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Hi Everyone!

Hope you've all been great this week. I've got progress to show on the chest work, as well as showing off some new art for the environment.

1: What's New:

Environmental Assets.

The artist ALT ART has been helping me in making environmental assets for the dungeon. It's a task I can hand off with some direction that leaves me more time to develop gameplay features.

This week they delivered an excellent gear asset, as well as some new pillars and revised lights. 

I'm a big fan of those turning gears!

Chest Keys and Chest Locks

I also created the logic and the artwork for picking up and using "Chest Keys" which are associated with Locked Chests.

The idea will be these keys will drop sometimes from enemies and the chests with locks on them may contain even more valuable items and rewards.

There are of course still "Puzzle Chests" which unlock if you complete the puzzle associated with it.

An addition, I've now tied a visual element of the coins vanishing as they're being collected out of the chest. So you'll now clearly know when there's no more treasure left to collect.

Mimic Chests

This is the start of the final week of August's content push. I want to get in a Mimic Chest.

These chests will be the rarest, but when they strike the player will need to wiggle free of the Mimic chest as it tries to quickly sap the willpower out of the player character.

2: What's Next?

Mimic Chest! - Next week will be a lot of work to make the artwork and create the game logic for  capturing the player and escaping the mimic chest itself. 

Next Friday is also the last week of August and so a new playable build will be available then!

What do you think of the new chests and environment assets? :D

- Caroo



Tyler Lewis

When creating the mimic chests appearance was this a design reference you used https://jojo.fandom.com/wiki/Stray_Cat#Original