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Hi everyone!

This week I've got some new art and some design docs to show off!

1: What's New

The first half of this week was spent on contacting some associates and writing up some design documentation to guide them in creating some content for the game.

The first is I'm getting some boppin music done for dungeon exploration. I want to get that music early in development as dungeon movement has a rhythm aspect to it.

The second was creating a design document for a friend to implement some player control mechanics from: https://kangaroogames.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KPT/pages/715259905/Player+Movement+Controller+-+Dungeon+Movement 

Then for the 2nd half of this week I got onto making art assets: Namely sprites for use in the dungeon environment.

In total for this week I was able to get done some chest assets, the asset for the player character and an asset for the Cultist enemy type:

And more is to come!

When these assets get into the game they'll also be bone animated to move subtly to the beat of the music. :D

So overall I think it's been a productive week! All this effort is driving towards trying to get you all a playable prototype of this new game as quickly as possible. 

2: What's Next:

The next week will be focused on more sprite art asset creation. Getting enough sprite assets done to make gameplay prototyping meaningful and looking good at the same time. :D

What do you think about the current art assets?


- Caroo

PS: Some Kinky Isabelle Sketches

It's not really associated to this Patreon. But for those who love to see Isabelle from animal crossing get it bad. There's some sketches attached I did just for the fun of it this week. 




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