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Hello, it's Watanabe here with my May dorm diary entry.

Today is the final day of Golden Week. I visited my grandparent's house and had the chance to catch up with relatives whom I haven't seen for a while. I was surprised by how much the kids in the family have grown - children really do grow up fast!

My relatives know that I work in animation, but they don't exactly understand what I do. I showed them some of the projects I've participated in and tried to explain, but getting them to fully comprehend seems to be quite a challenge, haha.

Among the projects I've worked on, there were some anime titles that my relatives recognized, which made for some lively conversation. I was glad we could connect over that. I hope that the next time we meet, I'll be able to share that I've been involved in production as a key staff member.

2023.5.7 Watanabe.







2023.5.7 渡邊



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