Temple then you need to look at the Dutroux case in Belgium from the late 90s and such.

John Marvin

Looking into these connections is worthwhile and all, but Liz needs to watch out with the "we never went to the moon" train of thought - there are literal human-made mirrors (the "retroflectors") on there which anyone with a sufficiently strong laser pointer and good aim can use to see with one's own eyes that mankind has had some contact with the lunar surface. It's not something you have to take NASA's word on - you can do it yourself. I've been more whateverpilled than ever on all conspiracy theories since Epstein, and I love this show, but I'd hate to see this show accidentally fall into the "anything but what they tell you" trap which I've seen people fall into when piecing the connections together with material like this.


Thing about the Moon is, it's just kind of weird that we've never went back, that no other country has tried to go, and that NASA is still trying to master deep reentry orbit and radiation protection. Amazing tech we had back then.

Tre Kendrick

Agreed, we brought Nazi’s over to build their dream of rocket. Buzz is still walking around, I was an Aero Eng. undergrad and saw him at AIAA Space Conference, still giving talks about space stuff. If it was fake they would have killed him.


Thats one of the reasons for the animal tests. Also They were just exposed to insane radiation levels, the astronauts reported if I remember correctly that they could see white flashes when their eyes were closed.

Adam G

Paul le Roux could be an interesting subject for a future episode. (Working my way through the backlog so apologies if this has already been addressed.) There is a long read on the Atavist that would be a good starting point. The 1MDB scandal could be another interesting subject, lot of shady money flying around that found its way into all sorts of strange places. Most ironic being the financing of the Wolf of Wall Street movie. Think there was a le Roux connection there too though I may be misremembering.

Ethan Hunt

There are many reasons to conclude the Moon landings were real: 1. Retroreflectors. These were placed at several locations during the Apollo missions and are regularly used to measure the Earth--Moon distance by scientific teams around the world. You would have to assume these were all deployed by remote lander at precisely the locations claimed for the Apollo landings, so your theory would require the supposedly faked landings to coincide with secret real remote moon lander missions, which seems absurd. 2. Moon rocks. There are hundreds of kilograms of moon rocks retrieved by the Apollo and Luna missions. These rocks have been studied by different research groups and all have the same crazy weird composition not found in Earth rocks. If the landers could carry hundreds of kilograms of rocks, it's not a big jump to assume they could be made to carry the weight of a few humans. The oldest rocks were dated as 200 million years older than any rocks on Earth. 3. Previous missions. Apollo 8 and 10 orbited the Moon, and this is for sure because the photos are higher-resolution than Soviet missions of the same time. Your theory would have to assume that secretly no humans participated in these missions and the photos were all taken with automatic cameras, which adds to the amount of faking required. 4. Independent verification. In 2008, the Japanese SELENE lunar probe landed in the same area as Apollo 15 and took photos matching the ones taken then. A space station in Spain, that had some NASA employees but wasn't entirely NASA, tracked Apollo 11 independently as it happened. The moon landing stuff stands up well to skepticism, unlike 9/11. Also, Adam Curtis's movies suffer because he deliberately avoids taking a historical materialist perspective that history is driven by economic forces, so they always end up being misleading stories of random individuals controlling the course of history. He's also explicitly said he takes a neoconservative perspective, and his movies often reflect this. They're still useful as compendiums of interesting events though.

Nic Bodiford

So Jade intros the podcast as “back and to the left” but the link goes to some show whose free episodes are a group of people talking about pop culture, bacon, and stuff. I want to hear more of what he has to say but this ain’t it. Anyone know what the deal is?

Stephen Longcoy

Did the kubrick episode actually come out ?

phil m.

This was so fun to listen to