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Hi Everyone!

There's lots of new and fun content to show that was developed during September for The Bindmancer.

If you like what you see below, it's all available to play in the current patron build of the game for those subscribed at the support tier (2nd tier) or higher.

And if your looking for something free the public demo can be found here! 

With that, lets get into what's new!

Enemy AI

This is the big feature for this month. We've got in the enemy AI and pathfinding logic that allows enemies to detect, follow, and attack the player character.

It's not 100% complete yet (in that enemies can't stop themselves from moving into each other.) But they do successfully navigate around the walls and static objects of the dungeon and move to the beat!

Enemies moving around the dungeon gives the game a much more dynamic gameplay experience. You have to move around to defeat enemies now!

New Enemy: Golems

I've also added a 2nd and new enemy type into the game: Golems.

Golems in the long term will have a range of attacks as enemy development goes on. But mainly they're designed to be fodder enemies that will drop resources when defeated and don't have a release / punish option once defeated. 

They're the cultists automated servants of the dungeon.

The current model uses its wrapper arms to bind up the character if they're not careful!

New Peril: Bindings

When the Golem attack hits the player it wont drain any health on its own but it will instead bind up the character and render them immobile, leaving them open to attacks by other enemies and traps!

Players must rapidly struggle to free themselves of the bindings before other enemies approach!

Of course, you should take a moment to appreciate how cute the Bindmancer Looks all bound up and helpless. <3

Dungeon Lighting

Another big change this month is the adding of a 2D lighting system to the dungeon level.

It gives the game a lot more atmosphere and visual polish to boot!

Many of the light sources are tied to lit objects like glowing crystals. Overall the new lighting makes the dungeon feel much more like a devious space that holds helpless captives.

Polished Dungeon Wall Assets

I commission my friend and fellow artist ALTART to do an improved version of dungeon assets and this month he was able to get wall assets in and they look fantastic! 

These additions add even more polish to the visuals of the game.

What's coming in October due to your support?

There's a lot of great stuff that could get in. Things I'm going to focus on include:

  • Making "Lore" Pickups in the dungeon.
  • Making another prisoner bondage type that's placed on floor tiles rather then wall tiles. Giving us more places to put prisoners to free.
  • Polishing a lot of the content already there. I feel like a solid week or two of just working on improving things would do a lot of good as well!

I hope you enjoyed this public update! Your support drives me to make this game better and better! 

And of course I'd love to hear your feedback!


- Caroo



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