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Hi Everyone.

It's been a hard-working week over here with some new and kinky art to show!

So let's talk about that new art:

1: What's New

All of this week was spent on doing the artwork for the new prisoner bondage.

This new prisoner type can be placed on a floor tile (as opposed to the one currently in game that could only be placed on north end wall tiles.) So prisoner placement is much more versatile once this new one is functioning.

The old prisoner wall is staying of course! It's a classic!

Gameplay wise I want freeing these prisoners to be a bit of a puzzle in that you have to find and deactivate the associated crystals that keeps the prisoners helpless.

In the long run I also want the type of stimulation the prisoner is getting to be variable.

As of right now the core art for getting this new prisoner type is in unity but not animated or any gameplay logic done for it yet. 

But I think with some hard work I could get it ready by the end of the month for everyone.

While what you see here is a flat image, It was made with over 40 individual pieces layered and imported into Unity that allows for both animation to occur smoothly as well as being able to replace out pieces such as hair styles, muzzles, and tails to create new prisoners entirely.

The goal will be to get a lot of different kink and character versatility out of the asset.

And as you can also see I've made body types for both male and female prisoners.

The plan with genders = You'll get to choose which appear.

Getting some males into the game has been requested by many patrons for a while and I've been wanting to do it. 

The overall plan with genders in the game is that before a game starts you'll be able to decide what genders of prisoners and enemies you want in the game.

Meaning if you wanted a pure male, a pure female, or mixture of genders in the dungeon then you'll have that choice. The prisoner and enemy character generators will keep it in mind.

I think this is important as it lets people enjoy the game on their terms.

This will of course take time for me to implement in full. I'll need to add male versions of the wall prisoner.

2: What's Next

Next week will be spent on getting this new asset animated and some logic tied up in-game so the player can free the characters. 

There's a lot that goes into making a new interactive object like a prisoner but It'll be worth it! :D

1-Week Holiday coming up:

A notice as well that I'll be on holiday from November 13th to the 21st. It's been a long while since I've gone on one and it'll be good to relax for a bit.

So there wont be any new content developed over that week.

So what do you think of the new prisoner type? :D


- Caroo




SHARKS great to see sharks here and both of them look amazing. Also did you say we get too choice what gender for them, did I hear right


Correct. In the long run I want the player to choose what genders of prisoners are in the game. Just to cater to peoples preferences.


That we get to choose the genders of the characters in the dungeon...any plans on the Bindmancer herself? 😊