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Hi Everyone!

The start of the month means a new public post to showcase what got done over October! 

And If you like what you see below, it's all available to play in the current patron build of the game for those subscribed at the support tier (2nd tier) or higher.

You can also play the public demo here.  

So let's right into it!

Randomized Dungeons

This is the big addition to the game that took the lions share of time to create this month.

Previously the game had a single level space that was pretty static in nature. Not much changed over the months in terms of the layout players could explore.

Now each dungeon level is generated using pre-made tiles that link together when the level loads up.

The result is that each time the game is played the location of enemies, prisoners, chests, and the exit portal is different. Which I think is pretty cool!

As even more content is added such as new enemies and prisoners to the game this system helps to keep it all fresh and interesting.

Exit Portal Teleport Pickups

With randomized dungeons comes the fact that finding the dungeon exit is pretty tough now. Dungeons can get quite large and expansive.

So now there's a pickup that can be found that when used will teleport the player directly to the dungeon exit. It's found by defeating enemies.

Improved Beat Gameplay

A good week was spent this month fixing up the beat gameplay and making moving to the beat much more faster, along with much better feedback!

The stamina system was also overhauled and moving to the beat now recharges stamina a lot faster!

Better Camera Zooming

The camera now zooms into the scene it's showing off a lot better. It zooms in further and centers on the action.

Enemy Hit States

Enemies have had additional animation work done to communicate clearly when you've hit them with an attack. The enemy blinks a bit and shakes now.

What's coming in November due to your support?

So it's been over a month since anything particularly kinky got into the game. Last month was entirely focused on making the gameplay experience better.

So with that in mind the focus on November is solely on getting in a new prisoner type as well as seeing how I can inject some more fun kinky scenes into the game! :D

And that's what got done over October! :D What do you think?

- Caroo

- Play the public demo here.



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