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Hi everyone!

This week I've got a lot of gameplay polish to show off!

The original intent was to get a gameplay build out but I'll need to delay that to mid-next-week to QA and address a bug. 

But for now I can show you all the polish that's gone in this week!

Gameplay Video!

You can watch a full gameplay video of the gameplay improvements made this week here! 

1: What's New

So I wanted to spend at least one week this month working on polishing up the existing gameplay systems to make them a lot more rewarding to play with.

So lets go through what's coming in the next build:

Improved Beat Gameplay

The beat display now displays both main beats and secondary beats as well as counting up the number of beats you successfully move or interact in a row until you hit 4 beats and get a charge to your stamina.

So as you can see as I battle and move to the beat my stamina charges up!

I think once you get this new build in your hands the gameplay feel is going to be much better!

Enemy Hit States and Better Golem Death Animation

Enemies now clearly flicker and wiggle when you hit them successfully to show contact was made with your attack.

The Golem also has a much more interesting death animation now!

Better camera zooming.

The gameplay camera has gone a little bit outwards and the "Focus Camera" on situations like freeing prisoners and getting trapped by the mimic now zoom in much more and focus in. Allowing for much better detail!

2:What's Next?

The big ticket item for next week is getting a new build out to play and to start looking into a new prisoner trap design that you'll need to defeat to free the prisoner.

I don't know if I can do it this month but I'm also looking into building multiple levels that progress from one to the next. But I think there's a few weeks of work for that alone to happen.

Overall though I hope the video and these gifs are getting you excited for the next build! :D


- Caroo




This is huge. Congratulations on all the big touch ups, and especially the revamped beat marker system. You're giving us the chance to make more calculated decisions during gameplay, and that will certainly help when we start dealing with enemy forces of higher numbers, as well as boss fights. Thank you for your continued considerations and care for the player. We appreciate it very much ❤️❤️❤️


I wanna start by saying that I really appreciate all the work and effort you're putting into this game. I've enjoyed most of the builds you put out and I'm still excited to see the game progress. That being said, there's a lot I don't like about this new version. You lose Stamina so fast that it feels like messing up even once can lead to just instantly depleting your stamina and leaving you useless. The gap between enemies' attacks are so small that you only get the opportunity to attack them once before you're taking damage, and the new beat meter makes it incredibly difficult to time it correctly. Even moving incorrectly takes up an insane amount of stamina, while the "Hit the beat 4 times in a row" bonus feels like it barely recovers any. Aside from the actual gameplay, there are a decent amount of bugs, but that's expected. Sometimes the beat meter just doesn't show up, and once it even reverted to the previous version with just the big diamonds that only measured how close they were to the center. Also, occasionally I clip through enemies or get hit by attacks/traps that I'm completely out of by the time they trigger, which seems like it doesn't count you as having moved away until the animation completely finishes. In terms of design, it's also really difficult to pay attention to the UI at the bottom while trying to avoid all of the enemies, attacks, and traps. If I try to keep track of my stamina, I'm looking away from the enemies on screen, or if I'm trying to focus on the enemies, I'm not noticing as my stamina depletes to the bottom or as my willpower takes huge hits.


This is some excellent feedback. I agree that the current iteration of the enemies and the beat mechanics are a bit too harsh at the moment and I'll be looking to make the experience more easy overall :) Stamina loss right now is pretty extreme and there needs to be more of it. The big bug right now that's most felt is enemies clipping through each other and you. That's well known and basically waiting on my programming associate to become available to fix it. :)